Holy Spirit Ring

Chapter 76 Enchantment

() Under Hua Long's inadvertent glance, the black ring on the left ring finger of the statue in the altar immediately fell into Hua Long's eyes, which revived his originally desperate state of mind.

Because this ring is exactly the same as the one in his hand!

And this point undoubtedly shows that there is an inevitable connection between the two.

However, this discovery, for Hua Long, means hope, but at the same time it is also a little helpless, because although Hua Long has been pondering about it for five years, he has not gained the slightest gain, except when his life is at stake. , it will have an inspiration occasionally, and at other times, no matter what method Hualong uses, it is just an ordinary storage ring.

And this occasional aura phenomenon was only known to Hualong after the sage's words. It was because it had recognized Hualong as the main reason. Isn't that game over?

"Brother, please be more enlightened now, don't let me risk my life!"

At this time, Hua Long had no choice but to try first to see if the ring would be discovered by conscience at this time, and give him a flash of inspiration at this time, so Hua Long's left hand wearing the ring slowly moved. Stretching towards the invisible but palpable enchantment, he prayed secretly in his heart.

At this time, Hua Long's jing sense is infinitely magnified several times, and he closely perceives every move of the white-robed strong man. After all, if he is allowed to know this secret, then what Hua Long has to face will be a terrifying... enemy.

Fortunately, Hua Long had been tinkering with this barrier for a long time before, but he didn't tinker with any new tricks. Therefore, in the eyes of the strong man in white robe, his current behavior was nothing more than a needless struggle.

However, I don't know if the goddess of luck has been following Hualong or the ring really understood Hualong's words. When Hualong's palm wearing the ring touched the enchantment, the ring really responded. , trembling slightly, a burst of colorful light suddenly shot out, wrapping Hualong's palm that had been attached to the barrier, and a pure and powerful energy suddenly passed through Hualong's palm, quickly It flowed into that ring, and under this greedy absorption, even Hua Long's palm felt paralyzed by electric shock.

And as this absorption continued for a short time, Hua Long's palm that was tightly holding the barrier suddenly lightened, and it actually penetrated the barrier and reached into the barrier. Going deep, the size gap between the palm and the arm is instantly filled by the huge barrier energy again, so that the arm that is a few circles smaller than the palm is still integrated with the barrier, so that there will be no loopholes in the barrier. And crash.

At this time, after Hualong realized that the ring in his hand had really illuminated once according to his thoughts, (this is what Hualong thought, but it wasn't) he was overjoyed, but what happened next surprised Hualong, and suddenly He glanced at the strong man in white robe very vigilantly, and only after he didn't notice any abnormal movement from the strong man in white robe, he let out a breath of relief.

Because accompanied by the support of the palm that suddenly disappeared, Hua Long's body suddenly fell forward due to inertia, and slammed into the barrier with a "boom", but such a sound might be stronger than that of the white robe. The reader had listened to it no less than ten times, and was already used to it, so he ignored it, which allowed Hua Long to escape.

After all, if the white-robed strongman finds out that Hua Long has actually found a way to pass through the barrier at this time, then no matter what he says, he will not let Hua Long succeed so easily, even if he can't kill him, at least he can kill him. He will control him in his hands and let Hualong pull him aboard.

However, such a good opportunity was obviously lost by his arrogance, because he didn't believe in things that he couldn't do. Hua Long, a weak man with a fourth-level and six-star cultivation base, could do it.

After Hua Long cast a conscious glance at the white-robed strong man, he saw that he hadn't moved in any way, so he stuck the palm that had already penetrated into the barrier again from inside the barrier, In an instant, the same feeling rose up again. In an instant, Hua Long's entire body was attached to his body with the absorption of the ring's spiritual power. The whole body is wrapped up.

But this time, because the target of the colorful light was too big, it immediately caught the attention of the strong man in white robe, and when he saw that half of Hua Long's body had already crossed the barrier, he was immediately shocked, and his figure was so big. It soared into the sky violently, and rushed towards the place where Hualong was.

However, it was still because the place where he sat cross-legged was too far away from where Hua Long was originally standing, so he couldn't even stop all of this. When his figure arrived, Hua Long's entire body was completely submerged in the barrier. Among them, he stood under the altar, and the only thing left for the strong man in white was the powerful enchantment that had been completely restored at that moment.

So as the sound of "boom" hitting the wall sounded again, Hua Long and the white-robed strong man had separated into two worlds!

And the powerful barrier between these two worlds has become an insurmountable moat for the white-robed powerhouse.

"Hehe, you fool, come and bite me if you have the ability!"

