Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 159 Find a Volcanic Hot Spring

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There is a moment when all kinds of abilities are exhausted, the power of thought needs to be refined mentally, and the flame of death energy needs the power of life to recover.In order to rush to the 'Island of Greed', Yu Zihan had just woken up, and used the last bit of thought power to activate 'Fa' to enter the game. In other words, the current Yu Zihan didn't have any thought power and the flame of death energy at all.

But, would Yu Zihan back down like this?The answer is obviously no!

At the moment when Shabu swung his fist forward, Yu Zihan focused on two things, while instructing the "wisdom" and "lie" in the sea of ​​knowledge to refine the eyes of anger and mind power, and at the same time deal with the attack of Shabu, Yu Zihan turned sideways, dangerously After narrowly avoiding Shabu's punch, at the moment when Shabu's center of gravity was moving forward, he swept his legs and swept toward Shabu's lower body. Immediately, Shabu's balance was destroyed, and the whole person fell forward. At this moment , Yu Zihan's left leg, which was originally a sweeping leg, continued to rotate, and after making a circle on the sand, he used his inertia to kick towards the emery cloth again. This time, Yu Zihan aimed at the heart of the emery cloth.

All this happened in an instant, just when Shabu's pupils dilated, thinking that he was about to receive a fatal blow, Gan Shu, who had been paying attention to the battle situation, came behind Shabu in time, grabbed the back collar of Shabu and pulled it back. Yu Zihan, who was about to leave the effective attack range when he reached the emery cloth, immediately strengthened his left leg, and pursued without changing his posture!

The 'bang' emery cloth was thrown by Gan Shu onto the sand behind him, and the emery cloth that sat up stared blankly at his torn clothes and a small red spot on his left chest.

"Yu Zihan, we have no intention of making enemies with you, but we are not afraid of making enemies with you!" Gan Shu looked at Yu Zihan seriously. Bombs were placed on his body, but Yu Zihan could not be found. Later, he went to the outside world to check Yu Zihan's information. Although it was not very detailed, Gan Shu was very impressed by the immortality Yu Zihan showed in the Sky Arena. fear.

"Hmph," Yu Zihan took a look inside, the quality of the flames of death qi and mind power had improved a lot compared to before, but the time required for refining also required more time, and now Yu Zihan only refined a little bit of power , is not enough to eliminate the three bomb demons in front of him. Yu Zihan is not a reckless person, nor is he a person who takes risks for the sake of a momentary dispute.

Yu Zihan had already decided to leave here first, but Yu Zihan knew that if he showed any weakness, he would be attacked by the bomb demons, so he snorted proudly as a promise.

I saw Yu Zihan took out a box from his bosom, injected the pitiful amount of Flame of the Great Space into the box, and released the Misty Eagle covered with Flame of the Great Sky. One of the characteristics of the Flame of the Great Sky is that it can open all attributes. The xing box, and the advantages of the driving force of the flames of the big sky are unquestionable.That's why Yu Zihan used the Flame of the Great Sky to ignite the Eagle of Misty Sky. Although this will lose part of his attack power, he still doesn't have enough power to support Yu Zihan to fight, so the urgent thing Yu Zihan has to do now is to leave this place of right and wrong, and then Find a place to slowly restore your strength.

"Chaos, tell me where Disina and the others are." Yu Zihan, who was sitting on Lan Zhiying's back, said to Chaos.

"Understood, please wait a moment!" After finishing speaking, a virtual map was projected in front of Yu Zihan's eyes from the support system on Yu Zihan's neck, and then a red dot that kept flashing appeared, and then kept zooming in, pointing out the map for Yu Zihan. direction.

"Well, it's not far from here, and the strength can still support it!" 'Zhi' calculated, and then told Yu Zihan the answer, and then Yu Zihan said to himself.

It will take some time to reach Disina's place. In order to make up for the lack of strength, at this time, Yu Zihan began to recall the memories of moves that had been accumulated in his mind. For a long time, Yu Zihan liked to suppress Knocking down the enemy in a simple way, this lack of technical content in the fighting method is not suitable for Yu Zihan now, so Yu Zihan had no choice but to give up his hobbies for fun.

While Yu Zihan was recalling moves, 'Zhi' used his precise micro-control ability to adjust and direct every cell in his body, while 'Lie' used his wild intuition to control every movement according to the Yu Zihan's own conditions were changed, so that he could use three things with one mind. Before he knew it, Yu Zihan activated the first layer of the gene lock, and immediately after that, the second layer was also unlocked.

