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Zheng Zha walked up to these newcomers and said, "Then let's not live here. If you can return to the 'Lord God' space alive, then let's talk about how to fight side by side together."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Zha walked away alone.

Everyone at the scene was stunned, and the two young men also followed Zheng Zha happily farther and farther away. Wang Xia discussed with everyone and decided to leave here as soon as possible. After all, they are gangsters at the moment. I live in a certain police station, and it is not certain whether I can come out after entering. In this horror movie where the god of death is coming, people in a separate room often die very quickly.

Before leaving the expressway, under the urging of everyone, Wang Xia came to Yu Zihan who was still staying there and asked, "Is Yu Zihan? Hello, my name is Wang Xia, I want to ask, would you like to help the group?" Want us?"

Yu Zihan turned his head and took a look at Wang Xia's team. There were six people in total, four men and two women. Besides Wang Xia, a soldier, there was also a middle-aged man in ordinary workman's clothes, and a gentle man with glasses. A man and a thin young man with a pale complexion.The remaining two women are white-collar workers and a blind woman with her eyes closed.

This might be a very interesting team, Yu Zihan thought in his heart, thinking of this, Yu Zihan said to Wang Xia: "No problem, but wait a minute, after that stubborn captain threw me a problem, he unexpectedly Going like this, even though I don't want to participate in the battle between him and Zhang Jie, it doesn't mean I'm willing to work! Are you right, Wang Xia?"

Wang Xia, who has personally experienced Yu Zihan's methods, knows that the young man in front of him with a sunny smile and a harmless appearance is actually a beast that eats people without spitting out bones. He surrendered easily, but helplessly, the other five people in the team were civilians, and he really couldn't care less about them, so he asked Yu Zihan. To Wang Xia's surprise, from Yu Zihan's words, it seemed that he was willing to fight with Yu Zihan. They were a group of 'rookies' who acted together, but for his rhetorical question later, Wang Xia could only answer with a smile, asking himself, is it appropriate for someone who doesn't know anything about the Zhongzhou team?

"Finish work early, get off work early!" After finishing speaking, Yu Zihan took out a bazooka from the space bracelet, put in a warhead filled with a strange purple liquid under the surprised eyes of everyone, and fired it at the sky like that After passing by, there was only a roar, and then the shell exploded in mid-air, and a strange purple smog enveloped the highway. Whether it was dead or alive, after touching the dense fog, the body began to appear abnormal, At this moment, several falling sounds came from behind Yu Zihan. At some point, Ming Yanwei had already entered the chaotic highway, knocked out all the plot missions including the heroine Kimberly, and tied her to the In front of Yu Zihan.

"Very good, my dear, you did a very good job!" Yu Zihan smiled and nodded to Ming Yuwei with satisfaction. At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew past, blowing the purple mist towards Yu Zihan Here, although Yu Zihan was immune to the purple mist, Wang Xia and the others behind him were not. When the wind blew, Yu Zihan clearly felt a gloomy aura, which seemed to be his special preparation. The T disease took effect, and even the god of death couldn't intervene in it. Such behavior also caused a violent reaction from the god of death, making those assassinations come earlier.

"Hey, what are you doing! Put your hands on your head and squat down!" Although the highway was in chaos due to the huge car accident, under the intervention of the god of death, someone still discovered the abnormality on Yu Zihan's side. The police found the young men and women who were tied up under Yu Zihan's feet, and immediately drew their guns on guard.

"Oh, what a hassle!" Yu Zihan sighed helplessly. After Yu Zihan spread the modified version of the t-virus 'Degenerate', he received a task prompt from the 'Lord God': "Trigger a hidden task, and you will be better than the god of death." Even more death, kill 5000 people to complete the mission, there is no penalty for mission failure, reward points 2500 reward points and a C-level branch plot for successful missions." "Trigger hidden missions, be insane, create more than 5000 zombies, reward 5000 reward points and There is one b-level branch plot, and there is no penalty for mission failure."

Yu Zihan glanced at the watch, there was a reminder of the task of 'Lord God', although there was a b-level side plot as a reward, such a task did not interest Yu Zihan at all, it was too boring!Not exciting at all!

While Yu Zihan was thinking wildly, several wounded who had been infected into zombies slowly came behind the policemen who were still yelling, and bit their necks without hesitation, blood followed Panic screams echoed across the highway.Obviously, these few police officers are not enough for the zombies that have already started to forage. More and more people who were fine and not seriously injured were attacked, and a few of them walked towards Yu Zihan slowly. The white-collar beauty behind Xia immediately grabbed the blind girl's hand tightly and screamed.

