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Zheng Zha and others finally came to the desert market. According to the arrangement of the battle plan, everyone was quickly divided into two groups. The logistics group was busy buying supplies, while the group where the combatants were located was going to buy all kinds of supplies suitable for use. props for traps.

"Yes, only cobra venom, not cobras! If you find it troublesome, we can add more money, the most important thing is to be quick!" Jonathan squeezed the gold grain in his hand, and he kept spraying it on the cobra merchants in the market. Drooling, in Egypt, although cobras are highly poisonous, there are still a lot of people who make a living by cobras, selling snake wine, playing snakes, etc., but like Jonathan, this is purely for cobras There are very few people who buy venom. Such buyers either kill fools or have ulterior motives.

However, I have to admit that being greedy for money also has the benefits of being greedy for money. At least in terms of negotiating the price, you will never suffer any disadvantages. Although Jonathan was full of displeasure when he handed over the gold grains, there were heavy gold bricks in his pocket , This is exactly what Zheng Zha paid him to let him do things.

In less than an hour at most, the members of the two groups completed their respective tasks. Under the money offensive, the merchants in the market burst out with enthusiasm several times higher than that of the living day, whether it was explosives or eating and drinking. No matter the supplies, they were completely prepared in just 10 minutes, and everyone didn't say much. They picked up fresh water and food and rushed towards a small warehouse on the edge of the market.

The bearded man in black led the crowd to open the warehouse door and walked in. The warehouse was empty, but he saw the bearded man in black pulling a chain on the ground and pulling it forcefully, a passage opened on the ground, and at the same time the two rifles protruded from the passage.

The bearded man in black drank twice quickly, and the two men in black quickly ran out of the aisle. They respectfully bowed to the bearded man in black, but the bearded man in black just nodded slightly. He said to Zheng Zha and the others: "Everyone, please follow me. All the weapons are hidden under here."

This underground warehouse is not big, but the number of weapons displayed in the room is astonishing. Basically, there are all the weapons that can be found in this era, except for the cannons, and even the heavy machine guns removed from the plane. It's like the drama is repeating itself.The bearded man in black twitched.In the end, he picked a heavy machine gun that was removed from the plane, and then he stuffed a lot of explosives on his body. [

It wasn't until everyone was ready that Xiao Honglu said in a hurry: "Let the two of them go with us. After leaving the market, let one of them bring some communicators to find the big troops. The other will With the rest of the communicator, ride a camel and head towards the capital of the dead at full speed. After all, we are going on an empty road. The people of the Indian continent team will definitely be vigilant, but this will still buy us more time! It will be a surprise for them."

With such an arrangement, everyone left the desert market again, in order to prevent everyone in the team from being mind-controlled.So I can only choose to hand over the connector to two irrelevant people, and then let them replace everyone and form two teams to advance, and the rest of them will take the flying bus again and set off for the capital of the dead.

"It's the third time I've passed by here, and I hope it won't happen for the fourth time." Sitting in the driver's seat, Zheng Zha murmured, looking at the vast yellow sand in front of him through the glass in front of him.

Eve smiled and said: "You are wrong. If we can't see these scenes for the fourth time, doesn't it mean that we will all die in the capital of the dead? It should be a must see Only the fourth time."

Zheng Zha smiled before speaking. In fact, only the members of the reincarnation team could understand what he said, because once they completed the task, they would return to the "Lord God" space, and they would never have the chance to see the scene here again.And if they see this desert scene for the fourth time, it can only mean that their mission failed, or they continue to chase and escape, no matter which one of them is enough to kill them directly.

Suddenly, Yu Zihan, who had been sitting in the back row with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and said, "The people from the Indian Continent team have found the plane, and with Imerton's spell blessing, the speed is three times faster than ours!"

Everyone was taken aback by the news of Yu Zihan's sudden awakening, and Zhan Lan asked suspiciously, "How did you know?"

Hearing Zhan Lan's question, Yu Zihan slowly opened his palm, revealing a spider shining with lightning, and then said: "This is a lightning spider, it's my box beast, I put a spider in Qin Zhuyu With Gao Hongliang, I hadn’t been in touch because the distance was too far away, but just now, I received the message from that spider, but it was discovered and destroyed as soon as it was sent. Pay attention, this message is Sent 2 hours ago."

"This is troublesome!" Xiao Honglu rubbed his hair and said familiarly: "Although our departure time was faster than the Indian continent team, our speed was not as good as ours, and we took rest and went to the market for supplies on the way. It can be said that we It's just a matter of time to be caught up..." At this point, Xiao Honglu pretended to turn his head and asked Yu Zihan, "Yu Zihan, can you go faster?"

