Chapter 99

"How is my residence?" Li Wu asked the maid to bring drinks and food to Yang Ming, looking at Yang Ming who seemed to be full of curiosity about everything around him.

"It's very interesting. Although it is somewhat different from the oiran's room I imagined, it is roughly the same." Yang Ming said.

Li Wu's room is very large, but the decoration is extremely clean, there is not much luxury, but it is only visually that there is no luxury. The furniture and furnishings in the room are all expensive things. To use a sentence that Yang Ming is familiar with , Low-key luxury with connotation.

"It's still a bit plain. I don't like it very much. In fact, I'm a vulgar person, and I like bright and beautiful things. Unfortunately, in order to gain a reputation that belongs only to Li Wu, I can only suppress my preferences and pretend to be a noble person." People." Li Wu said with a smile.

Of course, these words cannot be said to the guests, but Yang Ming?Li Wu thought it was worth a try, what if they could really become friends?
"Character design?" Hearing Li Wu's confession, Yang Ming said a word.

"Personal design?" Li Wu was slightly taken aback, unable to react for a while, the term human design is still very unfamiliar to people in this time and space.

Amid Li Wu's doubts, Yang Ming explained the meaning of the persona.

"It's really a character design, I didn't expect such an interesting word." Li Wu covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly.

For a moment, Yang Ming only thought of the word beautiful, this is a woman who is very good at showing her charm. Although Yingge is beautiful, visually speaking, it lacks the ability to express herself like Liwu.

"No, although this word is interesting, it should be the talent that is interesting." Li Wu said, looking at Yang Ming with burning eyes, as if she wanted to eat Yang Ming.

"However, when it comes to character design, what is your character design, Yang Ming?" Seeing that Yang Ming was unmoved by his 'molesting', he could only ask another question.

"Is my character set up? I need to think about this question, but I shouldn't have to think about it now." Yang Ming said.

"The reason?" Li Wu asked.

"Because the character design is for outsiders to see, and what I'm doing now is to hide myself." Thinking of the Ganquan Palace that made him very satisfied, Yang Ming replied.

"What's the reason?" Li Wu was curious and hid herself?Does this seem to be something that Yang Ming, who looks calm but is actually arrogant, would do?

"If you don't accumulate silicon steps, you can reach thousands of miles. In order to go further in the future, you can only hide yourself now and practice literature and martial arts." Yang Ming said.

"Cultivating literature and practicing martial arts? I know about practicing martial arts, but cultivating literature? Well, I already know the results of your cultivation, but I don't know where you are hiding now?" Li Wu asked.

"Now I am guarding the gate of Oasis Palace."

"Guardian, you?" Li Wu frowned slightly when she heard this, Yang Ming went back to do things like guarding the gate?
When she was in Yanmen, Yang Ming could easily gain power as long as she stayed. At that time, Li Wu was worried that Yang Ming would stay in Yanmen, which would make it difficult for her to complete her task. Fortunately, Yang Ming chose Qin after all. , let her complete the task smoothly without doing anything.

But Li Wu always felt that Yang Ming only came to Xianyang because he had greater ambitions, but what about the doorkeeper right now?What's more, it is still a place like Ganquan Palace.

"Why, could it be that Li Wu looked down on the gatekeeper?" Yang Ming was startled, as if he was a little angry.

"It's not, it's just, forget it, what are you talking about, I've heard others talk about your martial arts, and it can be regarded as satisfying my curiosity, but, what kind of practice is this Xiuwen?"

"In my spare time, I just read some idle books. To be honest, I said it was for writing. In fact, I don't even know many characters. I don't know how to collect those slips. Let's not talk about the characters of the Seven Kingdoms. I'm getting dizzy looking at human writing." Yang Ming said distressedly.

In this world, there are more than ten types of characters. The collection of books in the Qilin Pavilion is all-encompassing, and the types of handwriting are naturally the same. Poor Yang Ming only understands the characters of Zhao and Qin. At most, I can only recognize a third of it. The so-called Xiuwen is just to cultivate a loneliness. It is just to gain knowledge from it, so that I can better understand this world, especially the history of this world.

"This is a big problem." Li Wu also smiled.

The maid who was fully performing the duties of a maid at the side couldn't help but look at Yang Ming at this time. This existence who was promoted to the first-class killer of Luo Wang Tianzi at a young age has always carried out the task of killing people in the past. aspect stuff is not responsible.

But the next task required her to learn a lot of things, such as Wei Guo's characters, such as rhythm, such as singing and dancing, which made her extremely uncomfortable and suffered a lot from being used to killing people with a sword.

Hearing Yang Ming's distress at this time, even though she rarely had emotional fluctuations, she felt a bit of empathy for a while.

"Then I wonder if you have learned something interesting recently?" Li Wu asked curiously.

The 'Wild Boy', who was on the battlefield, started to write now. Thinking of Yang Ming shaking his head while holding the bamboo slips, Li Wu couldn't help but sneered, and then subconsciously looked at the maid beside him.

It seems interesting that the cold female killer here is turning into a charming beauty.

