Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 134 Prophetic Poetry

Ask for a referral!Ask for collection!

Today's third update, fulfilling yesterday's promise!


Yu Zihan left the roof of the building, as if taking a walk, and appeared at the place where the gangsters gathered fighters.According to the gang information stolen by Chaos, for tonight's auction, the gang gathered [-] fighters, probably hoping to win by numbers, but for the lion, the role of a group of ants is to kill time It's just a toy.

In the park, Ma Qi, Xia Ke and Pai Kenotan were massacring the gangsters. Ma Qi tied up several gang members with strings and turned them into marionettes, manipulating them to shoot and kill other gang members; Using his ability to manipulate others, he manipulated the gangsters into his shields and killing tools; while Paknotan used her amazing gun skills to kill the gangsters one by one. [

Yu Zihan's appearance did not attract their attention, they just took a glance and continued to fight on their own.Yu Zihan nodded with a smile, as a greeting, after all, even if others have no quality, he can't follow suit!

"Break the cocoon, Soul Butterfly!" Yu Zihan raised his hands high after avoiding the shots coming from the opposite side, waving like a conductor of an orchestra, but every direction Yu Zihan pointed, what came from there was not music. sound, but screams.Every time Yu Zihan pointed at a gangster fighter, that gangster fighter would immediately let out a painful scream, and then his whole body would twitch, and as a large group of butterflies flew out of their mouths, their bodies would slowly age, and finally they would turn into one A flame turned to ashes.

"La, la, la, la..." Yu Zihan hummed a little tune while taking small steps, waving his hands constantly. If it was normal, the time it would take for the parasite to hatch would be too long. This kind of shocking effect, however, Yu Zihan's stay in York Shacheng was too long, enough for the eggs of the soul butterfly to enter the mature stage.

The movements of Madge, Knight and Paknotan suddenly slowed down by half a beat. Although they were still killing the enemy, they paid more attention to Yu Zihan. Seeing Yu Zihan casually killing the enemy, and that The casual appearance, the group of soul butterflies surrounding Yu Zihan's body grew bigger and bigger as more people were killed, all of these showed Yu Zihan's extraordinary, originally thought that Yu Zihan was just a person with the ability to change his energy However, after seeing Yu Zihan's current combat power, they all re-evaluated Yu Zihan in their hearts.

Because of Yu Zihan's joining, although the war zone on their side still had the flames produced by gunfire, compared to other areas, there was a strange rosy glow.It was the soul butterfly flying in the air, and the pollen shining in the air. Of course, it was different from ordinary butterflies. What the soul butterfly preyed on was not flowers, but human life.

Seeing one person after another turning into soul butterflies, Yu Zihan smiled contentedly. At this time, Yu Zihan also took a peek at those enemies who had turned into ashes, and saw a trace of black air floating out from their wreckage , Flying into Yu Zihan's shadow, it was resentment, fear and despair.

"The area on our side has been settled. Go to the auction house and gather with the team leader." After killing the last gang member, Ma Qi said to Xia Ke, Pai Kenotan and Yu Zihan.

"Okay," Yu Zihan waved his hands, and those messes gathered into flames and flew into Yu Zihan's mouth. When all the flames were swallowed by Yu Zihan, Yu Zihan burped, wiped his mouth and went to the auction Go in the direction of the venue.

After arriving at the venue in the lobby of the hotel, more than [-]% of the venue had been turned into fragments. After checking to confirm that the head of the team, Ku Luoluo, was fine, Yu Zihan followed everyone to the auction venue.Knight O controls the auctioneer to carry out the auction, and Ma Qi kills the gang leader at the auction, and then uses Kubi's ability to materialize to copy the auction item into a counterfeit and auction the counterfeit to the gangster. Auction items, and also get the funds they auctioned, really killing two birds with one stone.

When everything was settled, the Phantom Brigade and his group returned to the temporary base to celebrate. Boxes of red wine were brought over, while Yu Zihan ate hard.

