Chapter 39

The next day, the cottages of the Hu people were burned, and all the things that could be taken away, from people to livestock, were divided among the cottages. After counting the goods that were robbed by the Hu people before, a lot of fine wine had already been drunk by the Hu people. It was broken by accident, and a considerable part of the silk was damaged by Hu people.

But even so, after some inventory, the value of the goods was around [-] gold. After each cottage selected their own people to form a new caravan, the flag of the caravan once again floated in Mount Heng.

In less than three days, the caravan composed of bandits left Mount Heng and entered the northern border of Zhao State. The city belonging to Zhao State appeared in everyone's sight.

Entering the northern border of Zhao State, order ruled the world again, and all the way out of Yanmen County without incident, the real goal of Yang Ming's trip.

Different from the hinterland of Zhao State, the style and appearance of Zhao State’s northern border is an alternative style. There are farmlands here, but a larger area is still a grassland wilderness. The vegetation in winter has already withered and yellowed. Jumped out of the air, and disappeared from people's sight at an extremely fast speed.

On the open field, a horse roared past, and the hard horse's hooves stepped on the frozen ground, making a rattling sound, which sounded very pleasant. laughter.

Zi Nu, who was leisurely sitting in the carriage and enjoying the massage from Orchid, looked at Yang Ming, who was galloping wildly, her eyes could not help but narrowed into a line, the corners of her mouth were smiling, and more gentle smiles flowed from the corners of her eyes.

"After all, I'm still just a teenager. No matter how old I am sometimes, my age is there after all. I'm energetic and active." Zi Nu looked at the back that was getting farther and farther away, and muttered to herself.

At the end of Zi Nu's line of sight, Yang Ming held Xue Nu in front of him and was enjoying the feeling of speeding. Although Yang Ming had been exposed to riding and archery since he was a child, what Yang Ming could get in touch with due to his family background was nothing more than ordinary draft horses. Even worse than a war horse, how could it be possible to truly experience the ultimate speed.

But the situation in front of him is different. Although Touman's status in the wolf clan is embarrassing, he is still the leader of the wolf clan.

Although Touman was rescued before, all of Touman's property fell into the hands of Yang Ming.

On the galloping mount, Xue Nu's little face was flushed with excitement, and she also liked the almost flying feeling at this young age, her excited hands were tightly grasping Yang Ming's skirt, her small face was full of courage. Facing the howling cold wind, enjoying the itching of the skin being torn, she let out a laugh like a silver bell, and was sent far, far away in the cold wind.

This itching quickly turned into ice coldness. When she couldn't take it any longer, Xue Nu quickly hid her face in Yang Ming's arms, and used Yang Ming's hot chest to warm her little face, which had become a little stiff in the cold wind. , so the cycle goes on and on, and I never get tired of being played by this little girl.

Amid Xue Nu's laughter, the caravan entered Yanmen City smoothly.

Zi Nu, who was about to become a wealthy man, was very generous this time. After entering Yanmen City, she directly rented a warehouse, and under the envious eyes of passers-by, she sent truckloads of goods into the warehouse.

In the following time, Zi Nu fell into the busyness of making herself happy. A lot of goods were sold from her hands, and carts of gold were pulled into the warehouse at the same time.

The total value of the goods pulled into Yanmen City this time was around [-] gold, including pig iron worth [-] gold, fine wine, silk, lacquerware and other items totaling [-] gold.

Good wine, silk, and lacquerware were quickly sold out, and sold for a high price of [-] gold. In the northern border of Zhao State, food was scarce, and the weather was extremely cold, which made wine the most in-demand commodity. Drinks shipped from South Korea thousands of miles away have always been the most popular goods in the northern border of Zhao State, but things like silk are not very rare in the northern border of Zhao State.

In the northern border of Zhao State, there are more common people and soldiers. As for the so-called high-ranking officials and dignitaries, there are far fewer than in the hinterland of Zhao State. The ability to consume silk is very limited, so there are not many silks in the caravan.

But there was still one thing that became troublesome in front of Zi Nu. The cost price was only [-] gold, and the pig iron, which could be sold for at least [-] gold, encountered trouble in sales.

For such a huge batch of pig iron, the only one in Yanmen County that can eat it is the Yanmen County Sheriff's Mansion, but in the process of trading with the Sheriff's Mansion, Zi Nu encountered trouble.

For these years, Li Mu, who is the sheriff of Yanmen County and the guardian of the entire northern border of Zhao Kingdom, seems to be not very good at managing internal affairs and finances.

For the pig iron that Zi Nu offered at a price of [-] gold, the sheriff's mansion simply couldn't afford such a sum of money.

The Sheriff's Mansion not only couldn't get [-] gold, but couldn't even get [-] gold, and could only come up with [-] gold in cash. Such a thing made Zi Nu very annoyed.

The pig iron definitely couldn't be shipped back, but if it was sold, at the price that the Sheriff's Office could afford, the loss would be a bit too much.

Zinu, who returned disappointed from the Sheriff's Mansion for the second time, was sitting in front of the window, looking at the passers-by on the street, only feeling that her business trip this time was always full of accidents. bad situation.

Although in terms of the total amount, Zi Nu has made money now, but she can obviously earn more. Thinking of this, Zi Nu subconsciously covered her heart, it really hurt a little.

"Where did he go?" In Zi Nu's sight, Xue Nu was riding on Yang Ming's neck, holding out a small toy with a happy smile on her face. It was holding a piece of roasted lamb leg, tearing the oily lamb under the envious eyes of children on the road.

"It's easy for you. Let me do everything. Is the money I earn all my money?" Thinking of the embarrassment she encountered in the Sheriff's Mansion, Zi Nu couldn't help but feel a little bit of resentment.

Thinking of the grievances, Zi Nu stretched out her palm out of the window, clenched her fist, and swung it fiercely in the direction of Yang Ming a few times, as if it wasn't the air that was hammering, but Yang Ming.

As if thinking of something interesting, Zi Nu's face that was still suffering just now burst into a smile, but in the next moment, the smile that belonged to Zi Nu froze on her face, because her eyes suddenly met Yang Ming's. eyes collided together.

Instinctively feeling guilty, Zi Nu quickly retracted her head, only feeling her heart beating violently.

"Did I get seen?" Zi Nu couldn't control her heartbeat when she thought of Yang Ming's sudden gaze looking at her.

"So what if I see it? Can't I hammer him? When he stood in front of me, I thought I could hammer him, and I was afraid that he would fail." Zi Nu caressed her chest, only feeling that there was something in it. A heart is just too naughty.

(End of this chapter)

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