The flow of blood, the sound of bones, the rhythm of life, Yu Zihan's breathing gradually calmed down, Yu Zihan slowly raised his right hand and punched the air beside him, only to see circles of ripples rushing in all directions , although this punch is very similar to those that can use the punching style, Yu Zihan understands that this punch is his imitation of the "shocking fruit" in "One Piece", trying to use the rhythm in the body, and then according to the target's life The rhythm is micro-controlled, changing its fluctuation direction to the opposite direction of the space, and then breaking free from the space and impacting the space.

But it's a pity that although the Hunter World is just a small thousand world, the power of the small thousand world is still not something that Yu Zihan can shake!Therefore, it can only produce circles and ripples, instead of tearing up the space like the white beard in "One Piece".

However, Yu Zihan's most important harvest this time is not the rough version of the pirated Zhenzhen Fruit, but the liberation of the gene lock!Although Yu Zihan had suffered the impact of the solar supernova explosion in the ideal space, the obstacle to the third level of gene lock liberation disappeared, but the step of crossing the threshold had no clue. In the micro-control just now, Yu Zihan finally found A clue!

When he first came to the world of reincarnation, Yu Zihan understood that even if he was driven to a desperate situation with his crazy mental state, he would not struggle like Zheng Zha, and finally successfully liberated the gene lock. In terms of cultivation, he has been unable to find the way, but just now, Yu Zihan understood what was hindering him from taking that step. It was because the level of understanding of gene locks was not deep enough!

Yu Zihan, who has now lost his mind power and the flame of death energy, is just a relatively powerful ordinary person. In this desperate state, Yu Zihan has no fear or fear. On the contrary, he is still focusing on the development of his body's potential. Thus improving the liberation of one's own physical strength!

Just when Yu Zihan was about to solidify the charm of gene lock liberation, the Misty Eagle began to land. It was a forest, and there was a woman lying on the ground. There were pools of blood beside the woman. It seemed that this should be Si Zhuang and Fen Pei left traces after being teleported out after their deaths, only Disina was lying on the ground dying, and a few scout bees were lying on her body, constantly stimulating her with electric current full of lightning flames, To keep her alive, but because of the lack of Yu Zihan's support, in a few minutes, the scout bees would not be enough to keep Disina alive.

Fortunately, Yu Zihan arrived in time and was able to recycle this toy!

"Disina, wake up!" Yu Zihan squatted in front of Disina, and slapped her face hard without mercy.

"Uh," Disina slowly opened her eyes and said weakly, "Yes, who is it?"

"It's me, Yu Zihan!" Yu Zihan said impatiently: "Why don't you use 'Sigh of the Archangel'? Don't tell me, you have already handed it in?"


Although Disina was weak, she still heard Yu Zihan's words and was about to say something when Yu Zihan said, "It seems that you are right to say that you are stupid! Needless to say, the 'Sigh of an Archangel' was also taken by that The wretched uncle 'gifted' to Gan Shu? I was wondering why the scourge lived so well, it turned out to be because of the existence of you idiots!"

" me!" At this moment, Disina's cry for help finally reached Yu Zihan's ears.

"Save you?" Yu Zihan pretended to be thinking, and then said firmly: "No! Didn't we agree that if you die, you will give me your soul? So, please die now! "After finishing speaking, Yu Zihan made a look of begging, and Disina's eyes shone with despair, but immediately this light gradually dimmed with the passage of life.

"Uh, what a hassle! Right now the pattern of the sun can't be used, and there's no way to collect souls! I'll hide you first!" Seeing that Disina was approaching death step by step, Yu Zihan thought for a while, then took out a glass tank and put Di Sina After Sina was put in, the instantaneous freezing program was activated to freeze Disina.

Objects with life cannot be placed in space props, this is a common problem of low-level space props, although the space bracelet has a large storage space, it cannot escape this iron rule.So Yu Zihan had no choice but to dig a hole, bury Disina in it, and settle the matter hastily.

After finishing everything, Yu Zihan had nothing else to do, so bored, he had no choice but to find a place to practice, and try to recover some of his strength first. For this reason, Yu Zihan chose a volcano and bathed in lava, which seemed good?

…………………………………………………… ...

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