Chapter 85 Our Choice
Amidst the sound of the wheels, a carriage drove into the cottage, and under the curious eyes of a pair of bandits, the door opened, and a woman stepped out from inside.

This woman is extremely beautiful, with a slim figure, long legs and a slender waist. The key point is that her breasts are bulging, coupled with a delicate face. Although she is not stunning, she is still an extremely beautiful woman.

Yang Ming's eyes couldn't help but stay on the other's face, where there was a little butterfly-shaped flower tin between his brows.

Yang Ming was not shocked by the beauty of the other party. With the purple girl in front, there are not many women who can shock Yang Ming with her appearance. What really surprised Yang Ming was that he had seen this face of the other party before: Dance, trapper.

Could the female killer in the net be intercepted by a group of bandits?It is impossible for such a thing to happen, but it has happened now. There must be an unknown reason for such an abnormal thing.

Seeing the frightened expression on Li Wu's face at this time, her delicate body trembled even more. The story she presented at this time seemed to be really just a tragic woman who was hijacked by bandits after her beauty went out.

"Yang..." The moment she saw Yang Ming clearly, Li Wu couldn't believe it, and then there was a bigger surprise. It seemed that seeing Yang Ming here gave her hope.

"Miss Liwu, aren't you in Yanmen? Why did you come to Mount Heng alone? This is not Yanmen. In this disorderly place, it's not a place where a delicate beauty like you should come." Yang Ming said.

Now Yang Ming doesn't have to doubt at all, Li Wu was intercepted into this Black Wind Stronghold, it was definitely intentional, and the real purpose was still directed at him.

"My friend from Xianyang Jinghuayuan invited me to Xianyang to be a teacher. I walked this Hengshan trail in a hurry, but I never thought that I would encounter bandits here." Li Wu said in a panic.

"However, fortunately, I can meet you here." Li Wu said with 'lingering fear'.

"Miss Liwu, you may have misunderstood something. Here, I am just the master of Heifengzhai, a bandit, and the leader of the bandits." Yang Ming no longer had the politeness he had when he was in Feixue Tower. Now he seems to be really just the leader of the bandits running rampant in Mount Heng, robbing money and women is what he likes to do.

"This?" In an instant, Li Wu was dominated by fear again.

Looking at Li Wu who was trembling, Yang Ming waved his hand uninterestedly to let Yingge take her down. Now Yang Ming doesn't have the extra leisure to talk nonsense with such a female killer who is showing off her acting skills.

"Do you know this Li Wu girl?" Bai Po asked curiously as he watched Li Wu being taken away by Ying Ge.

Bai Po doesn't know Li Wu, but Bai Po knows what kind of place Jing Hua Yuan is. One of the most famous brothels in Xianyang City, who can be invited by Jing Hua Yuan to be a teacher, how can it be? There is only a beautiful skin.

"I know, but the purpose of this Li Wu girl is not pure, otherwise a few bandits can't stop her." Yang Ming said.

"How to say?" Bai Po asked curiously.

"This Li Wu girl is the killer of the net, and in the net, she has a high status." Yang Ming said.

"The killer of the snare? So, she was deliberately intercepted into the cottage? Then what is her purpose, could it be you?" Bai Po pondered.

The network has been expanding more and more over the years, especially in recent years with the support of Lu Buwei, it has expanded its power. Although Bai Po is not in Qin, he has heard of it.

It's not a good thing to be targeted by a snare killer.

"It should be. If meeting this Liwu girl in Yanmen can still be called a coincidence, then in this Black Wind Village, if you meet her again, you can only say that she came here for me." Yang Mingdao.

If Luo Wang came to assassinate him, Yang Ming would not have any doubts, but the purpose of Luo Wang is obviously not that, and the rest is probably just recruiting, but a killer intelligence organization like Luo Wang is not what Yang Ming likes The goal.

Although demons and monsters can run rampant for a while, they can only exist in the dark after all.

"Is this a trap trying to recruit you?" Bai Po also thought of this possibility.

"It's not sure, but it's a trouble, but don't worry about it now, just wait for them." Yang Ming said.

Yang Ming doesn't have the time to test Li Wu right now. When the time comes, she will say it herself.

"What do you think about Wang Wei's matter?" Bai Po saw that Yang Ming didn't want to say more about Li Wu's matter, so he changed the topic back to the topic just now.

"I still want to visit Xianyang, Taiyuan County is too close." Yang Ming said.

Now that he has come to this world, how could Yang Ming not want to visit the most powerful city in the world. In the next 30 years, that city will be the real protagonist in the world.

Everything that happens in that city will affect every corner of the world.


Bai Po is also familiar with the king's capital of the Qin Kingdom. He also went there when he was young, and he stayed there for a long time, but that memory is really too long for Bai Po now. , so long that now he needs to recall for a long time to remember what happened there.

While Yang Ming was chatting with Bai Po, Zi Nu on the other side had already completed the handover of goods and money with the people in Baihu Village.

In the room belonging to Zi Nu, "You really don't want to meet that Li Wu?" Zi Nu, who already knew what happened outside when she handed over with Baihu Village, asked.

"What are you going to see her for? The trappers are very troublesome, and I'm thinking about how to avoid them now." Yang Ming said.

"If you're going to Qin, it's impossible not to deal with Luo Wang. Since Luo Wang has spent so much effort to get close to you, she must have a purpose. You might as well get in touch with her and see what their purpose is." Zi Nu suggested.

Although as a woman, Zi Nu didn't like women like Li Wu, but after putting aside her identity, she still felt that it would be more beneficial for Yang Ming to get in touch with Li Wu.

"I'm not in the mood. I'm not in the mood to play guessing games with a woman right now." Yang Ming said.

"Then how do you feel?" Zi Nu asked.

"Do you have to go back to Korea? In Qin, we can also build a Zilan Pavilion. Even if there is no Zilan Pavilion, we can support your sisters well." Yang Ming endured and endured, Finally, he said what he had been holding back in his heart.

Although the proprietress of Zilanxuan is charming and a stunner in the world, if possible, Yang Ming hopes that Zinu will always be the Zinu in front of her, not the female boss of Zilanxuan.

"What stupid things are you talking about again? You have your choice, and I have mine too." Zi Nu took Yang Ming's palm and held it tightly. Pulled Yang Ming's palm.

I know the meaning of your words, and I also know your affection for me, and the affection in my heart will never be less than yours, but I also have things that I need to do.Zi Nu thought in her heart, a faint melancholy permeated her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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