A few days passed, and at noon, there was a sudden chaotic noise near the east gate of Jiangning City. At this sensitive moment, the city inevitably panicked, and countless residents looked over, not knowing what was going on.

These days, a large number of disaster victims have gathered outside the city. The atmosphere in the city has been somewhat tense and uneasy. Now such a big commotion has made the atmosphere in the city even more tense.

Every household closed their doors. The Su family also became alert and closed the door tightly. Some people stood guard at the door with sticks, and some climbed up the wall to check the situation outside.

Soon, a team of yamen runners came out to stabilize the order, and the chaos outside was quickly quelled. Then news came that the city gates were closed.

In mid-July, amid a riot, the city of Jiangning completely closed its gates.

It is said that the cause of the riots also originated from this. Not only did the residents in the city know that Jiangning was going to close the city gates, but the refugees outside the city also knew that Jiangning was going to close the city.

When the city gates were open, they had more hope; when the gates were closed, although they were not abandoned, the little bit of security in their hearts was gone.

Therefore, seeing that the city was about to be closed, everyone wanted to sneak into the city, but Jiangning had recently been strictly checking people entering the city. Without various documents, identity certificates, and guarantees from relatives in Jiangning, no one was allowed to enter the city.

Jiangning really cannot accommodate too many people.

When the disaster first started and the investigation was not strict, many victims sneaked into the city. As food prices soared, these people could not afford to buy food and had to become beggars. The roadsides in Jiangning city are now full of people kneeling begging.

If we let more people in, we won't be able to control them, and if they are instigated, there will be a big chaos.

Just like the riot just now, someone took advantage of the fact that Jiangning was going to be closed and incited the victims to rush into the city. Seeing that the chaos was getting more and more chaotic, the officials guarding there made a prompt decision and chose to close the city gates.

After the East Gate was closed, the other three gates were also closed urgently for fear that people would incite riots.

As Jiangning was sealed off, the chaos subsided and order in the city was maintained, but the whole city seemed a little quiet, a little depressing, a little panic-stricken, and the streets were cold and desolate.

However, people's ability to adapt is obviously very strong. By the second day, everyone seemed to have adapted. Except that there were fewer people on the streets and no one came in and out of the city gates, everything seemed no different from the past.

At most, because there are too many beggars and refugees in the city, public security has deteriorated sharply, and people go out less and less, and they must bring guards with them when they go out.

Even the academy temporarily suspended classes, and Qin Siyuan's chess stall on the Qinhuai River was temporarily closed.

Li Mu is still the same as before, reading books, practicing sword, drinking tea, shopping every day, and visiting Hulu Valley when he has free time.

Although Hulu Valley was more than thirty miles long and Jiangning was sealed off, for Li Mu, using Qinggong, it would take less than an incense stick to walk more than thirty miles. As for the city gate, with his Qinggong, the city wall was as easy to walk on as flat ground.

However, although all businesses in the city were declining, brothels were becoming more and more prosperous. Everyone was depressed, and more people came out to have fun. They often went out in groups of three or five, calling friends and spending money lavishly, becoming more generous than before.

The abnormal prosperity of brothels and prostitutes, and the prices of rice, flour, grain and oil in the city, also skyrocketed due to the city lockdown. Although the government also imposed restrictions, the residents in the city were rushing to buy rice and grain like crazy, but how could they stop this trend?

With such high grain prices, more people could not afford to buy grain. The number of refugees and beggars in the city increased day by day. Some wealthy families began to provide porridge, and the Su family was no exception.

In the evening, the two continued to discuss and perfect the plan. After several deductions, they saw that there were not many omissions. Su Tan'er couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She ate a piece of cake and said, "It will take a few days for the plan to be implemented. There is nothing to do these few days. Tomorrow, my family will give out porridge at the gate of the mansion to help the victims. Would you like to go and have a look, my husband?"

Li Mu nodded: "Okay! I haven't given porridge to anyone yet!"

Su Tan'er smiled and said, "Tan'er has distributed porridge before. I remember when I was a child, the city gates were closed and there were refugees and beggars everywhere in the city. I followed my father to distribute porridge in front of the mansion."

"We prepared porridge and steamed buns in advance, and they lined up to come. A bowl of porridge and a steamed bun was enough for them to have a meal. When we put the food in their hands and saw their happy faces, we felt very happy."


The next day, when they heard that the Su family was distributing porridge to relieve the disaster, nearby families who had run out of food, refugees and beggars all gathered around.

