Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 230 Dragon and Tiger Forbidden Army 3

Chapter 230 Dragon and Tiger Forbidden Army 3
In the following time, Yang Ming personally shot through the twelve battalions of the Dragon and Tiger Forbidden Army. It took more than half a month to break through nine battalions. At the time of the Sixth Battalion, it was no longer so easy to defeat the Thousand-Man Formation.

In the process of Yang Ming piercing through one barracks after another, the soldiers in other barracks were not idle. They were also constantly summing up experience from the same robes they were pierced through, honing in on each other's cooperation, and rehearsing formations. Law.

When Yang Ming reached the seventh barracks, what stood in front of Yang Ming was no longer just soldiers stacked one on top of the other until a thousand, but a complete and well-coordinated formation.

When the soldiers form an formation, it is no longer a quantitative superposition in the simple sense, but a real qualitative change. Even if Yang Ming wants to face an army formation of thousands of people without killing the killer, Feel the great pressure.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Ming only had eight days to penetrate six military camps, but it took two days to penetrate the seventh military camp. When he penetrated the eighth military camp, it took a full It took three days to break through the ninth barracks, but it took four days to completely defeat it.

At this moment, Yang Ming already felt the real pressure.

When Yang Ming reached the tenth barracks, the scorching atmosphere of the entire Shanglinyuan barracks reached its limit. Whether it was the soldiers who were pierced or the soldiers who were about to fight Yang Ming, they all waited with high spirits. Watching Yang Ming, waiting to defeat Yang Ming.

Those who have already lost pass on their defeat experience to those who will come later, so that those who are about to enter the field can absorb the experience and improve their formation and coordination. Those who are about to enter the field have greater confidence and greater confidence. He wants to represent himself and his colleagues, but also to beat Yang Ming for salary increase and promotion.

When the time came to the beginning of April, Yang Ming had reached the tenth barracks. In this barracks, Yang Ming was facing two complete formations of the Qin army.

Surrounding Yang Ming, the heavy shields were in front, surrounding Yang Ming in the center, and the light shields were behind, scattered among the army formations. The soldiers looked at Yang Ming excitedly, that was the most attractive person in the world. The gaze of prey.

Obviously, in the past fights, the soldiers of the Dragon and Tiger Forbidden Army have summed up enough experience. In front of Yang Ming, the circular formation that surrounded him heavily confined Yang Ming to a limited battlefield. The party with more people has an advantage.

"Master Guard, we specially prepared this formation for you. This time, you will definitely lose." In the formation, a young man straightened his armor and said confidently.

"Really? Then I'll really wait and see."

While Yang Ming was speaking, his body had disappeared in place. When he reappeared, his palm had already been pressed on the heavy shield, and the huge force caused the soldier holding the shield to stagger and was directly knocked into the air.

But this time, the soldiers obviously learned their lesson. At the moment when the shield soldier was knocked into the air, some soldiers had already caught him. Among the six shield soldiers, Yang Ming fought back, but this time, the army formation continued to surround Yang Ming as if it had not been affected in any way.

For a while, what Yang Ming had to face was attacks from all directions. If he was facing such a siege in normal times, Yang Ming's super doubled version of the three-point return to vitality would be enough to penetrate the general formation and kill him out. Here is a tacit understanding formed in the barracks when they broke through the nine barracks. Yang Ming only used his military skills to fight these soldiers under his command. After all, he was training soldiers, not fighting in real battles. .

Yang Ming rushed into the formation, but found that no matter which side he attacked, he was surrounded by the small formation quickly transformed by the soldiers with heavy shields in front and in the center. When Yang Ming wanted to launch an attack, the soldiers would The uniform retreat made Yang Ming feel that his power was useless for a while.

During this process, there were soldiers constantly trying to launch attacks, and if they missed, they quickly withdrew, hiding their figures behind heavy shields, and the people holding the shields were obviously carefully selected. Has power beyond ordinary people.

For a while, such a shield array actually plunged Yang Ming into a hard fight.

With the passage of time, Yang Ming's power was being consumed in the shield formation, and the commander in the army formation seemed to be thinking about it.

During the hour-long tug-of-war, although more than [-] soldiers were defeated by Yang Ming, his strength was also greatly consumed.

When the time came to noon, under the already hot sun in April, the armor on Yang Ming's body was already soaked with sweat, and there was a sound of panting in his chest.

"At this time, attack." In the army formation, a loud shout sounded, and the soldiers who had been defending for more than an hour finally launched an attack.

However, when the first soldier rushed up, it was Yang Ming's fist that was oncoming, and a figure fell to the ground in response. He was panting just now, and Yang Ming, who seemed to have exhausted his physical strength, was like waking up from sleep. Coming like a tiger, he rushed in and exposed his soldiers because of the attack, and several figures were knocked into the air by Yang Ming in an instant.

