Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 218 The Real Usage of Disguise

Chapter 218 The Real Usage of Disguise
As Lu Buwei is the ruler of the Qin State, Yang Ming's plan to regulate the Army Mansion must naturally be approved by Lu Buwei.

Therefore, the bamboo slips written by Yang Ming appeared on Lu Buwei's case.

Lu Buwei browsed the bamboo slips sent by Yang Ming, his deep eyes shone with an inexplicable brilliance, the bamboo slips sent by Yang Ming did not contain many things, only a thousand words, but only these thousand words, Lu Buwei I have read it more than ten times over and over again.

Lu Qi, who had been dismissed by Lu Buwei from the power of commanding the net after the incident of Lai Ai, looked curiously at the bamboo slips in Lu Buwei's hand. He didn't know what Yang Ming sent that could make Lu Buwei take so much trouble. to browse repeatedly.

"Yang Ming, it's a pity." Amid Lu Qi's curiosity, Lu Buwei sighed leisurely.

"Father, is there anything wrong with the bamboo slips sent by Yang Ming?" Lu Qi asked curiously.

"It's not inappropriate, but it's too appropriate. Even I would be amazed. If I had known that Yang Ming was so capable, I would have recruited him no matter what." Lu Buwei said while there was a look on his face. The color of remorse.

"I used to think that his attainments in military art and martial arts were extraordinary, but now, I only saw half of him. This is a real man with both civil and military skills. In martial arts, he can be a general when he is on horseback. , Dismounting can be the prime minister of a country."

"Such a person, even an old man would be jealous of him. Before he was 15 years old, he was always a villager in Wu'an County of Zhao State. How could he have such insight? Who is his master?" Lu Buwei pondered. .

In Luowang's intelligence system, there is a lot of information about Yang Ming, but in the relevant information, it has never been recorded that Yang Ming actually has such ability in political affairs.

If Lu Buwei was just an ordinary person, he might just regard the plan of the three histories and six orders of the Hujun Mansion sent by Yang Ming as the organizational plan of the Hujun Mansion. It is comparable to ordinary people, but what Lu Buwei sees in this volume of planning is the court.

He discovered that Yang Ming's regulations of the Three Histories and Six Orders are not only applicable to the Guard's Mansion, but also applicable to the court halls of the Qin State with a little modification. Different countries have different national conditions and traditions, but in general, they are all developing in the same direction.

In Qin State, the system of Sangong and Jiuqing had almost taken shape, but the seemingly perfect system of Sangong and Jiuqing was not so perfect in front of Yang Ming's system of Three Histories and Six Orders.

"Your Majesty should like such things very much, but I only like half of them." Lu Buwei shook his head and laughed.

If the system of three histories and six orders is really used in the court, it will deal the greatest blow to the power of the Xiangguo, but I may be able to use the six orders system in my Xiangguo's mansion.Lu Buwei pondered, and gradually had a clear plan for how to fully operate the power of the Xiangguo Mansion.

While Lu Buwei was meditating, Lu Qi subconsciously looked at the bamboo slips on the desk, becoming more and more curious about the contents.

"For the sake of the genius of the sky, I will help him this time, but I will handle everything about the Guarding Army Mansion here."

While Lu Buwei was amazed by Yang Ming's design, Qin Wangzheng was also browsing the bamboo slips made by the same person. Compared with Lu Buwei who only liked half of the contents of the bamboo slips, Qin Wangzheng was even more surprised.

The doubts that had always existed in his mind suddenly became clear under the Three History and Six Orders.

"The separation of powers among the three histories is for the purpose of collecting power. It is just too much pursuit of ingenuity and neglect of efficiency. It is something that Yong Wang likes to do, not the pursuit of widows. However, the kings of later generations may use this method. Compared with the Jiuqing, the division of duties and powers is indeed clearer and more effective. If there is an opportunity in the future, perhaps, I can try to establish such a system around me." Qin Wangzheng said to himself. road.

For Yang Ming, Qin Wangzheng has more and more confidence. Such a person is enough to become a pole in the court of Qin State and stir up the power in it. In this way, he can gain power in the chaos and regain the kingship as soon as possible. , let this King Qin become the real King Qin, instead of the King Qin who just sat on the throne and said nothing.

Among the three histories, Zhongshu Changshi, Yang Ming sent his recommendation right to Xianyang Palace through Zhao Ji's hand. As for who the Xianyang Palace will end up with this position, whether it is the clan or the foreign minister, it is not Yang Ming. A matter of concern.

Yang Ming sent the position recommendation right of his subordinate Changshi to Lord Changping, and Yang Ming sent it to Xiangguo Mansion as the final Shangshu Changshi.

With a series of power exchanges, the construction of the Guarding Army Mansion gradually got on the right track.

In this process, Yang Ming did not have nothing to gain. In the matter of forming the Forbidden Army, Yang Ming also received support from the Xiangguo Mansion, the Chu Clan, and the Xianyang Palace, plus the influence of Zhao Ji, and the support of Yang Ming. With his own contacts, he quickly selected soldiers and horses from the entire Qin country, and went to Xianyang to serve as the team for forming the forbidden army.

And in the process, Yang Ming did another thing that surprised everyone in the Qin State. Among the 3000-strong forbidden army, Yang Ming left alone a 12-strong force, and he no longer recruited good families from various counties. , but left it to the young people in the counties and counties of the Qin State who were living in poverty because their parents died in battle. Most of these young people were between 16 and [-] years old.

