Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 23 Food Hunter

() After a long journey, Yu Zihan and the others finally came to the gathering place of the rest of the candidates. After Qi Ya saw that Xiao Gang had arrived safely, he immediately came over to chat with Xiao Gang.

"Hello, everyone. This is Wisconsin Forest Park. It is the venue for your second test. My mission ends here. I hope everyone can pass the test smoothly." The examiner Satbu standing in front of the candidates finished speaking After this job, he walked away with a positive step.

With the departure of the examiner Shusa Cibu, the door that had been blocking everyone's way forward slowly opened, and a pleasant girl's voice came out from inside.

"Candidates who successfully passed the first test, please come in!" There is a large square behind the gate, and there is a sofa in front of it. A cheerful girl with five ponytails is sitting on it casually, and a huge fat man is sitting on it. on the ground behind her.

"Hi everyone, I'm Men Qi, the examiner for the second test." The girl said.

"I'm also the examiner for the second test, and I'm Buhaci." The fat man behind Men Qi said.

Suddenly, there was a drumbeat in the examination hall.

"Bhaji, you won't be so hungry."

"I'm so hungry." Buhaji said innocently.

It turned out that the sound of the drums that was heard in the whole examination room was the sound of Buhasan's hunger.

"Oh, then, I officially announce that the subject of the second test is cooking!" Men Qi stood up from the sofa and pointed at the candidates.

"No, cooking?"

"Our department came to participate in the hunter experiment!"


Among the candidates, there was a burst of commotion because of Men Qi's words.

"As long as you can make dishes that satisfy us, then you will pass the second test." Men Qi continued without paying attention to the commotion off the court.

"Why is it cooking?" Someone among the candidates asked.

"The answer to this question is too simple. It's because the two of us are famous gourmet hunters!" Men Qi pointed to himself and Buha Ting behind him and said vigorously. Unfortunately, few people present understood the sharpness of the nothing hunter. place.

"Everyone, my topic today is pigs. As long as it is a pig in Wisconsin Forest Park, there is no limit to the variety, and then use the kitchen utensils placed here to make pork dishes. As long as we both think you are If you cook delicious food, you will pass!" Buhaci said in front of the candidates under Menqi's signal.

"Although the requirement is to be delicious, it can't just be delicious. Appearance is very important, so don't underestimate the food, you know!" After Buhaji finished speaking, Men Qi added. "This is because the experiment ends when the two of us are full."

"Then, the second experiment, start!" Buha stabbed his belly, and a drum sounded to signal the start of the experiment.

With the sound of the drum, the candidates rushed to the forest to look for prey.

"It's just catching a pig for cooking. Compared with the first experiment, it's much easier." Xiao Gang and the others slowly explored in the forest, and Leo Li said with a relaxed face.

"Is it really that simple?" Kurapika asked rhetorically.

Xiao Gang and Qi Ya didn't care about that much, and started playing on the grass on their own.

"No matter what kind of test, there is a regular rule that each test is more difficult, and I think the hunter test is the same," Yu Zihan said while looking left and right to find the pig, "this time the test has no superficial So simple, either the examiner is particularly picky, or the prey is particularly difficult to catch."

At this time, Xiaogang finally discovered the only kind of pig in the forest, the boar-nosed mad pig!These big-nosed wild pigs are covered in pink, and they are huge, as tall as two or three people. Their noses are pointed up like a rhinoceros' bark. These big-nosed wild pigs are still chewing bones in their mouths.

"Look at them, they are eating bones." Leorio said dumbfounded.

"Could they be carnivorous animals?" Kurapika responded who was also dumbfounded.

The big-nosed wild boar who found Xiao Gang and the others let out a cry of finding prey, and the whole herd of pigs galloped towards Xiao Gang and the others.

"Ahhh!" Xiao Gang and Yu Zihan couldn't help running wildly, these big-nosed wild pigs chased Xiao Gang and the others, and the candidates they met on the road knocked them away without hesitation.

"What the hell are these pigs!"

"These are big-nosed wild pigs, the most ferocious pigs in the world. They use their big, hard noses to knock their enemies into the air. If we run too slowly, we will become pig feed instead," Yu Zihan said while running He said while flipping through the handheld computer.

