Holy Spirit Ring

Chapter 68 Guidelines

() "Hehe, old guy, although we don't believe what these three little guys said, we are still very curious. You, an old guy who hasn't stepped out here for decades, suddenly called this little guy up. What are you doing, this is not your style, you don't want to bribe Lin Yu for this kid!"

After exchanging pleasantries, Pete said with a straight face and a questionable tone in his tone. Today's Hualong is a treasure of their Imperial Academy, and his "Holy Dragon Squad" is also a chaotic It's very vivid, so Pete will not allow some people to spoil it.

"Hehe, you old guy, you just like to measure the belly of a gentleman with your villainous heart. Don't worry, I won't poach your corner with Lin Yu, an old boy. I also want to see it." Two years later, will the kid from the Holy Tower Elite Group be stronger or this little guy will be stronger."

Hearing Pete's worried words, Qi Sheng also smiled slightly and said with contempt.

"Then why are you looking for this kid?"

Along the way, Tieniu and Su Xing had already told him the whole story. Now that they didn't come here to poach a corner, he was very curious about the motive of this weapon saint. After all, for a strong man of their level, For those who are concerned, if it is not for these necessary reasons, people with cultivation levels like Hualong and the group of little guys would not be able to enter their eyes at all.

And Pete's curious voice immediately attracted the attention of Qi Heng and Lin Yu. Obviously they were also very curious why this legendary figure of the Holy Empire would be interested in such a brat from the Imperial Royal Academy.

"You guys, didn't the little guy who brought you here tell you what happened in the warehouse in the treasure area? I also asked him to come up to meet the previous one because of the change there. I thought it was after it met an old friend. See, but it's a pity that this little guy is obviously a practitioner of water elements, and he can't even hit eight shots."

Facing the question from Pete and the others, the sage immediately glanced at Hua Long, and then said with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

With such an answer, Hua Long doesn't know whether Pete and the others believe it or not, but he is very clear that this weapon saint is talking nonsense, and his nonsense is tantamount to showing that his relationship with Pete and the others is not as important as theirs. Seeing the appearance is so good, at least it shows that there is still a limit to the mutual trust between them.

And then, after a while of chatting about nothing to do with Hualong, Hualong was naturally brought out from Qi Sheng by Pete and others smoothly, but when he came out, Qi Sheng still used the secret language sound transmission technology in front of him. He whispered something in his ear, and this also caused some subtle changes in Hua Long's attitude towards him.

"For Pete and others, there must be a limit to trust. Not only me, but also you. There are some things that you will understand when you truly grow into a strong person. In addition, regarding the ring in your hand, you go to the fourth-floor mission list to pick one up. There is a special mission called Dangerous Detection, there will be the answer you want to know! Be careful to protect yourself, remember to remember!"

There are some subtexts in this sentence that Hua Long has heard countless times, but Hua Long has never really gotten the so-called answer, but today, from the mouth of the legendary mission of the Holy Empire, he actually got some answers to his confusion. Although it is only a guiding direction, it is undoubtedly a guiding light for Hualong who has already fallen into the fog.

Of course, this might also be a trap. After all, he and this weapon saint only met once. Faced with such a sudden closeness, Hua Long will naturally maintain the necessary vigilance, but no matter what Now, since he was given a way by the guide, even if it was a sea of ​​swords and fire, Hua Long had to go for it.

Therefore, after returning to the fourth floor of the holy tower, Hualong and others sent Pete and others back, and they continued to complete the work they had not completed before-accepting the task.

As for the first task that Na received, it was naturally the guidance given to him by the Artifact Sanctuary, the one on the special task list called Dangerous Exploration Mission.

After some searching, Hua Long finally found this task called Dangerous Exploration in an extremely inconspicuous and dusty corner on the special task list, but the danger level annotation behind this task made Hua Long His eyes suddenly became sharp.

Because after the mission name, there are five extremely dark black stars, and this also shows that this is an extremely dangerous ultimate adventure mission.

According to the mission rules of the Imperial Association, in addition to the ordinary abcde level [-] missions that do not need to be marked with danger, the missions on the special list have more or less powerful dangers that cannot be predicted by humans. The degree of prediction is also divided into ten levels, and marked in red and black, with a limit of five stars. Therefore, five stars in black means that this is a highest-level, extremely dangerous task, and accepting this A task of this level almost represents a narrow escape.

It's no wonder that such a task will be placed in a corner, and it will be dusty. After all, such a task is definitely not an ideal task for a shrewd team. Although its rewards are very rich, but No matter how rich the reward is, you need to be alive to receive it.

As for such a task, even Hua Long's eyes were shining with hesitation at this time. Although he wanted to take this task very much, as the head of the "Holy Dragon Corps", he had to be responsible for his team. It is not something he can do to let his team members try this kind of life-and-death adventure for his personal purpose.

Fortunately, at this time, Qi Yue and the others had already gone to other lists to find suitable tasks, so now before this list, there is only Hualong.

"Hello, I would like to ask, now that I am in the team, can I still accept the task as an individual?"

After making up his mind, Hua Long didn't hesitate any longer, and walked quickly to the task counter, looked at the reception lady, and asked anxiously.

"Sorry, if you already have a team, you can no longer accept the task as an individual, sorry!"

"Then what if it's a black five-star special mission? Can't you make an exception?"

"Ah, you actually want to accept that mission?"

When she heard that the mission Hua Long wanted to accept turned out to be a black five-star special mission, even the face of the reception lady changed slightly. She knew very well that in this mission hall, there was only one black... The five-star quest exists, and when that quest was first released, many teams accepted it unbelievingly, and among them was a team composed of members of the elite regiment of the empire, but it turned out that none of them accepted it. People can come back alive, so these years, that mission has long been designated as a death mission, and because of this, it has been swept into a corner, no one cares about it, and it is even dusty.

But today, there are still people who want to accept that task, which can't help but make the reception lady's eyes full of surprise.

"Do you know the danger of that mission? To tell you the truth, in the few years before you, a team of no less than a hundred people accepted that mission because they were jealous of the reward, but none of them came back alive. You have to think carefully. "

For this task, the reception lady has already obtained the permission from the above a few years ago, and can be treated specially. Therefore, it is also possible to make an exception and let Hualong receive it as an individual, but before that, out of good intentions, She emphasized the danger of the mission to Hua Long again, and then quietly waited for Hua Long's reply.

"I know, thank you for your reminder, but I still want to pick it up, can I do it?"

Looking at the friendly warning eyes of the reception lady, Hua Long immediately smiled slightly, then nodded solemnly, and then handed over his association emblem, even if some things were dangerous, he had to find them The answer, because he didn't want to be led by the nose all the time.

After receiving Hualong's still affirmative answer, the reception lady did not immediately reach out to pick up the association emblem, but still stared at it quietly for dozens of seconds, then sighed helplessly, and took the association emblem , put that dangerous detection mission into his personal mission file.



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