Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 209 The Deceitful Ghost

Chapter 209 The Deceitful Ghost
"Yeah, it's good to be alive. It's even better to be able to see you alive." Yang Ming looked at Gongsun Li, who was still a little immature, but had already grown into a very slender and charming Gongsun Li.

Hearing Yang Ming's words, Gongsun Li's face became even hotter, but because of what her grandfather did, she still felt guilty towards Yang Ming after all, coupled with other reasons, Gongsun Li did not run away immediately. Instead, he still stood beside Yang Ming, subconsciously looking at the team in front of him. Unknowingly, the long line had become much shorter.

"Then are you okay now?" Thinking of the marriage contract that Yang Ming just mentioned, Gongsun Li didn't know how to face Yang Ming, especially what Yang Ming said just now.

Is he showing his heart to me?Gongsun Li thought tangledly.

What is "It's good to be alive, it's even better to be alive to see you", for a moment, Gongsun Li felt a dizzy feeling.

"Fortunately, if you serve in the army, you don't have to be a robber in the future." Yang Ming emphasized.

Gongsun Li didn't know how to reply at this time, because she could think of why Yang Ming said that, but at this moment, in Gongsun Li's mind, there was only confusion.

Looking at Gongsun Li at this time, even though it was only out of revenge for Gongsun Yu that she coaxed the girl in front of her with a marriage contract, at this moment, Yang Ming felt that the real reason for his actions seemed to be is another one.

However, when dealing with such a young girl, one should not be too impatient. The words just now were considered a heavy blow to Gongsun Li. If there was anything else, the young girl might run away in fright.

But the situation is very good now, Gongsun Li has already believed what she believes, but she didn't run away immediately, which in itself reflects Gongsun Li's unaware thoughts.

In the following time, the two just lined up side by side, until they were about to see the soldiers delivering food, Gongsun Li took the initiative to ask: "What are your plans in the future, but will you always be a soldier?" ?”

"It should be. This is also a way out. Anyway, I don't want to be a robber anymore." Yang Ming said.

Now, Gongsun Li didn't dare to ask anymore, she was afraid that Yang Ming would say something that would scare her away.

Just, that engagement?Gongsun Li could control her words, but she couldn't control her mind.

Thinking of the marriage contract, Gongsun Li subconsciously looked at Yang Ming. She didn't hate Yang Ming at all. If it wasn't for this, she wouldn't be sad when Gongsun Yu lied to her that Yang Ming was killed by Qin Jun. Now There was another marriage contract, which made Gongsun Li inevitably feel different emotions.

Grandfather, he did that, although it was for my own good, but it is wrong to murder other people's lives, and...

Thinking of what Yang Ming said just now, he originally wanted to withdraw from this engagement, but after seeing her, the bottom line was so vulnerable, Gongsun Li couldn't help feeling a little bit of ecstasy in addition to being shy , as the saying goes, women are those who please themselves, and Gongsun Li can't escape this sentence.

After receiving the food for three days, Yang Ming bought some meat and vegetables with Gongsun Li, and sent Gongsun Li home.

When he was about to turn around the street where the back door of Gongsun Mansion was located, Yang Ming stopped suddenly. Gongsun Li looked at Yang Ming in surprise, and only heard Yang Ming say: "If I really don't want to be a robber in the future, I can live with peace of mind in the Qin army." Find a job and have a good future, do I still have a chance?"

Chance?what chance?Although Yang Ming didn't say it clearly, Gongsun Li understood it instantly. For a while, Gongsun Li felt that he couldn't advance or retreat. However, when he saw that Yang Ming was also embarrassed, he couldn't help being a little more stable.

I can't let my grandfather continue to be wrong. Moreover, it is a good thing that Yang Ming should not be a robber. Besides, he is a good person. When he came, he planned to call off the engagement. What happened later was just because of a mistake. , he has also learned a lesson, and even though his grandfather did that for his own good, it was wrong after all.

For a moment, countless thoughts collided in Gongsun Li's mind.

I can't let my grandfather continue to make mistakes, and I should make Yang Ming a truly good person. Thinking of this, Gongsun Li said, "I can't let my grandfather really become the kind of person who breaks his promise."

Seeing Yang Ming's bewildered look, as if she didn't understand the other meaning behind her words, Gongsun Li couldn't help but chuckled, and said: "Of course, keeping your word is for good people, and it's for bad people." It is not necessary to keep your word. "

At this time, Yang Ming seemed to have reacted suddenly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. Before Gongsun Li had reacted, Yang Ming had already grabbed Gongsun Li's small hand, and said with burning eyes: "I Will be a good guy, I promise."

"You?" Gongsun Li, whose palm was being held by Yang Ming, felt that the palm seemed to be ignited by flames. It was extremely hot, but in the scorching heat, there seemed to be a clear spring passing by, making people feel In my heart, I just feel soft.

"Let go." Gongsun Li, who came back to her senses after a while, reprimanded lightly.

