
Chapter 1403: Big things don’t matter

Chapter 1403: Great things are achieved without paying attention to small details

Li Yanchu's expression was uncertain.
Could the woman who fought with the Immortal Emperor be the boss’s wife?
Many thoughts ran through his mind, some of them surprising, some of them worrying.

"The Holy Mother Wu Dang once said that all the old friends of Qian Yuan had gone to different places and nothing happened to them. Could this be the reason?"

For a moment he was confused.

Qin Wuwang said: "Not only that, I also learned a piece of news that may be of interest to you."

Li Yanchu said in a deep voice: "What news?"

Qin Wuwang said: "I can tell you, but you have to let me leave."

Li Yanchu said: "You want to negotiate terms with me without knowing any news."

Qin Wuwang shook his head.

"It's not a deal, I just want to show my goodwill."

Li Yanchu's face darkened.
"If you don't want to talk about it, forget it."

Qin Wuwang smiled bitterly and said, "You really have a bad temper."

Seeing that Li Yanchu was about to draw his sword to kill someone, Qin Wuwang hurriedly said, "You should have a confidante in the Monster Court. Now she has gone to the ancestral land. The major monster families have also gone to the ancestral land to elect a new monster emperor. Although the Feng family behind her is powerful, it involves the structure of the entire Monster Court. I don't need to say more about the danger of this matter."

Li Yanchu's heart trembled, he stared at Qin Wuwang coldly and said: "You know a lot."

Qin Wuwang smiled and said, "I naturally have some friends in the Immortal Court, and I know more information than others. What do you think? This may show my sincerity?"


The ancestral land of the demon court,

An ancient being from the Demon Court lives here.

Only the real figures in the Demon Court have the opportunity to come here and meet the Demon God.

The demon god lived in a bronze palace.

This bronze palace is covered with verdigris and looks very ancient. No one knows how vast it is.

At this time, there were many Demon Kings outside, and some family heads also came here with their disciples. They wanted to meet the Demon God.

The person in charge of reception was a young man who looked humble and respectful.

However, the attitude of these demon kings towards him was very polite.

A beautiful woman said, "Brother, we have been waiting here for a long time. Please go and inform them again."

This woman is the Demon Queen Kun. Considering her status and position, it is a bit surprising that she is so polite.

But the people around him looked calm.

The young man lowered his head, and seemed a little confused as he explained softly: "It's not that I don't understand, you all have to wait another month. This is the instruction of the ancestor, and I dare not ask more."

Demon King Kun was somewhat helpless.
"Can't you be accommodating?"

She smiled and handed a magical herb to the young man.

The young man said quickly: "This won't work. It's not that I don't understand human nature, but this is the rule. Since the ancestor has spoken, I have to follow it."

Demon King Kun was somewhat helpless against him, and cursed in his heart: "Stubborn!"

She sighed and said, "In that case, I will wait a little longer."

Not only her, but also the Chaos Demon Emperor, Qilin Demon Emperor, the Ma Family Master, the Liu Family Master and other giants of the Demon Court were waiting outside at this time.

The demon king Taotie said to Taowu: "Sometimes I wonder if the ancestor chose him to be a boy just because he is stubborn."

The Demon King Taowu hurriedly said, "Brother, be careful with your words. This place is different from other places. Otherwise, you will attract disaster and be driven out by the ancestor."

The demon king Taotie was still indignant.

"Then what are we going to do here? The Phoenix Demon King has already gone in. If that little girl becomes the princess of the Demon Court, will you and I acknowledge her?"

They had previously conspired to come here to recommend talented young men from various families to compete for the position of the future Demon Emperor.

But after arriving here, they were all silent.

Not to mention causing trouble, sending these disciples in would be a hurdle even for this young man.

This young man was calm and looked a little dull, but he stopped everyone outside.

Of course, it’s not that this young man’s skills are more advanced than theirs, it’s just that they don’t dare to cause trouble in this ancestral land of the demon court.

The head of the Ma family was a tall man. At this moment, he put his hands in his sleeves and looked around. Those demon kings who were looking at him quickly avoided him.

After the death of the young master of the Ma family, the head of the Ma family seemed to be crazy and was always looking for revenge.

No one dared to say more to him at this time, for fear of getting into trouble.

At this time, the head of the Ma family suddenly came in front of the head of the Liu family.

The head of the Liu family was startled, but on the surface he remained calm and said, "What's wrong, fellow Taoist?"

The eyes of the head of the Ma family flashed with golden light, like two sharp swords piercing the face of the head of the Liu family.

The Liu family's head was so frightened that he asked, "Did your Liu family do what happened in the imperial mausoleum?"