The Su family had also made preparations, with pots of cooked porridge and baskets of steamed buns all laid out.

The form of disaster relief at this time was very similar to what we see on TV. The servants of the Su family directed the victims to line up in several teams and come forward one by one. Each person was given a large spoonful of porridge and a small steamed bun.

Although the quantity is not large, these noodles and vegetables can always help people who have run out of food to get through.

Some people expressed their gratitude profusely, some remained silent, and some looked numb. The Su family's distribution of porridge was not just for charity, but also to gain a good reputation and become a righteous businessman, which was like killing two birds with one stone.

When the things were half distributed, Su Tan'er came over and said happily, "Dad is here too."

"Oh!" Li Mu turned his head and saw a horse-drawn carriage separating the crowded crowd and stopping in front of the mansion gate. It did not go back to the mansion but went all the way to the place where porridge was distributed.

After greeting and chatting with Li Mu for a while, Su Boyong looked at Su Tan'er and reminded her, "You didn't look very well a few days ago. You should rest more and don't overwork yourself."

Su Tan'er nodded: "I know, it's okay now." She was really worried about the imperial merchant's matter a few days ago.

After a few brief words, Su Boyong, as the head of the Su family's eldest branch, also came to the long table and began to distribute steamed buns.

Su Tan'er and Li Mu chatted for a while and were about to run over to distribute porridge when they saw some small commotion among the victims.

In the queue where Su Boyong was distributing steamed buns, someone squeezed forward and seemed to want to cut in line, but the people in the queue did not allow him, causing a bit of a commotion.

It seems normal, but Li Mu knows that it was actually done by people who disguised themselves as disaster victims and wanted to assassinate Su Boyong.

The man took advantage of the servants who were maintaining order not to react and squeezed to the front of the line. Su Boyong didn't care and took out a steamed bun and was about to hand it over. But the man slipped out a dagger silently from his sleeve, and he lunged forward, ready to charge at the man with the dagger.

At this time, Su Boyong finally realized that something was wrong. It was too late to retreat, and he was about to bleed to death. A few feet away, Su Tan'er, who had martial arts skills, sharp eyes and ears, and keen senses, also realized the danger and reached out to grab the dagger at her waist, but it was too late to save him.

At this moment, a steamed bun flew over. It seemed to be very slow, but it was extremely fast. Just as the man was about to hit Su Boyong with his knife, he was hit silently by the steamed bun. He flew back a few steps and hit the victims behind him. He fell to the ground with a thud, and the shining dagger in his hand also fell to the ground.

The bun that hit the person bounced back onto the table without even breaking the skin. Everyone reacted at this time, and someone shouted that there was an assassin. Several servants who were maintaining order rushed over and subdued the man before he picked up the dagger.

Su Boyong was still in shock and looked pale. Su Tan'er quickly ran over and drew her sword to guard him, fearing that there might be a second assassin.

Fortunately, there may be a few people who are just watching from the sidelines, and this is the only one who takes action.

The Su family was accustomed to big scenes, and they quickly brought the chaotic situation under control. Su Boyong was helped back home, and the porridge distribution continued.

After returning to the mansion and waiting for Su Boyong to recover, the guards who were interrogating the man replied that the man had confessed without any interrogation and explained the reasons for the assassination clearly.

The Su family's hall was already crowded with people. Guardian Geng looked at the people in the hall carefully, and seemed to find it difficult to speak. Finally, he reported in a low voice: "According to the man, his name is Chen Er, and he was originally from Jiayu, Ezhou. He said that three years ago when our Su family opened a store and acquired land in Ezhou, we hired thugs to drive his family out of their original address. His mother died because of this, and he and his family moved to live in a low-lying area."

"Due to the severe flood this year, his family was too poor to escape in time, and his wife and children died. This time he fled to Jiangning, and when he saw the Su family, he suddenly had the intention to kill them, so he took action. This person has a pass, speaks with an Ezhou accent... His identity does not seem to be fake."

After saying this, Guardian Geng remained silent.

Everyone was silent for a while. Under the control of the old man, the Su family has always been very strict in managing the household. However, these matters are basically handled by the shopkeepers below, so it is hard to say how the details are.

The old man was silent for a moment, then he tapped the ground with his cane and said, "Whether this matter is true or false, we must find out whether it is my Su family's fault or someone is behind this."

Then he ordered the housekeeper: "Go and check, use all available connections to check Chen Er's background. In the city, outside the city, all the way to Ezhou, and ask the shopkeeper in charge of Ezhou to find out whether this happened three years ago..."

