Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 12 Free Time

() After coming to the Lord God Space, Yu Zihan has always had doubts. What is the criteria for the Lord God Space to choose to build a mission world? You must know that in the exchange list, not only movies, but even animation games, and even mythological abilities. Special weapons can be exchanged for. If this is the case, is the mission world also diverse?

In the redemption list, many abilities can actually be obtained without redemption, just like here in the world of "Resident Evil [-]", there is a t virus enhancement in the redemption list, but is it possible to inject yourself with shet virus liquid and detoxification solution here? , can't have the same strengthening effect?Perhaps there are too many security and uncontrollable factors, which are prone to accidents, but this does not mean that the possibility of such enhancements is rejected. In other words, the items in the exchange list have their "origins", that is, their exclusive mission worlds .

Yu Zihan doesn't think that ghost horror films are the worst. Many mythological horror films have many factors that can be explained by reason.In order to attract readers, many game animations add elements of gods and demons at every turn, and their worldview is even more magnificent.

Therefore, Yu Zihan did not agree with the performance of Zhang Jie and the others.

Yu Zihan believes that if he is to be selected by the main god space as a script to create a mission space, then it must be recognized by a certain number of people in the real world, that is, willingness!And the movie that needs to be recognized, no matter how scary it is, has a logical worldview, and has a glimmer of life in the horror movie world.

"Do you know why I said that Resident Evil One is a very light-hearted horror movie? Because everything here can be explained by technology and reality. We can destroy monsters, and we can also escape. In fact, as long as you are not infected with the t-virus , or have enough guns in hand, then we can continue to live."

Zhang Jie didn't notice Yu Zihan's wandering eyes, but continued to say in that deep voice, "That is a world that cannot be explained by science. Everything is irrational and beyond our common sense. Horror movies like this are the scariest. The scariest thing is that you never know when you will die or why you will die. What is even more terrifying is that you don’t even know whether you are dead or not. Terror is all around you, it is always around you, the infinite Horror seems to drag you into the abyss of hell..."

The rest of the people felt cold after hearing Zhang Jie's words, as if those invisible ghosts were by their side.

Zheng Zha seemed to think of something, patted Zhang Jie on the shoulder, and asked, "A Nightmare on Elm Street [-]?"

Zhang Jie nodded dumbly, and continued with dull eyes: "In "A Nightmare on Elm Street", you can't even imagine what we went through. More than a dozen people died, and everyone died very miserable. We I also wanted to escape from that small town. At that time, the veteran who had survived several horror movies took us to grab a truck, and then we left along the road. The truck kept running, and none of us dared to sleep, because We knew that Freddie was waiting for us in the dream, and we were his prey, so we persisted for five days..."

Zhang Jie took a deep breath and continued: "Five days later, a small town appeared in front of us. Just when we thought we had escaped Freddy's clutches and escaped successfully, we drove into the town and found out that This town is the same town as in the Nightmare on Elm Street movie! We were just driving in circles there, and the senior man who kept driving, he didn't know when he had turned into the demon in his dream! He was grinning at us , Such despair cannot be described in words at all!"

Seeing that Zhang Jie, who had been acting calm all this time, seemed to be about to collapse, Zheng Zha quickly changed the subject to distract him, "Since it's a horror movie about ghosts, then those magical and legendary items should be able to kill that Freddie?"

"I don't know," Zhang Jie lit another cigarette at some point, took a deep breath, and continued, "That was the first horror movie I experienced. It's pure luck that I survived. The scar on my face It was the devil who cut it with scissors! I have never treated it, just to remind myself that as long as I meet him again, I will definitely give it back a hundredfold!"

No one knows what the next movie will be, and no one knows whether the future self will become like Zhang Jie, falling into despair, maybe it would be easier to die here?

"As long as you kill the demon in the dream, you can get [-] reward points, plus a B-level horror storyline. That is the only time I have seen a horror storyline appear." Zhang Jie ignored the fear in Zheng Zha's eyes and continued. At this time, Yu Zihan noticed why Zhang Jie, as a veteran, would let Zheng Zha gradually become the captain of the Zhongzhou team, and the foreshadowing was already laid here!

Through this kind of dialogue, I unconsciously implied that I did not get the side plot, that is, I did not strengthen the bloodline, so that everyone misunderstood that Zhang Jie was just rich in experience, not strong in strength. With Zhang Jie's mental hypnosis, Zheng Zha would unconsciously Because I have a side plot enhancement, I took the role of the captain and fell into Zhang Jie's trap step by step.

"What is a B-level horror plot? Is it important?" Zhan Lan asked suddenly when he heard the words that Zhang Jie had never used before.

Zhang Jie nodded, expressing his affirmation, and said: "This is the third category of exchange items that can be exchanged, auxiliary items, detoxification, immunity enhancers, therapeutic agents, various auxiliary medicines, and of course bullets. These consumables, and even some ultra-technical products, such as the stealth reflector, can make your body hide, in addition to these, there are also some enhanced items."

"I still remember the first time I saw these exchangeable enhanced items, I laughed badly... For example, the mutant gene of Spider-Man, the explanation of this enhanced item is 'it allows you to have the same mutation as the protagonist of the movie Spider-Man Gene pedigree, increase intelligence by 150 points, mental strength by [-] points, cell vitality by [-] points, nerve response speed by [-] points, muscle tissue strength by [-] points, immunity strength by [-] points, and has the same strength as Spiderman in the movie The spider silk skill only needs two thousand reward points.'”

