Chapter 35

I don't know who said that the closer you are to victory, the closer you are to failure.

The moment Yang Ming knocked the black-robed man into the air, a gust of cold air fell from the sky, and the sharp howling of the sword was filled with killing intent. There was always a person lying in ambush here. After Yang Ming repelled the enemy, the old force When it was exhausted and the new energy was not born, it was shot brazenly.

The opponent's timing is not ingenious, and it is impossible for anyone to avoid this top-down killing sword.

Yang Ming should be no exception, at least he thought so from the attacker.

But Yang Ming is different after all, because he doesn't have to hide at all.

Paiyunzhang is a palm technique used to restrain Fengshen's legs, including the palm technique of descending from the sky, and the palm technique of downward strike.

Faced with such a sword that descended from the sky, like a sword flying from the sky, Yang Ming swung his palm upwards, the vitality of the sky and Yang Ming's palm technique attracted each other, arousing the cloud energy in the sky to combine with the energy of the virtual cloud in his body, turning into a more domineering palm.

The fifth form of Paiyunzhang, dark clouds cover the sun.

The raider was enveloped by the power of the palm in an instant, and the violent Xuyun Jin combined with the cloud energy in the sky and turned into an invisible abyss, suppressing it inside, letting his sword energy flow freely but it was difficult to cut through the flowing water. The strength of the striking palms was still not enough. Amidst a burst of cracking sounds, a corpse suddenly fell in front of Yang Ming.

But at this moment, it was enough for the black-robed man who had just been knocked into the air by Yang Ming to run away with Touman. A barbarian girl with one leg arched in an attacking posture.

Amidst a burst of babbling nonsense, Yang Ming slapped the Hu girl over with one palm, and sat on her body. Under the other party's angry gaze, he slapped her face on the ground. Yang Ming's mood is not very good.

Seeing Touman fleeing under the guard of the black-robed man, Yang Ming pondered for a while, but gave up the plan in his heart. Now he can be sure that the forces of Yan Kingdom have also been involved in this Mount Heng, and the involved The extent may be higher than your own imagination.

Especially the appearance of the three swordsmen made Yang Ming see a clue. At this time, Yang Ming was not good enough to face the people behind him. I will be that person's opponent.

Among the younger generation, that person's strength is definitely the existence among the most powerful palms among the Seven Kingdoms.

"I'm not in the mood and I don't have the time to subdue you with gentle means. If you surrender, be honest now. If you still want to resist, I don't mind killing you with one palm." Feeling the struggle from the people under him, Yang Ming Said indifferently.

"If you don't understand Zhao's words, it's just bad luck for you." Yang Ming raised his palm while speaking.

The barbarian girl was obviously lucky. She was able to understand Yang Ming's words at such a critical moment, and her waist, which had been arched due to struggling, collapsed the moment Yang Ming's words fell.

Apparently, the barbarian girl didn't doubt that Yang Ming was giving her Tianling Gai a palm, just like those clansmen who died in the cottage.

Yang Ming, who took a short rest, stood up. Fortunately, he is already practicing Fengshen legs now. Shenfeng Jin and Xuyun Jin are compatible with each other in the body, although they still can't achieve the three-element circulation like the three-point return to vitality. The degree of endless life, but the strength of internal strength and the speed of returning energy can already support Yang Ming to carry out high-intensity combat.

There will no longer be a situation where you are emptied under one palm.

Yang Ming walked up to the body of the man in black. A certain notion and habit he had developed in his previous life made him pick up the long sword on the ground and open the man's chest.

It was still empty, and there was no martial arts secret book that Yang Ming imagined.

"It seems that the experience of the previous life doesn't work." Yang Ming shook his head in disappointment. Such things as killing people and exploding cheat books are indeed deceptive.

It has been like this from the previous Black Wind Village, and it is still like this in front of you.

When Yang Ming returned to the Huren's cottage, the battle had already come to an end.

"I thought Miss Zi Nu was the kind of girl who would never give up to a man. I didn't expect such a small scene to turn you into what you are now." In the huge cottage, there was a mess, with stumps and broken arms scattered all over the road. The stench of blood filled her breath, and Zi Nu, who was dressed up, was holding a boulder and vomited spasmodically.

If an outsider who doesn't know what Zi Nu has experienced just now, sees Zi Nu now, he will definitely ask, 'It's been a few months. '

"This is a small scene. You didn't even look at how many people died, and how many of them were whole bodies." Zi Nu pressed the boulder, only feeling a convulsion in her stomach.

Zi Nu is not a soft woman. She was able to win the Black Wind Stronghold together with Yang Ming before, which proved that she is not a naive woman. She can also be ruthless when it is time to make a move.

But how can the battle between the rivers and lakes be compared with the battle between the two armies. At this time, in this cottage that belonged to the Hu people before, there were terribly dead corpses everywhere, some belonged to the Hu people, and some belonged to various cottages. In the coalition army, some belonged to the elderly and some belonged to women. There were as many as a thousand.

Faced with this scene that seemed like a purgatory on earth, Zi Nu's relatively strong psychological quality couldn't hold back all of a sudden.

"Death is death. Compared with the disappearance of life, a corpse is nothing." Yang Ming pursed his lips.

Faced with the hell-like scene of the cottage, he didn't feel the slightest discomfort, except that the smell was too strong.

"Did that person be killed?" Zi Nu resisted the twitching of her stomach and changed the subject. Obviously, she didn't want to get more entangled in this issue, and she was just looking for guilt.

"No, he escaped. There are experts protecting him, and there are more than one of them." Yang Ming said helplessly.

"Experts? So many?" Zi Nu asked in amazement. She stopped someone here, and Yang Ming could still be intercepted by experts. When did a barbarian have so many experts to protect him?

You know, since you can be called a master, you must cherish resources, how can you be called a master if they are everywhere.

"The forces of the Yan Kingdom may also be involved." Yang Ming said that he had already walked to the man in black who had been stopped by Zi Nu before and had been severely injured and captured alive by Zi Nu.

"The martial arts routines of the Mo family, you are from the Prince's Mansion of Yan Kingdom?" Yang Ming said as he tore open the other party's skirt and searched for the so-called cheats.

"No comment." The seriously injured man in black said coldly.

"I found it." Yang Ming already had an extra piece of silk in his hand as he spoke.

"What did you find?" Zi Nu asked in amazement, Yang Ming's face was full of expressions at this time, with joy and a look of relief.

"The martial arts cheats have finally returned to the normal path. To defeat such a 'master', if one or two volumes of martial arts cheats are not released, it is really unjustifiable." Yang Ming laughed.

"It's a godsend." Zi Nu snorted softly, she obviously didn't understand Yang Ming's happiness at this time.

"Dian Guang God walking? Mohist martial arts, it seems that you are really from the prince's mansion of Yan Kingdom. If this is the case, there is no need to keep you, so as not to cause trouble." Yang Ming kicked the other party's temple as he spoke. superior.

"How could the martial arts of the Mo family come from the Prince's Mansion of Yan Kingdom?" Zi Nu asked curiously as she looked at the man in black who was kicked to death by Yang Ming.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you slowly in the future. Now we have more important things to do." Yang Ming looked at the cottage full of fireworks and said.

(End of this chapter)

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