"It seems that the so-called gangsters are nothing special." Fei Tan said coldly.

"Even if Wo Jin is no longer there, he is more than enough!" the knight said excitedly.

"Shut up!" Nobunaga said angrily when he heard the knight mentioned Wojin.

After the celebration was over, the head of the group, Kuroro, gave instructions to evacuate.

"What happened? You said we were going to retreat immediately?" Nobunaga asked coldly. It seemed that Nobunaga didn't want to leave York City before avenging Wojin.

"As I said, we will leave tonight!" Kuroro replied calmly: "After we get all the treasures tonight, we will leave here."

"The matter is not over yet!" Nobunaga said coldly.

"Anything else?"

"Find the chain boy!" [

"You are too persistent." Kuroro returned calmly.

"That's right, I am persistent." Nobunaga did not deny what Kuroro said, but said seriously: "Just let Wo Jin's enemies go like this, and then disperse again? Don't go with the chain boy In the world over there, Wojin would think it's too boring, right?"

"Enough is enough, Nobunaga!" Franklin stopped him aloud: "This is an order from the leader."

"Ah, the commander's order is absolute. But, is that really the commander's order? Kuroro!" Nobunaga said while staring at Kuroro.

"Nobunaga, you bastard..." Franklin couldn't help becoming angry when he heard that Nobunaga dared to speak like this.

"It's so noisy! I'm asking Kurolo!"

After hearing Nobunaga's roar, Kuroro jumped down from the stone platform, came to Nobunaga, and said, "Before answering your question, Nobunaga, answer my question first!"

After finishing speaking, a book appeared in Kuroro's hand, and Yu Zihan knew that it was Kuroro's special ability 'The Ultimate Intention of Thieves'. After a series of harsh methods, he could use others' "Nobunaga, answer my question, when was your birth time?"

"September 70r, 9."

"What about the blood type?"

"Type B."

"name is?"

"Nobunaga Hatsama! You know it!" After answering a lot of pertinent questions, Nobunaga finally became impatient, "What are you doing, what do you want to know next?"

"No, it's enough." Kuroro replied, then took out a blank sheet of paper and handed it to the letter chief, "Write all the questions just now on this piece of paper."

"Isn't that good from the beginning?" Nobunaga complained, and then took the blank paper and wrote all the questions and answers just now, and handed it back to Kuroro.

After Kuroro took the paper, he held the 'Thief's Ultimate Intention' in his right hand and wrote on the other paper with a pen in his left hand. At this time, Yu Zihan saw a disgusting big lip with wings behind it. The creature of the angel appeared on Kuroro's left hand, manipulating Kuroro's hand to write.

After writing a lot of things in a hurry, Kuroro handed the paper to Nobunaga. After taking it, Nobunaga took a look and asked suspiciously: "What is this?"

"100% efficacious divination in the form of poetry, this is the ability to predict!" Kuroro said slowly: "I stole this from the girl of the Nosra family."

"100% efficacious divination?" Nobunaga said doubtfully.

"The quatrains each prophesy what is going to happen each week," Kuroro said.

After hearing Kuroro's words, Nobunaga looked at it seriously this time.

After seeing Nobunaga read the prophecy poem, Kuroro took out a book and turned to a page and said, "This is the divination given to me by the girl yesterday."[

"This important calendar is missing a part, could it be..." Nobunaga said hesitantly.

"Well, it refers to Wojin!" Kurolo nodded and said; "That girl doesn't know Wojin, which means that we will attack the gang auction, which is exactly what she predicted. Moreover, someone among the ten old men listened fulfilled her prophecy."

"That's why, so when the first attack was made, the items in the auction were all transferred, which makes sense," Franklin said.

"What does Nobunaga's prophetic poem say?" Xiao Di asked curiously.

"It's called 'Angel's Automatic Note'. I don't know the content." Kuroro replied, "Ask Nobunaga himself."

"Nobunaga, what are you writing?"

"Next week, we will probably die." Nobunaga said seriously.


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