Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 218 Day 2

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< Human-shaped plot characters, in Yu Zihan's opinion, this team is still too large, it is better to kill a few more people.

Just when Ming Yuwei and Wang Xia first came to Yu Zihan's side, before they could say anything, the sun's rays gradually set on a shard of glass not far away, and then reflected on a magnifying glass, the magnifying glass Condensing that inconspicuous ray of light into a single point, I ignited a piece of paper in the rubble under the magnifying glass. Coincidentally, there was a portable gas bottle that was making a 'sizzling' noise, leaking air next to the piece of paper. As a result, , obviously!

"Damn! Come again! Is it annoying? Is it because we have a lot of people here, so we have a continuous explosion!" When Ming Yuwei and the others walked over, Yu Zihan felt that one of the plot characters behind him After trembling for a while, an explosion occurred not far away, and the goods placed at the explosion point were actually several boxes of steel balls!Driven by the explosion, those steel balls shot around like bullets. Of course, under the care of Death God, more than [-]% of the steel balls flew to Yu Zihan's side!

Yu Zihan shook the bell in his hand, and pointed in the direction of those steel balls flying!

Brian, who had been transformed into a devil-like image, stood in front of Yu Zihan and the others, smoking all over his body, even a trace of flames, a high-temperature wall condensed in front of everyone, melting the steel balls that flew over one by one, of course, There are also some that are too powerful and shoot directly at Brian's body. Although the destructive power of the steel ball is amazing, and dozens of wounds have appeared on Brian's body, Brian's roar is roaring, venting is venting, and his body is indeed firm. shift!

Time seems to have passed for a long time, but in fact the explosion happened only in an instant. In the blink of an eye, everything that should be destroyed was destroyed, and what should not be destroyed was also destroyed. In the entire ruins, only Yu Zihan and the others remained. .

"He, is he alright?" Huang Lilin, a white-collar beauty hiding behind Yu Zihan, pointed at the bloody Brian and asked timidly.

"Him?" Yu Zihan said casually while tearing off the doctor's uniform that had turned into a beggar's outfit due to the explosion, "It's okay! Just eat something!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Zihan took out a tuxedo from the space bracelet, nodded in satisfaction, then rang the bell, and said to Brian: "Go eat something and recover!" After finishing speaking, he headed towards the supermarket over there Survivor's place clicked.

After receiving Yu Zihan's order, Bryan let out a scream, and then rushed to the place where the survivors were. Although Huang Lilin couldn't see Bryan's so-called "eat something", with that miserable scream and fear With a scream, Huang Lilin's bloodless face became even paler because of the explosion.

"After all, it's the first day!" Yu Zihan said while changing his clothes as if no one else was around, "The death game is probably over here, let's find a place to eat and a hotel first! By the way, there are already some zombies Entering the city, although there is only a small-scale 'infection', but tomorrow, hehe, there will be some to play!"

< Hell on earth, everyone shuddered.

In the restaurant, Wang Xia and the others, who had been running around all day and experienced all kinds of thrilling situations, wiped out the food on the table without manners. Only Yu Zihan and Ming Yanwei cut the steak slowly and gracefully, drinking Drinking red wine, like an upper-class playboy bringing his girlfriend to dinner, it doesn't look crazy during the day at all, even Huang Lilin, who claims to never be "an old cow eats tender grass", unconsciously peeked at it. Yu Zihan, a boy who is obviously younger than her, did it several times.

Seeing Yu Zihan's calmness, Wang Xia couldn't help asking: "Yu Zihan, do you often experience these things?"

"No!" Yu Zihan drank the red wine lightly, and said lightly: "To count, in fact, our Zhongzhou team has experienced "Resident Evil [-]", "Alien [-]", "The Grudge", "Ghost and Ghost" so far. "Legend One" has a total of four films, not many!"

"Four Departments?" Li Laoshi, who had been keeping quiet all this time, stopped diving and let out a cry of surprise. When he saw that everyone in the restaurant was looking at him, he also covered his mouth, and then asked softly: " Is everything like it is now?"

"Almost." Yu Zihan replied noncommittally.

"No wonder you're so calm!" At this time, Yu Zihan really exuded the temperament of a little boy, Huang Lilin couldn't help but stare at him and said.

