Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 227 Nano Robot

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In every world, there are all kinds of viruses and infectious diseases. Even in the world of "Resident Evil", in addition to the T virus, there is also the G virus.And these highly contagious and extremely destructive viruses are Yu Zihan's favorite, although the t-virus has mutated under Yu Zihan's transformation, and Yu Zihan changed its name to an extremely middle-class one. "Degenerate", but it is undeniable that after Yu Zihan's debugging, this virus "Degenerate" is indeed very different from ordinary viruses, but is Yu Zihan satisfied with this?

The answer is obviously 'no'!

The acquisition of the t-virus can be said to be obtained when Yu Zihan's lucky value exploded. Under normal circumstances, even if he had to exchange it with the 'Lord God', the plot and reward points would be expensive.Since other viruses can't be obtained for a while, let's focus on other interesting things, such as the fangs of werewolves, such as the demonic nano-robots in "Candy Knight", it is a good infectious xng'virus', in In the real world, Yu Zihan obtained the demonic nano-robot from the werewolf he hunted in the United States. The mechanical fusion ability of that werewolf came from "Blue Knight"!In "Blue Knight", even blood can transform human beings into fusion bodies, and has the ability to fuse with machines. Compared with viruses derived from ancient materials, these nano-robots only need to be exchanged from the "Main God" The design drawings were then produced in Yu Zihan's weapon factory that reached the level of sci-fi movies. Although it was still immature, the experimental product was successfully produced. Now, Yu Zihan has six bottles of this potion on his body!

"Berg, Brian, and Claire!" After following Berg and the others to an underground laboratory, Yu Zihan yelled to stop the three of them, "Although your transformation was done by me, in fact it was just to inspire me through fire. The 'degenerate' and various animal genes injected into your body. Part of the organs and bodies have indeed been replaced by me, and you are far superior to ordinary evolutionaries because of this. However, although the starting point of other evolutionaries is lower than yours, But it has the ability to evolve independently, and in the later stage, my transformation will only limit your evolution."

The three of Berg glanced at each other, and then asked, "What is the so-called 'autonomous evolution'?"

"It is that they will evolve into the form that is most suitable for them, just like marine creatures walking from the ocean to land, and apes walking on two legs instead of walking on all fours. These are all the results of natural selection, but those who evolve are different. , They don’t need a race to promote evolution for thousands or hundreds of millions of years. When the energy in their bodies reaches a critical point, they will change because of the environment or the desire in their hearts, just like people who desire to fly, Will get wings."[

"Then we don't have the ability to 'self-evolve'?" When the zombies were wandering around, when Yu Zihan was not in the world of "Reaper", it was Kimberly and Berg who worked together to coordinate all the zombies, according to Yu Zihan's idea is here to fight. It can be said that besides Yu Zihan, Kimberly and Berg are the current leaders in the evolutionary world. Of course, there is a premise here, that is, their fighting power must always be at the peak of the evolutionary world .But now Yu Zihan told them that in the days to come, there would be people constantly surpassing them, which severely stimulated their self-esteem.

"No," Yu Zihan shook his head regretfully, "After your body has been transformed, the degree of integration between the original organs and the transplanted organs is not high enough, and when I transformed you, I have already changed your appearance and other aspects. The transformation has been carried out, although your strength has been improved, but uh, it has limited your development."

"Master, I don't want to be weak!" Since Berg and the others left in Yu Zihan, they have truly awakened and restored their human form and memory. For the former self, the reborn Berg and the others despise the past As human beings, so different from the original movie, Berg and the others are not only calm and rational, but also become Yu Zihan's loyal servants.

"That's right, it's good to have such an awareness!" Seeing Berg and the others kneeling in front of him, Yu Zihan suddenly laughed, "I think you all understand that I mentioned your physical defects in this way for the sake of righteousness. It's the 'treatment' that lures me away, or another transformation!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Zihan took out three bottles of potions from the space bracelet, and they were the experimental demonic nanorobots!