"Master Guard, please be merciful." Seeing Yang Ming killing him, a young soldier hurriedly begged for mercy.

But it wasn't Yang Ming's voice that answered him, but Yang Ming's fist. As Yang Ming's two fists landed, a figure flew out amidst a scream.

Show mercy?

How is that possible?

"Quickly use the last move." When the young soldier was still dancing in the air, he did not forget to give the last order.

The scattered soldiers who were killed because of Yang Ming's sudden counterattack reacted instantly, some of them suddenly pulled out ropes from their arms, and flew towards Yang Ming while turning.

In just a split second, Yang Ming, who was in the crowd, was trapped firmly. Of course, Yang Ming was not the only one who was unlucky, but also more than a dozen unlucky ones who were accidentally injured by teammates.


Yang Ming, who was trapped by the rope, didn't have time to break free from the rope, and saw soldiers rushing toward him desperately. Thinking that he was about to be crushed by dozens of men, even Yang Ming couldn't bear it. His face turned pale, although it may not be able to cause much damage, but the spiritual crit was too much.

It's just that it seems too late now.

"I'm hugging Lord Guardian." Yang Ming avoided one person after another, but he still couldn't avoid them all due to his restricted movement.

Could it be that Yang Ming is really doomed?

As one after another people swooped in, on the school field, there was a small hill in the blink of an eye, a small hill piled up by people.

"Get out of the way, your stinky feet should get out of the way."

"Where did you poke your palm?"

In the chaotic crowd for a while, various voices came and went.

In the chaos, the soldiers who trapped Yang Ming in the middle burst out laughing with a cry of "We won." They finally won after being killed by Yang Ming through nine barracks in a row. won the barracks.

"No, I won." Before the soldiers who thought they had won had time to get excited, a cold voice sounded from the side.

When the soldiers looked blankly at the source of the sound, they found that Yang Ming was standing on top of them. Except that he was missing a cloak, he was completely unharmed.

How can it be?

How is it impossible!
Yang Ming's cloak is not just for looks, but has real uses. This cloak has blocked many killer moves for Yang Ming.

"I didn't expect it to be even faster this time." Yang Ming's figure gradually turned into an illusion, and when he condensed again, he had already appeared on the troop counting platform.

The soldiers stood up quickly, but saw that there was only a cloak that was crushed out of shape on the ground. For a while, they looked at each other with a look of despair.

"Master Guard, you have broken the rules. Your last move is definitely not a military skill." The young man who was knocked into the air by Yang Ming earlier said while holding his chest, grinning his teeth. It was really painful.

"How can you be sure that's not a military skill?" Yang Ming asked back.

"How can there be such a weird movement in military combat skills?" the young man asked.

Following the young man's questioning, the soldiers who had looked defeated just now cheered up instantly. If Yang Ming broke the rules first, then they would not be regarded as having lost the competition.

"In the way of changing the art of war, there is a change called emptiness and reality. The move I just made is the change of emptiness and reality. How can it be said that it is not a military combat technique?" Yang Ming asked back.

For a moment, all the soldiers looked at the young man who spoke first. They didn't quite understand what Yang Ming said, and such things should be left to those who know how to do it.

"Master Hu Jun is trying to make sense. If Mr. Hu Jun says this, all martial arts in the world are military skills. After all, martial arts are for the sake of winning, which is the same as the purpose of military combat skills. Yes." The young man retorted.

"What you said is not unreasonable, but my military science is not the same as your understanding." Yang Ming pondered, bullying these soldiers with the palm of the cloud is really unreasonable.

Hearing this, all eyes were on Yang Ming, they were waiting for the answer.

"So, I've lost this round. You people, collectively pay a one-month increase." Yang Ming said.

All of a sudden, there were cheers that went straight to the sky in the barracks. The excitement of the soldiers was not necessarily because they got an extra month of military pay. At the beginning, they valued more substantial rewards, but when Yang Ming killed After passing through three barracks, their goal has changed.

Soldiers in the army should have the will to fight. When each army formation is continuously pierced by one person, they also have their own arrogance. How can this kind of thing continue to happen? When they entered the barracks, the goals of the top and bottom of the army had changed. They wanted to defeat Yang Ming and their commander in chief.

If Yang Ming was allowed to penetrate many of them, how could they gain a foothold in this world in the name of Dragon and Tiger Forbidden Army?

It is precisely for this reason that the failed soldiers will cooperate with the soldiers who are about to go into battle and exchange their experiences.

It can be said that they are united in one mind, just to defeat Yang Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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