Chapter 4

At the end of the night, on an ordinary morning, Yang Ming, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up from the kang, his ears moved lightly, and a faint sound came from afar.

Realizing something, Yang Ming got up quickly, put on a soft tiger skin cloak, and took the bow, arrow and short knife that had never been three feet away from the head of the bed in his hands.

In his ears, there was a faint sound of horseshoes, and there were more than one or two horses. The anecdote that was once only gossip gradually became a thread of clues in his mind.

At this time, Yang Ming realized in a daze why Xuenv, the daughter of Zhao Guo's clan, would become the dancer of Feixue Pavilion in the future, and how her mother who came from an advocated family hooked up with the current Zhao Wangyan .

Only then did Yang Ming realize that Xue Nu's mother, who was born in the advocate family, might be the future Queen Zhao, a terrifying and shameful woman who was recorded in the history books as Empress Zhao.

In order to erase the traces of her past, it seemed not impossible for that woman to send someone to silence the old lady, or even kill her daughter.

The more he thought about it, the more likely he felt that Yang Ming ran to his neighbor Uncle Biao's house in the freezing cold of the morning.

"Ming, but what happened?" Uncle Biao looked at Yang Ming who was holding a bow and arrow, and the drowsiness that had not dissipated after being awakened from sleep disappeared instantly.

Uncle Biao, who watched Yang Ming grow up, knows very well that although Yang Ming is only 15 years old, his physical strength far surpasses him. He was just a sharp soldier in the Qin army back then, but Yang Ming's father He is a general, and even a personal soldier who was once Bai Qi of Lord Wu'an, and his martial arts has an authentic inheritance.

Yang Ming is even better than blue because of blue. Therefore, for Yang Ming's sudden appearance in such a heavily armed manner, Uncle Biao clearly realized something.

"Hurry up and let my aunt and younger siblings hide, there seems to be an enemy." Yang Ming said solemnly.

"Enemy?" Uncle Biao was slightly taken aback.

Wu'an County is located in the hinterland of Zhao State, and it is only a hundred miles away from Zhao Capital. Will there be enemies in such a place?Could it be that my Qin army is coming?Uncle Biao thought subconsciously.

He didn't wake up until Yang Ming left the door, and then quickly turned back into the room to wake up his wife and children. The whole family trusted Yang Ming's vigilance, so they didn't speak too much, and each of them was indiscriminate. Wrapped in clothes, got into the secret passage in the room.

"Sure enough, what a ruthless woman." When Yang Ming turned back and walked out of Uncle Biao's house, the wooden fence of the manor had been broken by the incoming cavalry, and scattered along the path cleared by the village gate.

The farmer's gate cleared the path out of the manor in the heavy snow, which was originally just for the convenience of the elderly and children, but at this time it became a reminder, and the cavalry who entered the manor no longer had to suffer from the snow and no horse legs.

The horseshoe that could not appear in the Warring States Period but could appear in the world of Qin Dynasty stepped on the frozen path, and the sound of horseshoes hit Yang Zhao's heart.

Under the rockets, countless thatched huts were ignited. The thatched roof that had been cleaned to prevent the roof from being crushed by the snow became the most flammable thing at this time, and the flames rose instantly.

The cavalry spread out like mercury pouring down the ground, a couple headed towards the courtyard where the master's family was sitting, and the rest were responsible for rushing towards the households.

When a man wakes in terror from sleep and flees his home in flames, he is greeted with arrows, with knives that cut through the air.

In an instant, the peaceful manor has been plunged into a sea of ​​flames and chaos.

Yang Ming didn't even look at this. He knew very well that none of those people could save them. In front of the established cavalry, even a master like Gai Nie would be seriously injured. Gai Nie, even if the gap between them is not half Weizhuang, there is half a victory and seven, how could it be the cavalry of more than a hundred men.

At this time, all Yang Ming could do was lurk, lurk, and then take the opportunity to escape.

Carefully burying himself in the snow, Yang Ming held his breath, but suddenly he heard Uncle Biao rushing out of the burning room, forcing a cavalryman out.

Yang Ming looked along the hole specially left on the snow covering his body for breathing and observing the surrounding environment, and saw that Uncle Biao was fighting with a dismounted cavalry with a hatchet.

With Uncle Biao's strength as a sharp soldier of the Qin army, even though he is already past his prime at this time, his overall strength is not weaker than that of Zhao Jun's elite. The armor of the army, he holds a hatchet and wears cloth clothes.

Uncle Biao was still able to suppress the opponent in the first three moves, but the opponent quickly reacted, relying on the strong armor on his body, let Uncle Biao's hatchet slash on his body, and he slashed at Uncle Biao's chest. Uncle Biao's clothes.

Seeing this, Yang Ming didn't have time to think too much, and suddenly jumped out of the snow, drew his bow and set an arrow, and the sharp howling sound of the arrow cut through the air, and pierced the cavalry's throat under the astonished eyes of the cavalry.

He seemed to be dying and never thought that there would be a person lurking in the snow not far away, and he never thought that that person's archery skills would be so powerful, and he would strike right at the throat in an instant.

In his distracted vision, Yang Ming's figure rushed past him, holding the seriously injured Biao Shu in his hand with one hand, he had already jumped on his mount, and galloped away.

At this moment, the cavalrymen who were massacring the households also reacted, and separated a small group of four cavalrymen to chase and kill them in the direction where Yang Ming was escaping.

"Ming, leave me alone, my injury can't survive at this time, and you can't escape with me." The seriously injured Uncle Biao said with difficulty, lying on the horse's back.

"Didn't I already tell you to hide? Why did you rush out?" Yang Ming said sharply.

"I also want to hide it, but I can't. After those people enter the room and see that there is no one there, they will definitely be suspicious. After searching, I will not guarantee that Auntie and the others will not be found. Only I will rush out and let them They complete the task of killing people, so that they can earn a chance for your aunt and the others." Uncle Biao said in a weak and relaxed tone, as if he was not the one who was seriously injured now.

"It's just that I didn't expect that Ming you would rush out, really..." Uncle Biao turned over and fell from the horse with a complicated expression.

In Yang Ming's stunned gaze, Uncle Biao dragged his seriously injured body up from the snow, enduring the pain of his chest being torn open, but he showed a calm smile and said, "I can help you block it, Run away quickly."

Yang Ming took a last look at Uncle Biao, attached himself to the horse's back, and rushed forward without the slightest hesitation. At this moment, only reason supported him.

"Remember, Ming, we are from Qin, Zhao is not our country after all, you want to go back to Qin, this is your father's wish all along." Behind Yang Ming, Uncle Biao almost exhausted his last strength. Strength, shouted hoarsely.

Amidst a dull crash, there was no longer a Qin person named Uncle Biao in the world.

Yang Ming didn't look back from the beginning to the end, but a wave of anger was burning in his heart. The weather was colder and the wind was colder, but the blood was still burning. An unspeakable breath was suffocating in his heart, restless and violent... ····

Although this world is almost illusory to him, people are real people. Seeing the familiar Uncle Biao die behind him, how could he be really indifferent.

He is not a spectator, but a person in the story.

Reason supports him to look back for the last time, but reason can only control behavior, not emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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