"This is a kind of nanometer machine, injected into your body, the organs of the creatures in your body can be perfectly integrated, and your potential can be developed. You not only have the ability to evolve again, but also have the ability to fuse with the machine. However, Here I would like to remind you that these are only experimental medicines, the success rate is less than half, and after injecting these medicines, you will fall into a nightmare state, and you may finally awaken successfully and become an irrational monster." Yu Zihan looked at it Berg and the others said slowly: "You must be clear!"

To Yu Zihan's surprise, Berg and the others picked up the potion on the ground without hesitation after listening to Yu Zihan's words, and were about to inject it directly into his body. Seeing their determination, Yu Zihan hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute! !"

When the needle was 0001 centimeters away from their skin, Berg and the others listened and looked at Yu Zihan suspiciously.

"Really!" Yu Zihan snorted dissatisfied: "After injecting this potion, you will sleep for at least 3 days and 3 nights. I don't have extra time to watch over you! Take me to see your so-called experimental beast!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Zihan ignored Berg and the others, and continued to move forward. Berg, Brian and Claire successfully became experimental subjects again!I hope you will bring me more fun this time!

Berg and the others who were following behind Yu Zihan did not see Yu Zihan's slightly raised mouth corners and that sinister smile, which made Berg and the others feel the fire in their bodies, and became restless.

Under the guidance of Berg and the others, Yu Zihan came to a glass wall, and saw a dense forest on the other side of the glass wall. Taking the forest floor as the standard, Yu Zihan's current location is about 10 floors high. From this, we can see how big the forest in front of us is!

Yu Zihan squinted his eyes and found that the edge of the forest was divided into many areas, trapping all kinds of strange beasts. Yu Zihan vaguely saw a giant bear with one horn, a six-armed orangutan, a three-headed lion, A rhinoceros standing and walking... Yu Zihan felt the fire from these beasts, but the fire was only slightly affected by him. If he wanted to completely control them, he still needed to use the Thunder Bell!

"Master, these beasts were originally just ordinary infected bodies, but probably because of the underdeveloped brains of the animals, except for a few individual existences, most of the animals turned into zombies, but after our stimulation, the fire in their bodies turned into zombies. They became manic, because they were irrational and didn't believe in you, the master, so they didn't leave a trace of their origin. After they went mad, it was often the fire that burned their lives and caused them to die, but some survived and achieved evolution." Berg explained, pointing to the facilities beside the forest and said: "These are beasts that have not been thoroughly studied, and we will put some beasts that have been analyzed into this forest to let them prey on the weak and promote evolution. "

"Well," Yu Zihan pointed to the six-armed orangutan below and asked, "How many such beasts are there? If it is necessary to give birth, how long will it take to give birth to one?" [

"There are a total of 126 wild animals in the park now," Berg carefully calculated, and then said: "As for production, if you don't care about the lives of wild animals, you can still do about 18 a day!"

"Well, not bad!" Yu Zihan nodded with satisfaction, "Put all these 126 beasts into the forest, and I will fight them too, I want to practice! And speed up the production, I will come out in 5 days, when the time comes, I want to see 100 of them!"

"Yes, master!" Although it is difficult to produce 5 beasts of the same level as the six-armed orangutan within 100 days, when they think that this is a task assigned by their master Yu Zihan, Berg and the others are excited. Absolutely can not live up to the expectations of the owner!

Although the human Bergs received many inhuman treatment in Yu Zihan's hands, the current Bergs are not human Bergs, but evolutionary Bergs!

When they were created, they were implanted by Yu Zihan to absolutely obey Yu Zihan's orders, coupled with the seeds of praying and worshiping the sun every day, which intensified Yu Zihan's influence on their souls. In their eyes, Yu Zihan Han is not only their master, but also their god!

Yu Zihan didn't know what Berg and the others were thinking, but even if he knew, Yu Zihan would just laugh it off. In this world where evolutionists have an absolute advantage, there are no interesting opponents. It's so much fun!

I saw Yu Zihan squeezed one hand into a cone shape, and then shouted: "White Crane Fist of the Beast!"

After finishing speaking, a crane shadow appeared from Yu Zihan's right hand, which melted into Yu Zihan's imminent breath. Yu Zihan applied a little force, and the glass wall in front of him immediately melted into a hole the height of a person!


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