Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 165 Game Over

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In the original book, Zheng Zha once used the t-virus to make the members of the Zhongzhou team step into the first level of gene lock to be liberated more quickly. The t-virus Yu Zihan also has it, and it is in the body of the box beast evil dragon, and the evil dragon can eat the genes many times. Said, according to the infectivity of the t-virus, the t-virus transmitted by the evil dragon as the source is no longer an ordinary zombie virus. If it has potential, it is also possible to directly enter the second layer of the gene lock, but this is similar to a plug-in medicine , is not without risk.

Now Yu Zihan injected the 'degenerate' into Xiaogang's body as one of the test items, which added a large number of monster genes for matching. After diluting to a certain extent, Yu Zihan added the unique thoughts of Hunter World to promote the user's ability to read Improvement, of course, this potion is not only effective for people with mind ability, but also effective for JNG mental system strengtheners.

Six hours have passed, and Xiao Gang's aura is still pouring out continuously without weakening at all. On the contrary, the aura emanating from Xiao Gang's body is getting stronger and stronger!Now, not only his strength has changed a lot, but his image has also changed a lot.Although Xiaogang's hair is still standing up because of his thoughts, if he put it down, the length should reach his waist, and Xiaogang's skin has changed from a healthy and slightly black to completely white. Three hours ago, Xiao Gang had shed a layer of skin, and it is not an exaggeration to describe the current Xiao Gang as "washing the meridians, dredging the meridians, and reborn". [

"Yu Zihan, why hasn't Xiao Gang finished for so long?" Although Qi Ya was dissatisfied with Yu Zihan's taking out such a risky potion, but now that it's done, it's too late to say anything, and Qi Ya's worry about Xiao Gang still prevails.

"The longer the time lasts, the better Xiaogang's potential is. Now Xiaogang's aura is still very peaceful, no problem!" As soon as Yu Zihan finished speaking, Xiaogang's aura began to gather, and he slowly descended from mid-air .

Xiao Gang slowly opened his eyes, sat up, stretched his waist, as if he just woke up, rubbed his eyes, saw Qi Ya staring at him, and said with a smirk: "Good morning, Qi Ya Ya!"

"It's still early!" Qi Ya knocked Xiao Gang on the head mercilessly, and then said, "How, how do you feel?"

"How does it feel?" Xiao Gang, who seemed to be drowsy, asked.

"Aren't you?" Qi Ya couldn't help but patted his forehead, and then shouted: "Didn't you use Yu Zihan's potion just now? How do you feel!"

"Oh, that's right! As soon as I finished injecting the medicine just now, I fell asleep in a daze, and many people told me their stories and their grievances." Xiaogang thought for a while, and said slowly: "I I feel power all over my body!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Gang didn't even think about it, he punched the ground directly, and a hole appeared in front of everyone's eyes immediately, "Well, his strength has improved a lot."

"Wow, Xiaogang, your strength..."


When Xiao Gang and Qi Ya were chatting passionately, Yu Zihan left silently. When Yu Zihan was about to use the spell card to leave, Bi Siji stood in front of Yu Zihan silently.

"How beautiful, do you have anything to do with me? Next time, my schedule is already full. I'll treat you to dinner and a movie next time." After finishing speaking, Yu Zihan said 'book', called out the card book, and was about to take out the card .

"What conspiracy do you have?" Bi Siji asked seriously: "Xiao Gang's aura has improved a lot, and such a rapid increase in strength will definitely not be free!"

"Hehe," Yu Zihan pretended to be crazy and said, "I'm Xiao Gang's friend, so how could I harm him?"

"Boom" I saw Bisiji punching the rock wall next to her, her entire arm completely submerged, "I'm asking you seriously, the first time I saw you, I knew you were not a good man and a believer, say, what are you doing?" What did you do?"

"Since you want to know, I'll tell you!" Yu Zihan's aura slowly permeated the air, and the temperature nearby began to rise. Just as Bi Siji was waiting in full force, Yu Zihan's aura suddenly disappeared. Yu Zihan, with a serious face, suddenly said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, it's just a little joke. I'll tell you, the price for Xiao Gang's improvement of strength, in fact, most of the price is the potion, and the rest, It is Xiao Gang's own efforts. When Xiao Gang was sleeping just now, he was actually communicating with the evil thoughts in the potion. Different people will control these evil thoughts in different ways. Obviously, Xiao Gang used his own unique method Reached a consensus with those evil thoughts, some people may only temporarily subdue those evil thoughts, but I can see that Xiao Gang has completely subdued and absorbed it into his own power. What is needed now is to use these powers proficiently, and then Come down, it's your business, Miss Biski."