As if he was afraid that Gongsun Li would be really angry, Yang Ming quickly let go of his hand, and only heard Gongsun Li say: "I don't care whether you want to be a good person or continue to be a robber."

"Yes, yes, yes." Yang Ming responded repeatedly.

"I'm going home, you should go back too." Gongsun Li said, taking the heavy bamboo basket from Yang Ming.

"One more thing."

"what's up?"

"Don't tell Senior Gongsun what you saw me today." Yang Ming said, if Gongsun Li told Gongsun Yu about this, the lie would be exposed in an instant, and Yang Ming certainly didn't want such a thing to happen.

"I see, I won't tell my grandfather." Gongsun Li thought for a while, and she already understood what Yang Ming really meant: he was worried that his grandfather would make a move.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Li became more determined to keep the secret.

Watching Gongsun Li's figure disappear at the back door, Yang Ming also left. However, before he had gone far, he couldn't help laughing out loud. This matter is so interesting, when Gongsun Yu An old face must be extremely ugly.

My method, even I have to admire myself.Thinking of the pride in it, Yang Ming's laughter spread further.

It's a pity that what Yang Ming didn't know was that the debt owed would have to be repaid after all. It was just a moment's pleasure to lie to others, but if he wanted to make up for it again, it would be a lot of trouble.

On the other side, Gongsun Li, who was returning home, was seeing Gongsun Yu who was feeding the fish. Remembering Yang Ming's entrustment just now, Gongsun Li suppressed the impulse in her heart, and walked towards the kitchen under Gongsun Yu's suspicious eyes.

The matter with Gongsun Li can only be regarded as a small story, just a small adjustment under the pressure of the war.

In the following time, what awaited Yang Ming was Wei Jun's last and most violent attack.

In the next three days, Wei Yong gambled everything. Layer after layer of Wei troops continued to attack the walls of Diqiu City like sea water. Under the circumstances, it was extremely hard to defend for a while.

In this era, after all, there is the existence of mechanism techniques, so that the side that is attacking the city is not as difficult as it is in another similar time and space, and relatively, the side that is defending the city is not so easy.

Under the heavy siege crossbow of the Wei army, even a master like Yang Ming should try his best to avoid its edge. As for ordinary soldiers, the casualties are only higher.

But fortunately, Qin Jun can still hold on.

It was Wei Jun who really couldn't hold on.

When the Wei Army was attacking Diqiu City frantically, the Qin Army led by Wang Jian was also raging the cities in the northern border of Wei State. However, compared with the indestructibility of Diqiu City, the cities in the northern border of Wei State were not so strong. That's right, when one city after another was captured by the Qin army, in just three days, five royal orders from Daliang City had already appeared in the central tent of the Wei army under the city of Diqiu.

Wei Yong looked at the six king orders lined up on the desk, his gloomy face was replaced by despair.

Lost, he lost this war after all, he lost his future, he lost what he had been fighting for all his life.

"Sikong, it's time to retreat." Lord Longyang said.

"Yes, it's time to retreat." Wei Yong sighed. Right now, it is impossible to take Diqiu City. The more important task of Wei Jun is to keep the cities in the north.

However, Wei Yong will soon face greater despair. .

When Wei Jun retreated from Diqiu City, the people in Diqiu City did not relax their vigilance. No one knew whether Wei Jun would suddenly change direction and come back with his carbine.

Although, the possibility of such a situation existing is already very small.

The next thing to do is to sort out the soldiers and horses, and then join Wang Jian's troops in the northern border of the Wei State, trying to annihilate the Wei army in one fell swoop, and enter the entire northern border of the Wei State.

On the fourth day, it was still the same street. Gongsun Li, who was queuing up, was a little uneasy, and looked around from time to time, as if trying to find a familiar figure, but the reality made her a little disappointed. Couldn't find it.

Gongsun Li didn't know why she did this, but after seeing Yang Ming here that day, everything was different after all. Thinking of that marriage contract, thinking of Yang Ming's going back and forth between good and bad, thinking of that What the two of them said here.

I don't know how he is. I heard that Wei Jun's attack was very fierce a few days ago. Was he ever injured?

In Gongsun Li's mind, behind her, a shadow shrouded her in shadow.

"Why are you here?" Gongsun Li, who was no stranger to shadows, turned around and looked at the humanity in front of her.

"It's hard to get a false report." Yang Ming said.

"Since it's so difficult, don't come out." Gongsun Li said.

"I think so too."

Hearing this, Gongsun Li felt uncomfortable: "Then why did you come out again?"

"Because I thought, maybe there is one waiting for me here, if I don't come, will she be disappointed?" Yang Ming looked at Gongsun Li, who was already three points more charming than pure, and said.

"No one is waiting for you." Gongsun Li argued, she would not admit that just now, because of Yang Ming's appearance, her heart was filled with a faint sense of disappointment.

"Yeah, no one is waiting for me. It's just that I want to see someone, and I just think that I might be able to meet that person here." Yang Ming took the bamboo basket from Gongsun Li and said.

(End of this chapter)

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