"We chose to act after the city gates were closed, when information was not flowing smoothly. If there was someone behind the scenes plotting, assassination, or backbiting... it shows how vicious this person is. We must get to the bottom of this matter."

However, just as we had just started the investigation, by the afternoon, within less than half a day, the news that the Su family had been forced to break up and that Su Boyong had been stabbed to death in the street by his victims had spread throughout the entire Jiangning City.

Now, there is no need to guess, there is indeed someone planning behind the scenes.

Not to mention how Chen Er, a refugee, managed to enter Jiangning City smoothly. Chen Er was caught on the spot and no information from the scene was leaked out. Yet, in just a short while, his story became a hot topic.

You have to know that the Jiangning City today is full of beggars and refugees, and the public security is in chaos. There are many fights, injuries, and even murders. An attempted assassination will not cause much waves.

No one is behind this, no one will believe it.

Old Master Su slammed his cane on the ground, and spoke word by word, gritting his teeth: "It seems... there really is someone... who wants to take action against my Su family..."

Merchants value their reputation the most. Once this matter, which forced the family to be ruined, spread, it would be a huge blow to the entire Su family. With a bad reputation, not only would it be difficult to do business, but they would not even be qualified to compete for the title of Royal Merchant.

In the courtyard, Su Tan'er's face was filled with sorrow. "How could this happen? Someone is targeting the Su family like this. And is the matter about Chen Er true? The city gates are closed now, information is not flowing, and it's very chaotic outside. It will probably take at least a month or two to investigate it thoroughly."

Li Mu said: "Actually, it's very simple to find out whether what Chen Er said is true or not."

Su Tan'er turned her head and looked over.

Li Mu smiled and said, "I taught you all your martial arts. Don't believe what your husband says."

Su Tan'er said, "Dad said that he will be sent to the government for punishment in the future, so we can't torture him in private, or at least let others see it, so as not to cause trouble."

Li Mu said: "Don't worry."

Half an incense stick of time later, after performing the bone-splitting hand technique once, Chen Er explained everything clearly.

He was indeed from Jiayu, Ezhou, but he was a gambler. Three years ago, the Su family opened a shop in Ezhou and acquired land. The land of Chen Er's family was indeed acquired, and the price given was also the market price.

All the neighbors near Chen Er agreed. Because Chen Er owed gambling debts and wanted a high price, he made trouble many times and was indeed punished by the local tyrants hired by the manager of the Su family.

However, his mother did not die for this. Chen Er took the money from the land sale, but instead of buying a new house, he went to the gambling house and did not return home for several days and nights. When he returned home, he had lost most of the money from the land sale, and his mother died of anger on the spot.

His new home was indeed flooded. The main reason was that he had lost money and could not afford to buy a new house, so he could only build a few thatched huts in a low-lying area, which were directly washed away by the flood.

As for the fact that his wife and children did not have time to escape and died in the flood, this is of course false.

Due to his addiction to gambling, his wife and children were mortgaged and their lives are unclear. Now he still owes a lot of gambling debts and is being driven to death by debt collectors every day.

It was at this time that a stranger found him and said that he could help him pay off his gambling debts and even redeem his wife and children as long as he did one thing.

Chen Er, who had been desperate for a long time, was like grabbing a life-saving straw. How could he refuse? In addition, he was beaten up by someone hired by the Su family's manager, so he couldn't help but hold a grudge. So he came all the way to Jiangning and waited for the opportunity.

As for who found Chen Er and who was behind the scenes plotting against the Su family, Chen Er couldn't explain clearly. It was said that the person who came to find him was also a gangster. The real mastermind never showed up, and Chen Er was just a pawn pushed to the front.

After learning the truth, Su Tan'er couldn't help but feel relieved. Fortunately, the Su family did not do such a bad thing.

"But... who is so cruel that he not only wants to kill my father, but also wants to ruin the Su family's reputation."

Li Mu said: "Business is like a battlefield. Don't think that everyone is so kind. Some people actually have no bottom line."

Su Tan'er was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised her head and said seriously, "Husband, let's try the method you mentioned a few more times. Since they are so cruel, I will not show any mercy anymore."

Li Mu said, "It's OK once you figure it out. We can use this as a tool for the assassination. It's best to pretend that my father-in-law is too frightened and rest at home for a while, so that the first house will be leaderless and appear a little chaotic, which will lower their vigilance. You have to go and talk to him in person, Tan'er."

Su Tan'er nodded: "Okay, I'll talk to Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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