Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 188 Part 2

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"Shiva Gantian, a young monk from the Yinzhou team, has unlocked the second-level gene lock, and a summoned object is known to strengthen the skills: a giant double-headed cobra, and the equipment is unknown. It is known that there is a Buddha wheel.

Imani, the slugger of the Indian team, has not unlocked the gene lock, and the strengthening attribute is 80.00% of Hu Yudi's muscle strengthening. He can extremely expand and control his muscles. His strength is more than ten times that of ordinary people, etc., so I won't go into details Yes, it has been killed by me.

Lamb, the long-range attacker of the Indian team, has not opened the gene lock, the body strengthening quality is unknown, the strengthening skill is known as telekinetic force, can control the moving direction of objects out of thin air, and the equipment is a super electromagnetic flying needle. I guess the person who is seriously injured That's him. [

Xue Nai, a mental attacker, unlocks the first level of gene locks, strengthens unknown physical fitness, and strengthens the skills of mind chains, which can imply and attack the minds of ordinary people. He is an expert in the spiritual field, but the strength of mental skills is not too strong for ordinary people In terms of power, it is powerful, can control people's life and death, and can use mental power to scan and find us. This person is the focus of attention!

Aluote, the killer doctor in the real world, has opened the first-level gene lock, strengthened attribute is werewolf, strengthened skills are unknown, he is born with a psychopath, likes to play with corpses after dismembering people, likes to use a scalpel, and is fast Extremely fast and weird, he is the vice-captain of the India team second only to Shiva Gantian. He has always said that he will kill Shiva Gantian, but he will obey orders before killing him. He has a crystal scalpel and has been beaten by me. Half dead.

Muhammad Yoref, Arab, mechanical maniac, fireman, strengthened attribute is t1000, strengthened and mutated himself into a memory machine, which has been disassembled by me. If you want to know more about it, you can apply to me to see the dissected one. about riv.

Heitan, the short-range attacker of the Yinzhou team, has unknown physical enhancement quality, good assassination skills, and possesses double-edged weapons. I estimate that the level of melee combat has reached Zhao Yingkong's level, probably.

Manavia's physical enhancement quality is unknown, but she has the protective shield skill, which is more troublesome.

There are 13 people in the Yinzhou team, eight veterans and five newcomers. The remaining two seniors have not appeared yet, and the five newcomers have been hypnotized. "

Yu Zihan took out a handheld computer and said to himself: "The above is the information of the Indian team extracted from Yoriv's brain. Now our situation is zero. That bastard rookie and Zero are dead, but the opponent The muscular stupid man and the mechanical man also died, but the other party did not actually take the life of a person in our team, which means that their current score is negative two points, and their next attack will be more violent. Please do it Be mentally prepared."

Xiao Honglu half-kneeled on the ground, pinching the hair in front of his forehead and said: "If your information is really accurate and wrong, then although our situation is serious, there is nothing we can do. Yu Zihan, are you really sure that you are dead? It was the muscular idiot, not the Caucasian doctor Arrot who had been strengthened with werewolf blood. He had a [-]% chance of dying, and I would have preferred this doctor to die... But according to Zheng Zha's description, this Doctors should have a strong resilience that we don't have, it seems that our victory has been weakened by at least [-]% after this battle..."

"Then let's analyze the opponent's combat power again." Xiao Honglu asked in a murmur after pulling out a hair and blowing it off. "The caucasian doctor Arote, who was strengthened with werewolf blood, is indeed very powerful, and his melee strength surpasses that of Zhao Yingkong. And the captain of the Indian continent team, the little monk Shiva Gantian, if his skill is to summon a double-headed cobra, then he His fighting power may not be as strong as imagined, at least he can smash the snake's head with spirit seeds, but I think he must have hidden power, of course, that kind of power may not be used for a long time, so he probably can't use it if it is not a last resort. He will not use this kind of power. Only by thinking about it in this way can he explain why he became the captain of the Indian team, not the doctor. Apart from these two people, what I care most about is the use of the steel needle Lamb, the steel needle that stabbed the zero point, the person who uses the steel needle should also have a certain degree of long-range sniper power, so these three people will be our direct threat when we face the Indian team. Then we will face The biggest threat to the Indian team. Among the remaining two women on the other side, one can use the protective cover of Manavia, which is a powerful auxiliary ability, and the other is the biggest and strongest when we face the Indian team. Dangerous threat, Xue Nai, mind control, can control the mind control power of someone among us, once she is still alive, then we will definitely not be able to defeat the Indian team!"

"Speaking of it this way, aren't we at a complete disadvantage?" Zheng Zha rubbed the sun, and he murmured.

Xiao Honglu shook his head with a smile and said: "Not necessarily, although we have some disadvantages, but this is a slight disadvantage overall, but in comparison, we have an advantage that they do not have. If Yu Zihan's information If it is correct, then we are the enemy, and especially when the muscular giant is dead and the werewolf doctor is seriously injured, we have much more melee strength than them, as long as we can fight in a narrow place where we cannot dodge. Fight, then victory is ours!"

"Then it means that our final battle location has been confirmed in Hamnata, the capital of the dead." Yu Zihan, who had no sense of crisis, was lying on Ming Yanwei's lap, teasing her, and said: "The capital of the dead Hamna Tower is the place they must go, and there is no way to destroy it, er, at least they dare not destroy it, and the place is narrow and there are many passages, Zheng Zha, just need to give you a chance to get close, where... you will be the enemy!"