"Calm?" Yu Zihan said with a smile: "In the team, I may be the only one who can be so calm. After all, everyone is afraid of death, and every moment is startled. It's no fun at all."

"Uh, fun?" Except for Ming Yanwei, who is familiar with Yu Zihan's character, the rest of the people present looked at each other in puzzlement, and they didn't understand what fun there is in such a world full of crises.

"Yes! Fun!" After finishing speaking, Yu Zihan took out the bell and shook it a few times. Kimberly and the others who had been waiting outside the restaurant rushed into the restaurant one after another. Of course, because of their transformed bodies, it was impossible to enter from the main entrance. Possibly, so they had no choice but to break through the wall.Seeing Kimberly's monster-like appearance, everyone at Yu Zihan's table screamed, rushed out of the restaurant, and fled.

Yu Zihan smiled and took a sip of the red wine, then said to the stunned Wang Xia and the others: "Look, how interesting!"

Seeing such an unscrupulous Yu Zihan, everyone's thoughts became confused.Ming Yanwei wiped her mouth gracefully, and then said to them: "Don't worry, the rest of the Zhongzhou team are not as crazy as Yu Zihan, they are still normal people, er, I mean thinking, Yu Zihan is a Jing Mentally ill, the way of thinking is different from yours."

Originally, after hearing the first half of Ming Weiwei's sentence, everyone's chaotic thoughts began to calm down, but after hearing the second half of Ming Yanwei's sentence, everyone couldn't calm down anymore!

In the end, everyone returned to the room to rest under the comfort of Ming Yanwei who was more intimidating than comforting. As for the police who rushed over from behind, with a few loud noises, Wang Xia and the others also knew what harassed Yuzi. The fate of those who dine.

An An slept a sweet dream, everyone didn't want to get up to face the cruel reality and the elusive Yu Zihan, but everyone was even more afraid of facing the god of death just like this, so, procrastination At 10 o'clock in the morning, everyone gathered around Yu Zihan again. The atmosphere on the dining table was very depressing. It wasn't that the breakfast was bad, but that there were still a bunch of photos on the dining table, which showed the newcomers who arrived at the same time as them. , They were all in a strange state of death. Perhaps, the next one would be one of Wang Xia and the others. Thinking of this, they lost their appetite.

"Reaper, I won't let you go just because you're hungry." Yu Zihan took a sip of milk and said slowly, "If you're not full enough and don't have the motivation to keep up with me, I won't care about your life."

Hearing Yu Zihan's words, Wang Xia opened his mouth and was about to say something. At this time, the communicator in Wang Xia's hand rang. I have to say that Wang Xia is worthy of being from the special forces. After such a powerful explosion yesterday, not only He didn't lose the communicator that Zheng Zha gave him, and it was well kept.

"Is it Wang Xia? I want to ask you something, if I give you enough weapons, and I can cooperate with you in combat, do you have the confidence to fight a few supermen like me?"

Wang Xia glanced at Yu Zihan. The voice in the communicator was Zheng Zha. Why did Zheng Zha look for him instead of Yu Zihan?Also, what he said implied that Yu Zihan would definitely not be by his side, otherwise, why would Zheng Zha suggest fighting with him?

"If it is a weapon that I am good at, I think it should be fine. After all, you are not immune to bullets? In addition, I am good at laying mines and making traps. If you can find similar weapons, you might as well find some. At this point, Wang Xia secretly glanced at Yu Zihan, and then said, "Who is the enemy, Yu Zihan?"

"It's not Yu Zihan, huh? How do you know Yu Zihan?"

"He's right next to me..."

Before Wang Xia finished speaking, Zheng Zha's voice came from the communicator, "Give the communicator to Yu Zihan!"

"Hey, good morning, Zheng Zha, have you had breakfast?" Yu Zihan took the communicator and chatted enthusiastically, "What can I do for you?"

"Last night, I was attacked by Zhao Yingkong and the others!" Zheng Zha said fiercely, "Zhang Jie, bastard, after you catch him, you must teach him a lesson! Yu Zihan, help me!"

"Remember what I told you at the beginning of the movie?"

"Remember, you said this time is my test, you won't help me, but..."

"No but!" Yu Zihan interrupted: "It's impossible for me to help you directly! After taking care of those newcomers for so long, I've exhausted my benevolence, but it's okay to help you indirectly!"

…………………………………………………… ...

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