But Yu Zihan didn't care, waved his hand impatiently, and then said in a voice that could reach everyone and every zombie in the field: "My toys, kill and bite! Become a thing, become a companion, offer me hell on earth!"

After Yu Zihan yelled a few times, he curled his lips, and impatiently came to Wang Xia's side and said, "Come on, let's find a place to stay before the god of death starts to move."

"Then, what about them?" Wang Xia pointed to the zombies that were hunting around behind Yu Zihan.

"Oh, those toys," Yu Zihan thought for a while and said, "I'm used to raising them in the form of herding, let them play by themselves, and when they are hungry, they will find Dong Si to eat by themselves."

After finishing speaking, Yu Zihan boarded the bus he was in at the beginning of the plot, and Wang Xia looked at the hell on earth in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and got on the bus with others, these zombies playing games Probably killing, and their food is of course living people!Just now Wang Xia could see that these zombies were all under Yu Zihan's control, and Yu Zihan's loud speech just now seemed crazy, but he was actually giving an order to the zombies in the field, that is, 'bite people as much as you want! ', thinking of this, Wang Xia shuddered, and then boarded the car.

As soon as he got in the car, Wang Xia found that Yu Zihan was reforming Kimberly and the ten of them. Why did Wang Xia see at a glance that Yu Zihan was reforming them instead of abusing them? The tools are not only complete, but also tend to be medical equipment.

I saw Yu Zihan took out a bottle of medicine marked as 'anesthetic', and after taking it out with the syringe, he injected it one by one, and then took out a bottle of medicine liquid with a strange color, and injected it into the body. After Kimberly and the others were in the body, the operation began. Just when Yu Zihan was about to do it, he suddenly looked up at everyone and said, "What are you doing? Are you still driving?"

Among the 6 newcomers, the only ones who can move and how to drive are the uncle dressed as a worker, the gentle-eyed man and Wang Xia.In ordinary times, it doesn't matter who drives them to go sightseeing, but now it's different. In this world full of death at this moment, taking a slow shot means that ordinary people will die faster.

Wang Xia sat in the driver's seat without hesitation, started the engine, and drove everyone to the city center...

Driving along the expressway, not long after, I saw the traffic checkpoints of expressways, ordinary roads and highways. At this moment, the checkpoints are full of chaotic crowds. There are countless reporters, densely packed and almost piled up outside the checkpoint. In the chaos here, it can be said that it is impossible for Yu Zihan's bus to pass through, but in the world of reincarnation, the three words 'impossible' does not exist!

Just when Wang Xia was at a loss for the reporters and the police, Ming Yanwei came to the car door and pulled out a bottle of incense, which Sophia extracted from a variety of creatures that prey on psychedelic abilities The rarity of the medicine has reached five stars, and even Yu Zihan only has 5 bottles. For Yu Zihan, who has always followed the route of local tyrants, this is so unusual!

When Wang Xia started the car again and saw the citizens lying on the ground through the rear-view mirror, Wang Xia couldn't bear to ask, "Don't you care about them?"

"No, there will be 'someone' to meet them in a while!" Ming Yanwei said coldly, without expression: "Look, the person who cleans up is here right now?"

Looking through the rear mirror, Wang Xia only saw figures stumbling towards the city one by one. His back felt cold, and Wang Xia already knew who the so-called "people who tidied up their hands" in Ming Yuwei's mouth were, and he also knew who were lying on the ground. The end of the unconscious person on the ground is over. At this time, Wang Xia can't help feeling a little bit regretful, and also a little bit confused. Looking at the appearance of Ming Yuwei and Yu Zihan, they are exactly the age of the sun. How could they be so cruel and inhumane? ?Could it be that if he continues to be carried in the 'Lord God' space, he will also become like this?

In this way, Wang Xia passed the checkpoint with that uneasy mood, and just came to the town from the ordinary road, and then bought a copy of the implementation guide at the newsstand under Ming Yanwei's instructions, and after getting the implementation guide Finally, Wang Xia and the others simply figured out the distribution of the town. At the same time, they also believed Zheng Zha's words 100%, that they had indeed crossed over!

At this moment, several roars came from the bus. It seemed that Yu Zihan's new toy was finally born!

…………………………………………………… ...

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