"Yu Zihan is right. With the number of passages in the tomb, only close combat can exert the strongest combat effectiveness. Secondly, there are mummy guards everywhere, and Zheng Zha's Bible of the Undead can just control these powers. The team caused too much damage, but I think it should be okay to at least hinder them? The only thing to worry about that mind-controlled Indian woman."

Zheng Zha was overjoyed when he heard the words, especially when he thought of the dark and narrow environment in the mausoleum, as long as he got close, he would dare to fight desperately even if it was a werewolf doctor, but when he heard that the mind-controlled Indian When he was a woman, he also sighed immediately, but after seeing Yu Zihan who was wandering off his mind, Zheng Zha said: "Yu Zihan, your melee combat is not weak, you have to work hard this time. That Xue Nai, you have Is there a way to fix her? That kind of mind control is really terrible. Qi Tengyi was controlled by her before he died, and even I was controlled for a moment. It feels like the spirit has left the body. It's a terrible feeling to be able to watch your body move by itself..."

Xiao Honglu pinched the hair on his forehead and said: "Then that's the way it is. To defeat the Indian team, the first step is to kill the Indian woman Xue Nai, otherwise everything we do will be in vain. The only thing I can think of is A feasible battle plan, before Emerton and the Indian continent team join forces, we will go to the capital of the dead first, and we must get the resurrection scriptures before the Indian continent team, and on the way to the barren and flat desert, we must first To kill that Indian woman, please leave zero point in this regard. With his killing range of tens of thousands of meters, he must kill the Indian woman after she recovers. The only thing I worry about is the long-range attacker who uses the steel needle. It is possible to counterattack after discovering the zero point, but we must kill her at any cost, even if it is a life for another life! Otherwise, we may only be defeated by the Indian team and the group will be wiped out."

Zheng Zha took a deep look at Zero Point, because of Yu Zihan's relationship, Zero Point had already recovered [-]% of his combat power, and he then asked Xiao Honglu, "And then? What should we do?"

Xiao Honglu said: "Then it's very simple. Before they reach the capital of the dead, take out the resurrection scriptures, first deprive Imerton of his mana, and then look at the next situation. It's a close bloody battle with the Yinzhou team. Or finish the task immediately and return to the 'Lord God' space, and we will take the lead when we do whatever we want."

Zheng Zha nodded, and he said affirmatively: "Okay! Just follow this plan and see the situation after O'Connor and the others come back. Then we..."

He hadn't finished speaking when suddenly there was the sound of running from outside the administrator's room. With a bang, O'Connor kicked open the door and ran in. Zhang Heng and Zhang Heng were behind him. They were all carrying a big package, but this movement frightened everyone to raise their guns at the same time, and they were all relieved when they saw that it was O'Connor who came. [

O'Connor said anxiously: "Damn, this world is crazy! Several dead families in Cairo City, their dead bodies have all been resurrected, and some people who are still alive, they all After dying suddenly and then resurrecting, the whole city of Cairo is full of living dead bodies! Moreover, for some reason, the whole city of Cairo is covered with thorns, which keep sucking human blood, and the people who have been sucked to death do not come back to life , but compared to those living dead, the overwhelming thorns are more terrifying!"

Zheng Zha and others looked at each other in amazement. They all saw Nai and doubt in each other's eyes. This scene also appeared in the original plot of Legend of Gods and Ghosts, that is, when the high priest Imogen recovered most of his mana. , he will turn the dead into dead bodies for action, and some living people will also be controlled by his magic power. He also died surrounded by a group of corpses, but unlike in the original book, there are still human-eating thorns in Cairo now?Is this also Imerton's fault?

Zhang Heng and Gao Hongliang also ran in, and Zhang Heng immediately said: "Not only that, some pieces of flesh from the dead bodies began to fall off, and it looked extremely disgusting. When they were only bones, the rocks and soil on the ground They all turned into their armor and weapons. It looks like the mummy guards you summoned. About three or four of the ten corpses will turn into mummy guards. When we came back, we were almost discovered by several mummy guards. Fortunately, they run fast, they seem to be looking for something around, I hope they haven't discovered our existence..."

Zheng Zha sighed, and said with a wry smile: "The plot has changed, it seems that this time we are really in a desperate situation..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bird song from the bell tower platform. Everyone turned their heads and saw a snow-white eaglet, which was standing on the platform and chirping softly until the black-clothed big Hu Zi waved his hand, and the little eagle landed on his wrist obediently.

The bearded man in black took a note from the little eagle's arm. After reading it, he took another note from his pocket and stuffed it into the little eagle's arm. Then, with one hand, the little eagle The eagle flew out of the bell tower amidst the chirping sound.

"Several powerful strangers, my clan and I, as the descendants of the Pharaoh's guards, have guarded the capital of the dead for thousands of years. In order to prevent the high priest Imerton from resurrecting and destroying the world, our clan is willing to pay any price to defeat He, everyone, please rest assured that our family has gathered people and horses to wait on the passage from the desert to the capital of the dead, whether it is the army of undead creatures resurrected by Imerton, or those powerful strangers who are trying to resurrect Ansuna, I and I The clansmen... swear by the blade in our hands and the glory of the times! Stop and destroy them at all costs!" The bearded man in black said solemnly to Zheng Zha and others.

"Part two!" Zheng Zha and the others roared in unison.


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