Such a huge project, without the support from the Prime Minister's Mansion, Yang Ming really couldn't have done it. In such a large area, he recruited [-] young people to form this special guard.

At the same time, in the cooperation between the Hujun Mansion, the Neishi Mansion and the Jiangzuo Mansion, the barracks needed for the soon-to-be established imperial army were divided between the vast fields and forests in the south of Ganquan Palace.

A military camp that includes various training places officially started construction at the end of February in the seventh year of Qin Wangzheng. Yang Ming named the land circled by Yang Ming the Shanglin Garden with a wicked sense of humor.

During this period of time, Yang Ming really experienced the feeling of being busy.

And in the past few months, some subtle changes have also taken place in the court of Qin State. Chang'an Jun Chengyu seems to have become more and more high-profile. After that, he opened the gates of the mansion widely and made friends with various dignitaries. Among these people, there were quite a few people from the Qin clan.

For a time, many people had an illusion: as Chang'an Jun Chengyu became an adult, in the court of Qin, the dominance of Lu Buwei's family seemed to be challenged.

As for Yan Dan, the Crown Prince of the Yan Kingdom, after coming to the Qin Kingdom, he felt like a blessing in disguise, and he often went to and from the Xianyang Palace. He seemed to have regained his childhood friendship with Qin Wangzheng.

"The Ai family seems to have done something wrong." In Ganquan Palace, Zhao Ji was lazily leaning on the soft couch, but her expression was filled with depression.

"Is the Queen Mother talking about the Central Guard Army?" Yuan Li, who was serving Zhao Ji, asked. As Zhao Ji's true confidant, Yuan Li naturally didn't need to hide anything from Zhao Ji.

"Yeah, over the past two months, Ai's family has seen him less and less often. Thinking about it carefully, Ai's family should have hidden him in the first place. Why did they believe his rhetoric and let him go out?" What kind of military merits and high positions are you going to fight for?" Zhao Ji showed a look of annoyance when she spoke.

"If Mr. Zhonghu becomes the Queen Mother's supporter, the Queen Mother will probably have another idea." Yuanli persuaded, who already understood why Zhao Ji was distressed.

"Yes, if he is a pet that can be easily tamed by the Ai family, the Ai family probably won't care so much about him." Zhao Ji said angrily.

If Yang Ming is willing to be a male favourite, Zhao Ji thinks that she would like Yang Ming like that, but in her own eyes, Yang Ming like that will undoubtedly lose a lot of charm. Appreciation, apart from the loneliness of a widow, what is more important is the special temperament of Yang Ming, if it is gone...

Thinking of this, Zhao Ji couldn't help shaking her head. There is no such thing as perfect in the world. Compared with others, she has already obtained too much, and she should learn to be satisfied.

"If the Empress Dowager wants to see the Central Guard Army, there is actually no way out. He is too busy with official duties recently, and he can't take time off, but you can go to see him, Empress Dowager." As a confidant, Yuanli naturally has to solve Zhao Ji's problems. .

"You mean? That's inappropriate. Aijia can ignore those gossips, but he can't stop others from criticizing." Zhao Ji suppressed the throbbing in her heart and shook her head.

Although she wanted to see Yang Ming, she was also worried that it would bring unnecessary trouble to Yang Ming.

"Queen Mother, I don't know if you have noticed that your height is very similar to that of a salamander." Yuan Li said meaningfully.

"It's somewhat similar, but Ai's family is much bigger than her." Zhao Ji said as she held her chest, showing a proud look.

Yuanli looked at the proud Zhao Ji, suppressed the desire to roll his eyes, and said: "The Queen Mother also knows that both me and the startled salamander were once the first-class killers of Tianzi in the trap, and as the first-class killers of Tianzi, apart from martial arts, There is still a lot to learn.”

"A killer, this is inevitable." Zhao Ji nodded, she still didn't know what Yuanli wanted to say.

"There is a skill in it, called Disguise." Yuan Li said meaningfully.

"You mean, with the help of the disguise technique, let Aijia and the startling salamander temporarily switch identities?" Zhao Ji jumped up from the soft couch, and there was already a look of emotion in her eyes.

"The Empress Dowager can send someone to Shanglin Garden to send a message to the Central Guard Army, asking him to come to Ganquan Palace and bring back the startled salamander when he leaves office. With the Central Guard Army by his side, the Empress Dowager does not have to worry about her safety. Wait until tomorrow , and then the Central Guardian Army sent the Queen Mother back, it can be said that the gods do not know it." Yuanli said.

"This seems to be feasible." Zhao Ji said emotionally.

At the beginning, what she cares about is the intuitive stimulation, but as time develops, she prefers the throbbing of the heart.

If they could go home with Yang Ming and live like husband and wife, even if the time is very short, it would be very interesting to think about it.Zhao Ji thought in her heart, she had already made up her mind.

Shocked salamander, Aijia has helped you so much, come to think of it, you wouldn't even want to help Aijia with such a small matter, would you?Zhao Ji thought to herself.

In the barracks circled by Shanglin Garden, Yang Ming got the news from Ganquan Palace, he couldn't help being a little surprised, and asked himself to pick up the startling salamander to protect the safety of the startling salamander?
The point is, does the startled salamander need to protect itself?

(End of this chapter)

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