Chapter 61

The goal of the wolf army was very clear. After breaking through the Great Wall defense line, they turned a blind eye to the camps all over Yanmen County and headed straight for Yanmen City. In less than two days, the Wolf Clan vanguard had already appeared under Yanmen City.

And this is exactly what Li Mu wants to see. Thousands of chariots, more than [-] elite cavalry, and tens of thousands of armored infantry and crossbowmen are already waiting here, just waiting for the wolf from the north to come. Go to the foot of Yanmen City.

The first battle is the decisive battle. In order to make the wolf clan confident that they can completely defeat Li Mu and the Zhao border army in the first battle, and to let the wolf clan form such an arrogant cognition, Li Mu has been preparing for too long.

For things like the first battle and the decisive battle, the wolf clan is more willing to see. After all, the wolf clan army is poorly equipped, and there are almost no siege equipment. Let them attack Yanmen City, which is high and deep, and they also know That's going to break the wolf's teeth and crack the wolf's claws.

And Li Mu chose to fight the wolf clan, which is exactly what the wolf clan wanted to see.

"I think this Li Mu is not only cowardly, but also very stupid. He is cowardly when he shouldn't be cowardly, but he is so stupid when he shouldn't be stupid." Da Shanyu, a wolf clan standing on a hill outside Yanmen City, looked at him. Zhao Guo's frontier army, who was waiting in full force outside Yanmen City, only thought that it was God Blessing the Wolf Clan, who actually made Li Mu the governor of Yanmen County.

Throughout the ages, a famous battle requires not only the skillful fighting of one's own generals and the bravery of soldiers, but also the stupidity and mistakes of the enemy. Create a battle that will be remembered in the history books.

But now, in the eyes of the Wolf Clan Da Shanyu, he saw such an opportunity, and Li Mu's stupidity was his opportunity.

In the cold wind of the first month, countless wolf cavalry in leather armor and fur swarmed from the north. They did not have the tactics of the Seven Kingdoms Army, but only the most primitive wildness. The original law of scrambling.

In the cold wind of the first month, the clouds were dense, and a wolf army of [-] horsemen gathered in one place, stretching for dozens of miles. It was a hundred thousand horses rushing towards Yanmen City like a flood, and its momentum was beyond anyone's imagination.

What's more, among these [-] horses, there are [-] wild and brutal wolf cavalry.

But in the face of such a wolf army, Zhao Guo's frontier army did not change their face, standing in the cold wind one by one, behind them was their own homeland, and they could not retreat.

Facing the wolf army that invaded their homes, all they can do is to fight with their own flesh and blood, for their own family, for their relatives, for their descendants, for their friends, for themselves People who may not know each other, but who flow the same blood, wear the same clothes, and speak the same language, are fighting for the chance to survive.

They fight not for aggression, but for protection.

In front of the formation of the two armies, a group of cavalry rushed out from the wolf army. A group of cavalry wore mink fur hats and eagle feathers obliquely. where it stopped.

"Wolf Clan Da Shanyu's personal guard, it's interesting, this Wolf Clan Da Shan wants to fight with us in front of the battle." Under the commander-in-chief, Li Mu in battle armor looked at the wolf cavalry who were showing off their might in front of the battle. The people on the left and right said.

"If he wants to fight, then he will fight. In this first battle, who is willing to fight?"

Since the Wolf Clan Da Shanyu sent his own personal guards, of course Li Mu would also use his own personal guards to deal with him.

Responding to Li Mu was a call for war.

"Li Bai, you come for the first battle." Li Mu finally called out one person's name.

"Yes." Li Bai, the personal soldier who was pointed by Li Mu, responded, and then urged his horse to rush to the front of the battle formation.

"The people of the wolf tribe are really interesting. Thinking about the generals in front of the battle, I feel that I have the chance to win." In a position not far from Li Mu, Master Cang in light armor looked at what had happened before the battle. Fighting, to Yang Mingdao beside him.

"Maybe there is something to rely on." Yang Mingdao, who was incorporated into Li Mu's personal guards and was responsible for protecting Master Cang at this time.

"The riding and shooting skills of the wolf tribe are really good, but when it comes to personal combat skills, they are not good enough." Master Cang said.

At this time, Yang Ming's sight had already shifted to the battle before the battle. Compared with chatting with an old man, Yang Ming was more interested in the battle before the battle.

In the sound of war drums, under the sight of countless comrades-in-arms, fighting against the enemy, beheading them under the horse, and moving the enemy's army with the power of one person, this kind of pride, such blood, is really addictive .

Amidst the dull sound of war drums that seemed to come from ancient times, Yang Ming only felt that the blood in his body was boiling. The fighting between the army formations was indeed not comparable to the vendettas in the rivers and lakes.

Appearing in front of people is something that people like, not to mention, this is a battle that brings together the beliefs of countless people.

In Yang Ming's line of sight, Li Mu's personal guards, the great Chanyu of the Wolf Clan, found an opportunity, pierced his chest with a gun, and picked him to death under his horse. The wolf clan gathered hundreds of thousands of troops here, and that man was still the most dazzling existence among these 10 people.

At this time, in front of the formation of the two armies, another wolf clan guard rushed out.

This is the second set.

The two fought only a few times, and the wolf clan's guard fled with a dagger on his horse's back. Facing the enemy's cowardly battle, Zhao Bing naturally couldn't let him go, and urged his horses to chase after him.

"Something's going to happen to this kid." Master Cang who couldn't relax said again to Yang Ming beside him.

"Fleeing when there is no obvious decline, it seems to be a trick to confuse the enemy, and the ultimate move is hidden. If it is normal, he may still be able to distinguish it, but now, he just won a game. It's hard to say." Yang Ming said.

"It's meaningless to chat with you kid." When Yang Ming gave the answer directly, Master Cang instantly lost the desire to speak.

As soon as Master Cang's words fell, the escaped wolf guard suddenly turned around, and in his hand there was already a fully drawn bow, and the arrow pointed to the chasing Zhao Bing.

With the trembling of the bowstring, the sharp arrow turned into a shooting star and shot at Zhao Bing. Caught off guard, with a groan of pain, Zhao Bing fell off his horse. , a head fell to the ground.

"Despicable, general, the last general requests to go to battle." Under Zhao Jun's banner, a soldier guarding Li Mu's side said personally.

"That's why we fight the third formation." Li Mu said calmly, life and death are commonplace in battle formations, as the chief general of an army, how could he be shaken by this.

"No." The person beside Li Mu responded.

When this person came to the front of the formation, he inserted his spear into the ground, took out his bow and arrow, and pointed at the wolf clan members openly.

Just now the wolf tribe used bows and arrows to sneak attack to win, so he will use archery to defeat the enemy in a dignified manner this time around.

Seeing the enemy blatantly raising their bows and arrows, the wolf clan guards grumbled, retracted their scimitars, and took out their own bows and arrows.

In terms of archery, Zhao Jun is just learning from Hu people, so how could he be afraid of them.

(End of this chapter)

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