Chapter 59

"Hey, our blacksmith Yang is back." In the night, Zi Nu, who leaned on the window frame with one arm, said to Yang Ming who pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.

"What blacksmith? You should call me Master Yang." Yang Ming seriously corrected Zi Nu's teasing.

"Master Yang, the blacksmith, isn't he?" Zi Nu teased.

For the past three days, Yang Ming has been leaving early and returning late every day. For his weapon, this made Zi Nu deeply resentful. She originally wanted to go out with Yang Ming to have a taste of Yanmen County. The county is beautiful, but he never thought that Yang Ming would go to the iron stove with the fire every day.

"Okay, it's up to you." Yang Ming walked to Zi Nu's window, looked at Zi Nu under the moonlight from the lights in the room and said.

At this time, the moonlight fell on Zi Nu's pretty face, and the cool moonlight matched the gentle and delicate skin, making her look quite beautiful.

Look at the beauties under the moon, and the beauties on the moon are even more beautiful.

"Have one?" Zi Nu pointed to the wine glass on the window sill.

"Aren't there two wine cups here? Isn't one of them prepared for me?" Yang Ming said.

"Can't I use it myself?" Zi Nu said coquettishly, she would not admit that she was waiting for Yang Ming to come back.

"Are you going to raise a glass to invite Mingyue to form three people?" Yang Ming smiled, but he had already taken the wine cup and placed it in front of Zi Nu.

"Raise your glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadows will form three people? Hmm! Although it doesn't rhyme, but the artistic conception is..." Zi Nu pondered, but she subconsciously raised the wine pot and placed Yang Ming in front of her. The wine glass was full of wine.

"The artistic conception is very good, bright moon, shadow, it turns out that one person can be so interesting." Zi Nu said with endless aftertaste.

"Then can I invite this bright moon now?" Yang Ming raised the wine cup in his hand to Zi Nu and asked.

Faced with Yang Ming's invitation, Zi Nu was slightly taken aback, for a moment Zi Nu actually forgot to think, only a throbbing was left, the throbbing from the heart made her mind go blank for a while, she just wondered if it was I drank too much before, and my throat actually felt slightly itchy.

At that moment, Zi Nu had an inexplicable impulse. It was not until the sound of Yang Ming swallowing the drink that Zi Nu realized it. Seeing that Yang Ming was drinking on his own, there was no reason to invite Zi Nu to this round of bright moon in the world just now.

Seeing this, Zi Nu felt sullen for no reason, her pair of beautiful purple pupils had subconsciously narrowed, and there was a hint of an evil big sister's smile at the corner of her mouth.

I saw Zi Nu's red lips without any rouge slightly opened, and Zi Nu's tenderness and coquettishness said: "Are you teasing me?"

"Cough, cough..." Zi Nu's coquettishness fell into Yang Ming's ears but turned into a devil's murmur, and the drink that hadn't been completely swallowed suddenly rioted, followed by a violent cough.

"Little guy, with my sister, your skills are still too shallow." Zi Nu teased, and then she seemed to really become a big sister, and gently stretched out her arms to caress Yang Ming's back.

At this moment, one after another of scorching flames suddenly appeared in the distance, straight into the sky, and the scarlet red flames came all the way from the north.

"Is there a beacon fire at the border?" Yang Ming looked up, the fire that shot straight into the sky could only make Yang Ming think of one thing.

There are beacon towers all over the Great Wall in the north of Zhao State.

"The wolves are really going south." Zi Nu had already reacted at this time.

A few days ago, Zi Nu knew that it would not be too long for the wolf clan to go south after getting the news that the wolf clan riders had appeared outside the Great Wall, but is it too fast now, especially now it is still night.

"For decades, the biggest war against wolves is about to start." Yang Ming said.

"War." Zi Nu sighed.

Following the beacon towers ignited from the Great Wall, the entire Yanmen City was alarmed. Countless people took to the streets and looked at the distant sky. It was a message of war.

"It's finally here." In the county guard's mansion, standing on the attic, Li Mu looked at the almost crimson sky in the distance, but there was no panic in his expression because of the sudden southward movement of the wolves, only excitement.

He has been waiting for this day for too long, it has been a full six years, for this day, both he and Zhao Guo have paid too much.

Fortunately, the wolves have finally gone south, and they are here with all their troops. As long as this time can severely damage the wolves, Zhao's northern border can be guaranteed to be safe from the wolf clan in the border for ten years. The [-] frontier troops in the north The elite can get out. At that time, whether you attack the country of Yan, open up the Flying Fox Path, or go south to Zhaodu to join the southern Great Wall defense line on both sides of the Zhangshui River, you will have enough choices.

On the Great Wall at the far border, the Wolf Clan Da Shanyu looked at the army that broke through the Zhao army's defense line, and his bearded face couldn't help showing a wolf-like ferocity.

"Li Mu and Zhao Guo's frontier army are really vulnerable, and the defense of the Great Wall is so empty." Wolf Clan Da Shanyu said with a smile.

The Great Wall has always been a huge trouble for the wolf army, but now, it was easily broken through by him and the wolf warriors under his command. The next step is to attack Yanmen City and take the northern border of Zhao State.

At that time, the wolves will have the city in the northern border of Zhao State as their rear base. Attack the Yuezhi people from the west, and the wolf clan has sufficient strength.

As long as this great Chanyu can conquer the northern border of Zhao State, and unite with Yan State at that time, Zhao State will definitely not dare to retaliate. You can force Zhao Wang to send a few princesses to play.

Whether it's a territory or a woman, it's only interesting to grab it back.The wolf chief Shanyu imagined that the palm of his hand had already grabbed his beard. Although it was already gray, what time could change was only its color, and it did not diminish its owner's desire.

Among a group of wolf cavalry heading south at night, Touman rode on a war horse. Although his speed did not decrease, he lost the sense of tacit understanding he once had.

"Damn Zhao Ren." Thinking of the one who caused him to escape from Hengshan in embarrassment, losing his mount and the other mount that was about to be acquired, Touman hated his teeth.

Among the brothers, although he has a relatively low status due to matrilineal reasons, Touman doesn't like his brothers at all.

Wisdom conquers all.

There was a smile on Touman's sheepskin-covered face, but his smile disappeared the next moment. He thought of that person in Mount Heng. The wisdom he thought was useless in front of that person, and that person A person has only strength, the strength that almost cost him his life.

"I hope you are still there. This time, I will personally take off your head." Touman said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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