"I didn't read much, but I saw an interesting story." Yang Ming said.

"Interesting story? What kind of story, let me tell you, I like listening to stories the most." Li Wu subconsciously moved closer to Yang Ming.

"This story is quite bizarre, um, it's a story about famous swords." Yang Ming pondered.

Of course, Yang Ming didn't read the story, but he could make it up. If only Li Wu was here, Yang Ming might not have put so much thought into it, but beside Li Wu, there is still a pair of beautiful eyes.

I don't know what's going on, but Yang Ming only thinks those eyes are very attractive, people can't help but want to look at them, immersed in that deep tranquility, and get an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

"Famous sword?"

"Well, famous swords, a pair of famous swords named Gan Jiang Mo Xie." While speaking, Yang Ming did not forget to pay attention to Li Wu's maid.

At that moment, Yang Ming saw the flashing light from those eyes. Obviously, the story of the famous sword moved her a little.

"Quickly tell me, I've heard of the famous swordsman Mo Xie, but I haven't heard of their stories." Li Wu held Yang Ming's arm, displaying her female talent.

"This story begins with a city. According to legend, there is a city called Sword Casting in the State of Wu. The owner of the city is the most famous swordsmith in Wu at that time. This master swordsmith has a daughter and two apprentices. Their names They are Mo Xie, Gan Jiang, and Yi Xi." Yang Ming recalled a long-standing story in his mind.

"And then?" Li Wu asked.

The maid's ears were also pricked up at this time.

"The three brothers and sisters, Gan Jiang, Mo Xie, and Yixi grew up slowly, their love began to blossom, and they gradually understood the relationship between men and women. Gan Jiang and Yi Xi both fell in love with Mo Xie."

"But Mo Xie likes generals, doesn't he?" Li Wu, who was considered well-informed in the brothel, interjected.

"If the story is really that simple, it would be easy to tell, but in fact there are some discrepancies. Although Mo Xie likes the go-getters, he really regards Yixi as his senior brother. He doesn't want Mo Xie, who is sad for Yixi, to discuss with the go-getters. He has to hide it The feelings between them should be told to Yixi only when they find the right time."

"Later, the master swordsmith passed away. Before he died, he made a will. Whoever can forge a sword that can cut off his ultimate masterpiece will be able to marry his daughter and become the new master of Swordsmith City."

"Beauty, status, wealth, and power are all here now. What's the next story?" Li Wu couldn't help but ask again.

"Of course it is not so easy to cut off the highest masterpiece of the master swordsmith, but for Mo Xie, Ganjiang and Yixi both frantically forged swords, tried countless times, but ended in failure every time."

"Did a general appear in the end who forged the sword of the general, cut off the sword, married Mo Xie, and became the familiar couple of master swordsmiths?"

Li Wu was really not a good listener, so she spoke again at this time, which attracted the maid's cold gaze, making the curious oiran shut up instantly.

"According to what you said, the story can come to an end. The general will be cast into a general's sword, and we will live a shameless life with Mo Xie." Yang Ming also glared at Li Wu, and it was the first time he discovered the woman's identity. The mouth is so flexible.

"Okay, okay, I'll shut up, I'll shut up." Li Wu, who was threatened by two people at the same time, could only obediently confess.

"One day, the three brothers and sisters were admiring the moon on the mountain, and suddenly saw a meteorite falling from the sky. As swordsmiths, they knew exactly what the meteorite fell from the sky meant. When they found the meteorite, the surprise was replaced by fear. Because it is written on the meteorite that if a sword is cast from this meteorite, it can be cast into a sword that is unparalleled in the world, but the person who casts the sword will bear the curse of being in love for seven generations and not being able to stay together."

"Is this a tragedy that started from there?" Li Wu resisted not to speak this time, but the maid did.

"Smart." Yang Ming praised, but what he saw was still a cold face, as if the person who spoke just now was not her at all.

But sometimes people's character is very 'cheap', the more cold the maid behaves, the more Yang Ming wants to see her smiling face, unlike Li Wu, because she smiles too much, it's worthless at all.

Yang Ming continued: "In the face of such a curse, the three brothers and sisters agreed that the three of them would not use this meteorite to make a sword no matter what, and buried it on the spot."

"It was also at this time that a friend of the general came back and brought a piece of rare gold. She made an agreement with the general that the general would forge a sword. On the day the sword was made, the general could use the sword to break the sword to get a marriage. It belongs to her." Yang Ming stopped here.

"Is the story over?" Li Wu couldn't hold back after all.

"Not yet." Yang Ming shook his head.

"What's next?"

"The eunuch." Yang Ming said innocently.

"Eunuch?" Li Wu was stunned but puzzled.

"It's just that the bottom is gone."

"The bottom is gone?" Li Wu murmured, unable to react for a while.

"You are an apprentice, can you talk nonsense?" Li Wu who quickly reacted punched Yang Ming's shoulder, although his face was shy, but he couldn't help laughing.

There was even more anger in the maid's eyes. This was the first time Yang Ming saw emotions in her eyes after seeing her today.

(End of this chapter)

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