"Yes! But if the speed is too fast, the bus will be destroyed when it reaches the capital of the dead, isn't that a problem?"

"No problem!" Zheng Zha said firmly.

"Then, please buckle up your seat belts and get your vomit bags ready! Eagle of the Sky, go at full speed!" Yu Zihan shouted loudly, then removed the Thunder Flame attached to the bus and replaced it with the Flame of the Sky At the same time, the output power of the Flames of the Big Sky on the Eagle of the Big Sky was increased, and the entire bus, including the two giant eagles, was replaced with a shooting star and flew far away.

It would have taken half a day to travel, but Yu Zihan shortened it to an hour. Of course, everything has a price, and the price of this acceleration is that when everyone landed, the whole bus was already on the verge of falling apart. They are all like cannons, crashing directly into the sand to land. If this is a big city rich in cement and steel, Yu Zihan believes, then this landing, except for a few combatants, must be full of brains!

"Pfft!" Zheng Zha, Zero Point, Zhao Yingkong, and Zhang Jie just bumped into the sand, and immediately stood up swaying left and right, and then pulled Zhan Lan, Xiao Honglu, Zhang Heng and others out of the desert by feeling General pulled it out, and after a while, O'Connor and the bearded man in black also stood up by themselves and rescued Jonathan and Eve.

"Are you all right?" Suddenly, two huge shadows enveloped everyone, everyone raised their heads in a daze, and saw Yu Zihan and Ming Yanwei sitting on a giant eagle unscathed, and the other giant eagle Carrying those materials that are too large to be put into the Zheng Zana ring, they landed in front of everyone safely. [

When he saw clearly that the person in front of him was Yu Zihan, Zheng Zha, who came back to his senses, rushed over and threw Yu Zihan to the ground, "You bastard, do you want to kill us?"

"Relax, nothing will happen, I assure you!" Yu Zihan lay on the desert without hesitation, patted Zheng Zha on the shoulder, and said, "By the way, have you bought insurance?"


"Lord, I will never fly again, and I will never leave the ground again!" I saw the bearded man in black knelt on the ground like a human being, praying to heaven.

"Okay, stop messing around, let's start!" Xiao Honglu said, frowning and wryly smiling.

In any case, everyone finally arrived outside the City of the Dead. The entire City of the Dead looked so majestic and moving under the golden sunlight, as if it had returned to the era when ancient Egypt was still prosperous thousands of years ago. I have to admit that this This majesty is enough to shock people's hearts, but at the moment everyone is not in the mood. They all galloped behind Zheng Zha, and finally rushed into the capital of the dead before more than a dozen planes appeared in the sky.

Zheng Zha breathed out, relieved the sullenness in his heart, and said: "Then let's install those traps first, and then, as discussed before, Zero, Zhang Heng, you two are in a team, and Zero will be responsible for the sniping The Indian woman with her eyes closed, Zhang Heng was in charge of protecting the back of Zero Point. Remember, one hit and go, no matter whether you hit it or not, you must leave immediately. The rest of the people entered the underground tomb together, and immediately separated to find the statue of the sun god. Just shoot and fire."

Ever since, a series of sinister traps appeared densely in the capital of the dead...

When everything was ready, Zheng Zha recounted the plan he had made before, and then he walked to the entrance of a mausoleum. Before entering, he turned his head to look at Ling Dian and Zhang Heng. Ling Dian was looking for a suitable The sniper location, while Zhang Heng kept adjusting his combination bow, both of them were silently making the final preparations, and the others followed behind Zheng Zha.

"Then the plan has also begun, let's wipe them out!" Xiao Honglu said with a sneer while pinching the hair on his forehead.

At this moment, Yu Zihan frowned suddenly, and there was a dragon's cry in the desert not far away.

"Master, it's the evil dragon!" Because there were other people, Chaos directly connected to Yu Zihan's auditory nerve to report.

Yu Zihan nodded and licked his lips with great interest, "Swallowing the Sun Sutra, leading to super-evolution? Interesting, actually want to rebel against my master, want to revolution? Hehe, I've decided, I have to fight hard." His ass..."

"Zheng Zha, there is a situation there, let me go and deal with it! Ruth, you just follow up and help Zheng Zha well, understand?" After finishing speaking, regardless of the reaction of the two, he strode toward the place where Long Ming came from. run to the place!


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