Hearing the clear impact sound, Hua Long already knew that this barrier had no sound-isolating effect, so he looked at the white-robed strong man who was stunned by the powerful rebound force of the barrier and looked like a dog eating shit. At this time, Hua Long can finally vent his unhappiness without any scruples. If it weren't for this mad dog's pursuit, how could he come to this ghost place?But at this moment, it seems that this place has some fate with him, maybe there will be adventures or something, and this is still due to the guy opposite!

"You...'God's Holy Spirit Ring' is actually in your hands?"

At this time, the strong man in white robe obviously didn't care about Hua Long's ridicule, he quickly got up, looked at the pitch-black ring on Hua Long's left hand, recalled the strange phenomenon just now, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he roared furiously.

Obviously at this time, he already knew why Hua Long was able to pass through this barrier, and also recognized the pitch-black ring in his hand, so he was so angry, but in his angry eyes, Hua Long saw When it comes to the excellent greed that is concealed, it seems that he also has some understanding of this ring.

"'Divine Holy Spirit Ring'? Good name, let's talk about a deal, if you tell me something about this ring, I can consider bringing you in, of course, the premise is that you and I get along well!"

Seeing that the strong man in white actually knew the ring in his hand, Hua Long's curiosity was immediately aroused. After all, he now needs a thread, a main thread, to completely connect the fragmented information he knows. Let's get up, and this ring is undoubtedly the most important part of it. Whether it's his mother, the stall owner of the "Hunting City", or the artifact saint of the Holy City, it is because of this ring that a series of Therefore, using it as a breakthrough is the best choice for Hualong.

"Huh? Don't you know the origin of this ring?"

Hearing that Hua Long wanted to negotiate a deal with him, and it was about the ring, the white-robed strongman was slightly taken aback immediately, and then a gleam of joy appeared on his face, but he didn't know what he was happy about was this deal. The transaction was still joyful because Hua Long didn't know the situation of the "Divine Holy Spirit Ring".

"Hey, you can say that, but don't try to deceive me, or you'll just be waiting there to die!"

Seeing the joyful look of the white-robed strong man, Hua Long also smiled slightly. After all, for him, this deal does not exist at all, unless his brain is flooded, he will really pull the other party in, so This so-called transaction was nothing more than Hua Long's method to get his words out of his mouth. Hua Long listened to what he said. As for the truth or falsehood, we will judge later.

"Then I'm going to say, what if you don't fulfill your promise?"

Obviously, the strong man in the white robe was not a fool. Based on his experience, how could he not know Hua Long's thoughts, but at this time he seemed to have no other choice, so he could only make a compromise.

However, Hua Long did not give him an answer to his question. On the contrary, he directly gave him a clear expression, that is, he turned around and walked to the altar. After all, the initiative at this time was in Hua Long's hands. That guy has no choice, how could it be his turn to question him?

"Wait, wait, okay, I promise, I say!"

Seeing Hua Long's figure who wanted to stay away, the white-robed powerhouse panicked immediately. He knew very well that if Hua Long didn't take him away, then he would have only a dead end, even though his life on the Holy Spirit Continent was also a knife-edge Bloody days, but for this kind of waiting to die slowly, he would also be afraid in his heart, so he quickly stopped Hua Long, and agreed with him.

"The ring in your hand is called the 'Divine Holy Spirit Ring'. It was once the ruler of the Lord God's Temple Qianrou. It is a defensive artifact that can completely defend against any attack below the god level. It relies on absorbing the spiritual power of the outside world. To maintain the effect of the artifact, so you can pass through this enchantment..."

Looking at Hua Long's footsteps that had already stopped abruptly, the strong man in white robe couldn't wait to fulfill the deal, and slowly said something about the ring in his hand.

However, when he was narrating, when he saw that although Hua Long had stopped, but his body had not turned around, his narration also stopped abruptly, as if he was very unhappy with Hua Long's reaction.

"It's all nonsense, I know all of this, what else!"

After feeling that the voice of the strong man in white robe stopped, Hua Long's mouth drew a sly arc, and then he shouted sharply.

Small sample, playing tricks?I can't kill you!

Although Hua Long didn't know whether what he said was true or false at this time, there were some things that he didn't know before, such as the Temple of the Lord God, such as the effect of artifacts, these things Hua Long didn't know at all, but now How could he say that he didn't know?

So no matter what the white-robed strongman said, he would say that he knew it a long time ago. After all, a bunch of nonsense that he already knew has no transaction value, and naturally he doesn't need to fulfill any promises!



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