The three of Zheng Zha were stunned, while Yu Zihan silently compared Zhang Jie's words and the data in his memory to make a plan for his own strengthening. Zhan Lan counted his fingers and said: "If only strengthening these attributes will More than 3000 bonus points are needed, and the Spider-Man mutant gene not only has the same enhanced attributes, but also has an additional spider silk skill. I remember that the spider silk in the movie is stronger and stronger than steel silk. This kind of enhancement is too cost-effective. Why don't you strengthen it?"

Hearing Zhan Lan's words, Zhang Jie smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "I really want to strengthen it, as long as I have this kind of genetic mutation, at least in sci-fi horror movies like Resident Evil, I basically won't die. , but this kind of enhanced attribute needs to consume the number of horror branch plots. One level A horror branch plot can be exchanged for three B level branch plots, B level can be exchanged for three C level plots, and so on, the lowest is D level, to So far, I have only seen such a task once, and it cannot be strengthened without a side plot, so such an opportunity is rare."

Hearing Zhang Jie's words, Zheng Zha, who had already obtained the sub-plot, suddenly had a heartbeat faster, and a sense of comforting boiling flowed to every vent in his body with his blood. He resisted the fact that he had a B-level sub-plot, At this time, Zheng Zha looked at Yu Zihan suspiciously. Will Yu Zihan, who also took an adventure in the laser channel, get the same side plot?As if feeling Zheng Zha's gaze, Yu Zihan also turned his head, looked at Zheng Zha and smiled, and then asked Zhang Jie, "What level of subplot does the mutant gene of Spider-Man need?"

The cigarette in Zhang Jie's hand had already been lit, and he threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, took out another cigarette, and said, "You need two thousand bonus points for the C-level branch plot, and I also paid attention to a few of the D-level enhanced attributes. There is authentic Chinese Qigong, which can improve mental strength by ten points, cell vitality by twenty points, nerve reflex speed by twenty points, muscle strength by thirty points, and immunity strength by twenty points. Basic internal strength', but those advanced martial arts training methods all require a b-level or a-level side plot, and authentic Chinese qigong requires [-] reward points plus a d-level side plot once."

"Ah, that's right," Zhang Jie, who seemed to be thinking of something, said with a lit cigarette in his right hand, "there is also the t-virus evolution mode of Resident Evil, that is, the t-virus in the heroine Alice's body, which increases intelligence by [-] points, jing [-] points for divine power, [-] points for cell vitality, [-] points for nerve response speed, [-] points for muscle strength, [-] points for immunity, and the evolution function of t-virus, which requires [-] reward points plus a C-level branch plot Once, hehe, the heroine beauty is really lucky, there is such a good thing for no reason."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jie paused, and suddenly said mysteriously, "There are also some legendary bloodlines, but they all seem to be gimmicks. For example, the six enhanced attributes of the divine bloodline are basically superhuman. You can also have special skills and divine power, which requires an S-level branch plot plus [-] reward points, haha, is it an exaggeration? Rather than redeeming this bloodline, it is better to directly redeem and return to the real world! Oh, there is even more exaggerated, the practice of self-cultivation, The six attribute changes are not as big as the bloodline of the gods, but they have special skills and cultivation. The explanation is that they can become immortals of the same age as the sun and the moon step by step. It requires an S-level branch plot plus [-] bonus points. Haha, I did it last time I laughed so hard when I saw this."

After listening to Zhang Jie's words, both Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan felt that it was a bit unrealistic, [-] points reward, S-level branch plot, when these conditions were met, both of them believed that they had left this world, and only Li Xiaoyi listened Eyes glow.

"What about the fourth category? The first three categories seem to cover all categories?" Zheng Zha continued to ask.

"The fourth category is a good thing, you know, if the mental will is tense, even if it's just an ordinary horror movie, people will easily collapse, so the fourth category is entertainment exchange products that can let people vent their horror. "Speaking of this, Zhang Jie said with glowing eyes: "There are cigarettes and marijuana. These things are super cheap. One reward point can be exchanged for one thousand reward points. One kilogram of marijuana only needs five reward points. How about it? Isn’t it super cheap? If I bring it to the real world, I can easily become a millionaire by selling these things. Haha, the ‘Lord God’ has analyzed that with the quality of ordinary human beings, it takes about 350 points of cell vitality and [-] points With the above immunity, then you can take drugs without restriction without becoming addicted, and the human body can automatically eliminate the damage, haha.”

"In addition to these, the days of living in the ordinary world can also be exchanged in the entertainment category. You can also exchange for song discs, movie discs, and even women!" Speaking of this, Zhang Jie showed a smile that men can understand.

Zheng Zha scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I'm not interested in rubber products."

"What rubber?" Zhang Jie patted Zheng Zha heavily, and whispered in Zheng Zha's ear, "It's a real woman, a real woman inside and out! Not only has intelligence and personal character, but also can set You can choose the appearance, figure, age, race, and even the details of the body according to your own preferences when purchasing. Haha, these main god spaces can satisfy you, even if you are a lolicon No problem! Have you ever played those girl-raising games? The details of the women created by the 'Lord God' are much more detailed than that, you can even create a beautiful woman whose hair is longer than that of an orangutan, haha..."

Although Zhang Jie had deliberately whispered, there were only a few of them here. In this quiet environment, everyone paid attention to what Zhang Jie, a senior, said, so both Zhan Lan and Li Xiaoyi heard it.

Li Xiaoyi's eyes shone brightly again, while Zhan Lan snorted coldly beside him, men are really not good at any time.

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