The head of the Liu family sighed: "You also know that I am not afraid of you. If I did it, wouldn't I dare to admit it? Why should I be questioned by you again?"

The big man was still staring at him with a suspicious look in his eyes, and he said word by word: "If I find out, our two families will fight to the death!"

The head of the Liu family was shocked and nodded calmly.
"If it was me who did it, and you want revenge, just come and I'll take it. But if it wasn't me, and your enemies are watching you make fun of you, I feel unfair for my brother!"

A fat man with a ruddy face who looked kind came over to act as a peacemaker and said with a smile, "I say, the most urgent matter now is not personal grudges. If that little girl is really recognized by the ancestor as the leader of the demon court, this matter will be difficult to handle."

Most of the ancestors of these families had some friendship, but it became weaker as time went by.

Now there are still some things to discuss together, they have to find ways to stop the Saint from taking over the position of Demon Emperor.

An old man with a shriveled face said, "The ancestor has always been fair in his work. You don't have to be anxious. Even if you really want to select an Immortal Emperor, you have to let us in!"

Those who can speak here are all at the level of Demon King and Immortal King.

The smiling fat man turned to look at the shriveled old man and said, "What Elder Mu said makes sense, but it's not a good idea for us to just wait here."

The withered old man called Mu Lao shook his head and said, "Be patient. The key to the problem is not here, but how we will respond after we are called in. We need to find a way to make the Saint Lady give up the position of Demon King without any notice."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone smiled knowingly.

There are many silent and unobtrusive methods, including the most reliable one.

Sure enough, in less than half a day, what the old man said was confirmed. The old ancestor really sent the dull young man to call everyone in.

As if he had expected this, Mu Lao said, "The revival of the Demon Court is what the ancestor cares about most. How could he easily leave it to one person? You were overthinking it before."


the other side,
After some thought, Li Yanchu did not continue to fight a life-and-death battle with Qin Wuwang.

He set off for the Demon Court, but the case he was involved in was very serious, so when he went to the Demon Court, he encountered some scattered people who were trying to hunt him down.

After he defeated them twice, the momentum did not decrease but increased.

Li Yanchu also stopped and said hesitantly: "Given my current case, would it be harmful to Cuihua if I went to the Demon Court?"

Cuihua is facing the noble families of the Demon Court at this moment, but if she goes there herself, perhaps Cuihua will face big guys like the Three True Ones of the Fighting Department or the Heavenly Master of the Fire Department of the Immortal Court.

Li Yanchu was a little hesitant and did not continue to set off for the ancestral land of the Demon Court.

He was flying in the sky and suddenly saw an acquaintance.

This person was a tall man wearing a Taoist robe and looked taciturn. He was Wei Hu who was suppressed in the Yongkang World, under the ruins of the Western Religion.

Although Wei Hu was a man of few words, he stopped when he saw Li Yanchu, clasped his fists and said, "Daoyou Li."

Li Yanchu greeted him.

Beside Wei Hu was a middle-aged Taoist priest, who had a handsome face and an immortal demeanor.

The middle-aged Taoist also nodded to Li Yanchu and said hello.

"Fellow Daoist Li."

Li Yanchu asked, "Who is Daoist friend?"

The middle-aged Taoist said, "Fellow Taoist, you have been kind to me before, but I have not yet been able to repay you. I am Taoist Tianpeng."

Li Yanchu asked curiously, "Tian Peng Taoist? When did I ever do you a favor?"

Taoist Tianpeng said: "I was originally suppressed in the land of silence. I was suppressed by the karma of the heavens. When I escaped, you and I met once."

Li Yanchu suddenly remembered the stone statue that was suppressed deep in the Land of Silence.

"It's you!"

The middle-aged Taoist smiled and said, "Yes, it is me. It is rare for us to meet today."

Li Yanchu said with emotion: "It's really rare."

But he had already secretly activated the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

He left Yunqing Tianzun, and these people were on good terms with Yunqing Tianzun. Although he had some favors towards them, it was hard to say what would happen in this day and age.

Taoist Tian Peng was slightly surprised and asked, "Why are you on guard against the two of us?"

Wei Hu also looked at Li Yanchu and noticed something.

Li Yanchu smiled and said, "Really? How could that be?"

Taoist Tianpeng said: "I have died once, and I am only able to survive thanks to your help. This kindness is so great that you don't need to be on guard."

Li Yanchu was frightened by the murderous aura of the stone statue at that time. As soon as it revived, it shattered the space of the Land of Silence, and he almost didn't escape.

Seeing that such a person had some dealings with Yunqing Tianzun, Li Yanchu was naturally unsure.

