Chapter 48

"The caravan that was supposed to come to Yanmen County ten days ago came to Yanmen County ten days later, and the owner of the caravan turned into a woman. You say, under such circumstances, can I Don't you want to check the details of this caravan?" Sima Shang said.

"So?" Zi Nu asked back with an expression on her face.

"It doesn't matter if I check it, it really made me find something interesting."

Sima Shang looked amazed and said in amazement, "Ms. Ghost is really a big hand, such a fierce method. When she was intercepted and killed by the barbarians, she didn't want to escape, but took the Black Wind Stronghold in Mount Heng. And then combined several cottages with vertical and horizontal techniques, captured the Hu tribe in one fell swoop, and took all the goods looted by the Hu people into his own hands."

"Master Sima has been making things difficult for me in the past few days in the transaction, is it just to take advantage of this time to check my details?" Zi Nu asked, facing Sima Shang who suddenly changed his face, Zi Nu still Hold it tight.

She knew very well that Sima Shang had said so much, but he had his own purpose, and as long as Sima Shang still had plans, there was room for things to turn around.

It's just that after all, we still can't underestimate the people in the world. The people in the northern border of Zhao country are more difficult than I imagined.Zi Nu said to herself in her heart, people have already pulled up their spirits.

"Not bad." Sima Shang affirmed.

"So, Master Sima did so much to keep the price down?" Zi Nu asked back.

"Why lower the price instead of confiscating your goods as stolen goods?" Sima Shang threatened.

"Huh." Zi Nu let out a long breath, her expression full of helplessness, and she said: "Now I kind of understand why that guy is so keen on power. as powerless."

"Master Sima can talk to me about these things here, instead of putting me in prison as a robber. Presumably, he doesn't want to label my goods as stolen goods. In this way, everything can be discussed." Zi Nu continued. .

"As expected of Mrs. Ghost who can do such a great thing in Mount Hengshan, this mentality is worthy of admiration. Yes, those goods are already yours if they are snatched back from your barbarian hands, but the cost that Mrs. Ghost said before As for the problem, we should discuss it further." Sima Shang said.

After the northern border of Zhao State was occupied by Qin State in Taiyuan County, it almost became an enclave of Zhao State, but there was a shortage of supplies here, and many things needed to be transported by caravans.

At this time, Sima Shang could certainly confiscate Zi Nu's goods, but in the eyes of outsiders, it would make the caravans of the six countries lose trust in Zhao's northern border. The value of this trust is definitely not in Zi Nu's hands Goods can be compared.

"Less than [-]% of the goods belong to me, so I can only offer [-] gold for what Lord Sima said." Zi Nu gritted her teeth.

When Zi Nu was negotiating with Yang Ming before, it wasn't this price, but as the saying goes, if you can't bear a child, you can't be a wolf. Sima Shang has found out the details, and Zi Nu can only bleed severely.

"Ten thousand gold?" Sima Shang asked in amazement. The pig iron with a cost price of only [-] gold was quoted by Zi Nu for [-] gold?This obviously exceeded his expectations, you know, all he did was to buy the pig iron in Zi Nu's hand with [-] gold.

As Zi Nu said, only [-]% of it belongs to her, and Zi Nu's offer of [-] gold means that she needs to contribute the money herself. For Zi Nu, such a deal is really a big loss.

"I haven't finished my sentence yet. In addition to ten thousand gold, I also need a favor from Lord Sima." Zi Nu said.

"Favour? Is Sima Shang's favor so valuable?" Sima Shang asked unexpectedly, "What kind of favor is Mrs. Ghost talking about?"

"I want to buy a batch of war horses from Yanmen County." Zi Nu explained her purpose.

"War horse? That's an embargoed item." Sima Shang said in a calm voice.

The importance of war horses to the state of Zhao is self-evident. The cavalry of the state of Zhao dominates the world. Even if the state of Qin is on the cavalry side, it must avoid the edge of the cavalry of the state of Zhao. One of the powerful factors is the horse. The restrictions on the sale and purchase of war horses are extremely strict.

"Because of the embargo, it is more valuable." Zi Nu said solemnly.

"This matter is beyond my control." Sima Shang said solemnly.

"Then who can make the decision?" Zi Nu asked.

"Master Sheriff."

"Then let the governor make up his mind." Zi Nu said calmly.

Under the leadership of Sima Shang, Zi Nu came to the Sheriff's Mansion. The moment she came to the hall of the Sheriff's Mansion, Yang Ming's figure fell into her eyes.

Why is this kid here?Didn't he take Xue Nu to find Xue Nu's relatives?Could it be that Li Mu is Xue Nu's relative?The moment Zi Nu saw Yang Ming, she thought with surprise and incomprehension.

Yang Ming was also surprised when he saw Zi Nu.

"Wait a minute, I have business here and need to leave for a while." Li Mu stood up and said to Master Cang and Yang Ming after Sima Shang explained his intentions.

"I'm alone, you can do whatever you want." Master Cang waved his hand.

"Your Majesty's official business is important." Yang Ming said.

Li Mu, who came outside the hall, looked at Zi Nu in front of him, and asked, "You want to buy war horses, and you still want to buy a batch?"

"Yes." Zi Nu replied.

"Although there are quite a lot of war horses in Yanmen County, it's not that there is no shortage of war horses. For that batch of pig iron, the Sheriff's Mansion can give you [-] gold. You can exchange it for another." Li Mu said without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, I know the importance of war horses to Yanmen County, and I also know that Yanmen County doesn't have enough horses right now, but that doesn't mean it will still be like this a few months later." Zi Nu smiled sweetly. road.

"What do you mean by that?" Li Mu's expression showed more scrutiny.

Success or failure depends on this encounter, Yang Ming, I hope you can be more reliable, if I am cheated by you, I swear, I will definitely take revenge on you with my whole life, Zi Nu felt ruthless in her heart, but in However, the gentle and touching voice still uttered a word: "Wolf Clan"

"You know a lot." Li Mu said expressionlessly, but Sima Shang who was standing beside him couldn't hide his surprise.

"I'm just a businessman, and I don't know much about military affairs. Everything is just a coincidence."

Zi Nu said as she raised a strand of purple hair from her temples, and showed a bright smile, "When I joined forces with Hengshan bandits to attack the Hu tribe, I happened to meet a person. The identity of that person is very interesting."

"Who?" Before Li Mu could speak, Sima Shang couldn't help asking.

"That man is from the wolf clan, and he still has a good status in the wolf clan, because he has a father who has a high status in the wolf clan." Zi Nu said slowly, "Well, by the way, that person is called Touman, his father is the Great Chanyu of the Wolf Clan."

(End of this chapter)

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