() After everything was settled, in the early morning of the next day, the five members of the "Sacred Dragon Squad" embarked on the journey to return to the Holy City of the Empire with the joy of returning home.

And due to the hard fighting in the past few days, everyone was exhausted enough, so on the way back, they were not in a hurry. First, they could take the opportunity to rest. , It can be regarded as a good way to relax, so stop and go along the way, stop when you see a town, and a group of people travel while sightseeing, until ten days later, they return to the holy city.

But as soon as they returned to the holy city, they heard a shocking news from the streets and alleys, that is, the emperor of the holy empire was ill, and he hadn't gone to court for nearly ten days, and his condition still hasn't improved until today.

Hearing this news, Lu Qing, who is the niece of the emperor of the Holy Empire, jumped up in a hurry. As soon as she entered the inner city, she left Hua Long and others and ran to the palace alone. She didn't want to take them with her, but in a place like the imperial palace, even she didn't take whoever she wanted to.

However, although Lu Qing was not there, the mission of the Imperial Association could still be handed in, so they started to work on their own, Hualong and others still went to the holy tower to deliver their first team mission as planned.


Holy City, Holy Tower.

"If you don't know the leader, how can you earn points? Then when will you get those holy artifacts?"

Tieniu and others who delivered the first mission on the fourth floor of the holy tower were staring at the pitiful points in Hualong's hand, and were speechless for a while.

According to the scoring rules of the Imperial Mission Association, the points for an e-level task are [-], and the points for a d-level task are [-], that is to say, what Hualong and the others completed for the first time were two d-level tasks and three e-level tasks. His total points are [-], plus all the arena points obtained from the Fighting Union have been exchanged for a total of [-] points.

Don't just look at the two money at [-] points and think it's too much. These are team points, that is to say, it is only [-] points when it is evenly distributed to each team member. Four months of hard work only earned [-] points. Points, how can this make these guys who want good things not speechless?

"Okay, don't think it's too little. This is already a lot. Hurry up and score all the points. I think I only got more than 3000 points when I was in the fighting union for five years. You got [-] points in four months." What else do you want to score? Besides, when the two of you reach the fourth level, then our 'Sacred Dragon Squad' will be a C-level team, and then we can take on C-level tasks with more points?"

Hua Long couldn't help but be stunned by their expressions. These are the masters who live in the blessings and don't know the blessings. If the points are so easy to get, then those holy artifacts would have been replaced by others, how could it be their turn?

"Hey, Captain, what else is there to do? You can keep the points by yourself. Besides, if you put the points together, you can redeem those holy artifacts earlier!"

Seeing that Hualong held out the emblem of the association in his hand to ask them to score points, Su Xing and Tieniu exchanged glances, and quickly suggested, while proposing, they turned their attention to Qi Yue. After all, this is a team point, so they can't be used alone. The two of them have the final say, there will be no problems with the deputy head, so the main thing is Qi Yue's consent.

"I have no opinion."

Receiving the gazes from Su Xing and Tieniu, Qi Yue naturally knew what it meant with her intelligence, so she shrugged her shoulders and said with a light smile.

Although she is a little unreasonable sometimes, she is never confused when it comes to major matters, and some of the holy vessels are good things for her to use. Why not do such a smooth thing?


Regarding Su Xing's suggestion, Hua Long hadn't thought about it. After all, if all the points were put together, it would be much easier even if he wanted to change the holy weapon. However, doing so would also cause many problems, such as the distribution of things. Questions and more.

The Imperial Association generally neither supports nor opposes this kind of non-distribution of points. After all, the missions of the association are somewhat risky. What is the reason for missing one or two missions, how to calculate the points?Therefore, most teams choose to manage their own points, the main purpose is to prevent this kind of uneven distribution from happening. After all, not everyone is as generous and courageous as their "Sacred Dragon Squad". Skills don't need to be dirty.

So for a while, Hualong didn't know whether to refuse or accept.

"Okay, don't smear the ink, it's settled like this, hurry up and take on the next mission!"

Seeing that Hualong was still hesitating, Qi Yue simply made a decision, and then pushed Hualong directly to the mission instruction list to find their second suitable mission.

So the group of four came to the bulletin board full of quests once again, but as soon as they got there, Hua Long's eyes were attracted by an extremely special quest, and a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face. se.

"Hey, there is such a good task, now we can exchange equipment."

After carefully reading the task on the task list several times, Hua Long was convinced that he was not mistaken, and suddenly his face was filled with an evil smile, and he said with a light smile.

"What kind of mission is it to laugh at you like this? Let me see!"

"Due to the stalemate in the imperial war and the tension of the three frontlines, this special task is specially issued to collect idle equipment in the market. The rules are as follows. Anyone who donates a piece of low-quality equipment will be rewarded with [-] mission points from the Imperial Association. Anyone who donates a piece of medium-quality equipment Equipment, reward fifty points from the Imperial Association, whoever donates a piece of high-quality equipment, rewards three hundred points from the Imperial Association, whoever donates..."

Seeing Hua Long's evil smile, Qi Yue and the others quickly stretched their heads over and read out the task in front of him word by word, but they hadn't finished reading it yet, so they immediately became excited. Do others have the equipment? They don't know how to exchange points, but they do know that there are dozens of weapons in Hualong's hands at this time, the worst ones are low-quality weapons, and the best is naturally the "Magic Sound Jade Flute" "Are.

And these things were looted from the storage rings in the hands of the stall owner and Hua Zhong, which were their savings for so many years, but these things are really useless to rich men like Hua Long, It is still scrap iron to keep, and now that the Imperial Association is willing to buy it, everyone is naturally happy.

Therefore, in the next second, Hua Long and others couldn't wait to turn back to the task counter, chatted with the reception lady for a while, and then shook the storage ring in their hands, and dozens of weapons of various grades appeared there. On the task counter, the reception lady was a little dumbfounded.

After all, the worst low-quality artifacts of these things in the world cost tens of thousands of gold coins, and the best high-grade spiritual artifacts cost tens of millions of gold coins, or even priceless. Well, if it weren't for the blacksmiths and foundries allocated by the empire to support special offerings, even they wouldn't be able to produce so many good things at once.

Fortunately, the reception lady was someone who had seen a lot of the world at any rate. After being stunned for a short while, she quickly helped them go through the registration procedures. After a while, the points in the emblem of the association in Hualong's hand increased geometrically. up.

"Five thousand high-grade artifacts, two thousand middle-grade artifacts, one thousand low-grade artifacts, three hundred high-grade artifacts, fifty middle-grade artifacts, and ten low-grade artifacts. The total is..."

"The total is 360, plus the original 860 points, that's [-]. Dig, leader, we're well developed."

After the reception lady added up the points and handed back the association emblem to Hua Long, Tieniu and Su Xing couldn't help but count the points again, drooling while doing the calculations, looking like they were obsessed with money .

Even Qi Yue, who has always regarded money as dung, immediately covered her small mouth when she heard that they had so many points in a short period of time this time, and at the same time blinked her charming eyes, with unbelievable eyes. Looking at Hualong, he never moved away for a long time.

"What expressions do you all have? What's the point of this? Didn't I just say it at the beginning? Follow me and make sure you eat hot and spicy food. What's the matter? I didn't lie to you. I left and went to exchange for something better."

After all, Hua Long also lazily ignored their strangely admiring gazes, and walked straight to the stairway on the fifth floor of the holy tower to exchange for the good things they needed.



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