However, Li Yanchu saw that this person was righteous and his eyes were clear, so he said, "You all want to do great things with Yunqing Tianzun, I have no objection, but I have a different way of thinking. If you two are here for this, then do it. A small favor is not worth mentioning."

Taoist Tianpeng was stunned and asked, "Why do you say that, Brother Li?"

Li Yanchu said in a deep voice: "Tianzun Yunqing is not a good person. You are in league with him. Didn't you come here to stop me today?"

Taoist Tianpeng was silent for a moment, then said, "I don't know what misunderstanding you have with Tianzun Yunqing, but the two of us are just passing by here today, and we definitely don't come here intentionally to target you."

Wei Hu nodded and said, "Not bad."

Li Yanchu thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Tianzun Yunqing has a deep mind. You two Taoist friends need to be careful. Conspiring with this person is like trying to get the skin of a tiger."

Taoist Tianpeng smiled faintly.
"To accomplish great things, one must not be fussy about small details. To overthrow the Immortal Court is a shared goal, and the rest can be left alone for now."

Li Yanchu looked at him deeply.
"I see. Well, we'll meet again someday. I'll take my leave now."

Taoist Tianpeng wanted to say something, but Li Yanchu had already left on a cloud and disappeared into the horizon.

He was silent for a while, then turned to look at Wei Hu: "What do you think of Yun Qing?"

Wei Hu shook his head lightly and said nothing.

Taoist Tianpeng laughed dumbly and said, "You are really frugal with words."

Then the two of them left this place and flew in another direction.

The struggle between the immortals and gods of ancient times and the immortals and gods of today has never stopped.

Now, they are conspiring with Yunqing Tianzun to overthrow the rule of the Immortal Court, and everything else can be put aside.


After Li Yanchu left, he thought to himself that Yunqing Tianzun said that he had a friend who could connect the two worlds of immortals and mortals and bring people up to smuggle.

However, it was difficult for him to find these ancient gods and gain their trust.

Thinking of this, Li Yanchu shook his head and laughed: "How can I talk about trust? Why do I think the immortals and gods of the ancient times must be upright?"

He no longer paid attention to the matter. Now that he and the Immortal Court were at odds with each other, he should have contacted these forces and interacted with these people.

But he was unwilling to do so and followed his heart.

Li Yanchu looked towards the horizon.

"Before, a woman fought with the Immortal Emperor to save me. Could it be Youqing?"

"What role does Youqing play in this matter?"

Li Yanchu took a deep breath.

The proprietress’s abilities are unfathomable. She was just a mortal at first, but later on she displayed abilities much more powerful than those of the reincarnated gods and immortals.

"Everything will be discussed after we find Youqing."

Li Yanchu left. On the way, he felt a strong aura hidden in the void.
As soon as he realized it, four people holding iron chains and long ropes surrounded him.

The leader shouted in a deep voice: "Rebel Li Yanchu, why don't you surrender!"

Li Yanchu had had many dealings with the Immortal Court and the Sanren, and said in a deep voice: "You four should be Sanren."

The man said calmly: "Yes, you have a good vision."

Li Yanchu said: "If no one offends me, I will not offend anyone. If you leave now, I will not kill you."

The man smiled and said, "My name is Liang Jing. I was originally a Dousha immortal. I took you and I am here to ask for merit and return to the immortal court!"

The three people around him were at a similar level as him. They were originally the Tiangang and Disha of the Dou Department, but later they lost their power, were driven out of the Dou Department, and became independent people.

In the fairy world, most of the independent people with this level of cultivation come from this kind of background.

There are very few individuals who can truly become Immortal Kings, mainly because of lack of resources.

But before the four men could make a move, a man came from the front and shouted, "Brother, wait a minute!"

This is a man in Confucian robes, with a square scarf on his head and a sword at his waist.

He called everyone to a halt, came up to Liang Jing and whispered in his ear.

Liang Jing's face changed slightly when he heard this: "Are you telling the truth?"

The man in the Confucian robe looked serious: "Is this true?"

At this time, the four of them have formed a siege.
Liang Jing suddenly bowed to Li Yanchu and said, "I'm sorry, Taoist Li. I was ignorant just now. The Immortal Court kicked us out of office. Now we are working for him again. Isn't it indiscriminate to distinguish between good and evil?"

Li Yanchu was stunned.

The other people were also stunned and confused.

One of them asked, "Brother, what are you talking about?"

Liang Jing smiled and said, "Master Li killed the four immortal kings of the Southern Dipper, which is really gratifying. I admire him deeply. I don't want to be an enemy of such a hero. Today, it is our brothers who have offended us!"

The expressions of these people changed drastically.

It turned into a stream of light and flew towards the horizon, disappearing into the clouds.

Come in elegance and leave in a hurry.

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