As soon as Yu Zihan finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Bi Siji. Bi Siji frowned and looked around, but she couldn't find Yu Zihan's trace at all. At this time, Yu Zihan's voice came from nowhere, "Bi Siji Ji, please tell Xiao Gang, I'm leaving first, see you next time!"

The "Lord God" only gave Yu Zihan six tasks, but there is no time limit. It seems easy, but in fact, each task has a hidden time limit, and the collection of cards needs to be completed before Xiaogang explodes. Yu Zihan, who had never collected a custom card before, took advantage of the three weeks before Xiaogang and Gan Shu started the battle to collect cards with all his strength!

The mission did not state that cards cannot be duplicated, so Yu Zihan, in the spirit of killing mistakes and never letting them go, bought, robbed, and stole cards without any scruples in collecting cards. [

Finally, three weeks passed, during which Yu Zihan went back to York City once, took back the Box Beast Queen, and then bought a large amount of materials, planning to use them for Sophia's equipment making.

Without any suspense, Xiao Gang won the game. Originally, due to the blessing of the "Lord God", Gan Shu's strength has more than doubled compared to the original book, but Xiao Gang who has been injected with "Fallen" has not doubled his strength So simple.

The beam of light from the 'Lord God' shone on Yu Zihan, and the teleportation began. During the teleportation, Yu Zihan heard the prompt from the 'Lord God'.

"Compulsory task 1600: Eliminate more than two members of the Phantom Troupe, two reward-level side plots, and [-] reward points!"

"Compulsory mission 1200 to complete: Become a member of the Phantom Troupe, reward one side story for successful mission, reward points [-] points!"

"Compulsory task three is completed: fire protection Xiaogang, Qi, and Kurapika are not dead, the task is successful, a reward level branch plot, reward points 1500 points!"

"Compulsory task 500 completed: enter Greedy Island, the task is completed, a reward-level branch plot, reward points [-] points,!"

"Compulsory mission five to complete: assist Xiaogang to complete the Greedy Island, the mission is completed, a reward-level branch plot, reward points 1000 points!"

"Compulsory task six completed: complete Greedy Island, collect 90 cards, three reward-level side plots, reward points 1500 points!"

When Yu Zihan opened his eyes again, Sophia was already waiting there. This time the harvest was really rich. Although these missions were often dismissed as failures, but the difficulty of hiding the plot of the gambling, Goddess of Luck obviously liked Yu Zihan. This time, Yu Zihan won a total of 6 super-level plots, 3 super-level plots, and 7200 reward points, which is equivalent to 2 b-level plots, 1 super-level plot and 7200 bonus points.

Yu Zihan remembered that the last time he entered the Hunter World, after paying the bet required for a super-level gambling and a super-level plot, he placed a super-level plot and 8451 reward points, plus this harvest, now, Yu Zihan's The assets are 2 b-level branch plots, 2 level-level branch plots and a total of 15651 reward points.

Yu Zihan smiled at Sophia, then turned around, and said to the 'Lord God': "'Lord God', in exchange for the b-level enhancement of the flame of death, upgrade the super big space ring, super thunder ring, and super haze ring to b Super big sky ring, super thunder ring, super haze ring!"

As soon as Yu Zihan finished speaking, the 'Lord God' responded: "In exchange for the b-level enhancement of the flame of death, upgrade the super big sky ring, super thunder ring, and super haze ring to b-level big sky ring, super thunder ring, and super haze ring , a total of 2 b-level branch plots, 1 level-level branch plot and 6800 reward points were consumed.”

A beam of light descended from the sky and directly shone on Yu Zihan's body. As the light particles entered Yu Zihan's body, Yu Zihan's whole body floated up, and the ring on Yu Zihan's finger began to change, slowly increasing the pattern. The gemstones also became shiny.

After Yu Zihan finished strengthening, Yu Zihan looked at his remaining points and couldn't help but smiled wryly. There were only 1 super branch plot, 2 super branch plots and 8851 reward points left. It was really hard work for half a year. Back to before liberation!

Yu Zihan sighed, and then said to Sophia who had been waiting by his side, "I'm back!"

"Welcome back, my master!"


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