"You should have said these things earlier!" Leo Li complained angrily.

"You didn't ask again." Yu Zihan spread his hands and put on an innocent expression, but seeing the smile on his mouth, everyone knew that he did it on purpose.

"Hey, Xiao Gang, your friend is really bad-hearted." Qi Ya said, poking Xiao Gang with his elbow.

"Hehe, don't worry, he's just joking." Xiao Gang smiled wryly.

"Well, let me tell you about the Weakness of Hog Nosed Pig," finished.Yu Zihan turned around and ran towards the group of wild pigs with big noses, crossed his hands, and immediately caught the wild pigs that rushed over first, and threw it upwards, and the whole wild pigs with big noses were thrown into the air. The wild pig with a nose screamed in the air, Yu Zihan smiled on the ground, then jumped into the air, and kicked the pig on the forehead, "The reason why the nose of the big nose mad pig is so hard and huge is to protect the weak point of the forehead That's all."

When Yu Zihan spoke, his voice was very loud, not only Xiaogang and the others could hear it, but even the nearby candidates could hear it.

The big-nosed wild pigs who know their weaknesses are not terrible, boxing, flying kicks, shuriken... Candidates are as if they have been beaten with chicken blood, and they will do everything. , Step by step towards the stove.

"This Yu Zihan is real, even other people have heard it now." Leorio complained.

"Isn't that good? Let's pass the exam together." Xiao Gang said with a smile.

"Xiao Gang, you're real too." Seeing Xiao Gang's smiling face, Leo Li felt as if he had been punched into the cotton.

"Hurry up and prepare the food!" Kurapika said.

"it is good!"

Seeing that so many candidates successfully returned, Menqi and Buhaci were very surprised.

Finally, the first dish was finished, and a charcoal-like roast pig was placed on the dining table.

"Come on, finish eating quickly and let me pass." The examinee said arrogantly. Indeed, in the eyes of many examinees, the so-called food hunters are just a group of depraved people who only care about eating and drinking.But how many people know that the vastness of this world and many rare and undiscovered ingredients are legends in themselves. If you want to deal with these monsters, you will only become the opponent's thing if you don't have a certain strength.

"Next is the judging time, and the first round of food tasting begins!" Men Qi said in a completely perfunctory manner without even looking at the candidate. It's meat, but it's still said.

"No, you overdid the test, the meat became tough, and the original deliciousness was ruined!" Men Qi said without any politeness.

"What! You obviously haven't tried a single bite!" Seeing Men Qi's arrogant attitude, the examinee who originally looked down on food hunters roared angrily.

"Do you think I'm blind! Just take a look!" Men Qi didn't take the examinee's anger seriously at all.

The second plate of roast pig was placed on the table.

"Delicious!" Buhaci said without any surprise.

"Failed, dry on the outside, dead inside, too hot." Men Qi gave another failing without any surprise.

The third set, the fourth set, the fifth set...

It is not clear how many plates of roast pigs have been served on the dinner table, but without exception, every plate of Bhabha was given a delicious evaluation, and Men Qi also mercilessly gave a failing grade.In other words, so far, none of the candidates can satisfy the examiners and pass the test.

"Until now, no one has passed." Leorio said, who was watching the situation from a distance.

"And Menqi hasn't eaten every bite up to now." Kurapika added.

"Are you making a mistake! Really, is there no one who can satisfy me?" Men Qi was furious on the sofa.

"So that's it!" Kurapika made a gesture of awakening, "Although the test questions this time are cooking, they are actually examining creativity and observation skills!"

"I see!" Leori and Xiao Gang agreed with each other.

Then Leorio put his roast pig on the examiner's dining table, which was different from the roast pigs of other candidates.This roast pig also has a little flag stuck on it, like a kid's meal.

"How's it going! My uncle's cooking!" Leorie looked smug, as if he would definitely pass.

"You treat me like a child! It's nothing to get a children's meal!" Men Qi, who was in awe, lifted the table.

Then, Xiao Gang also sent his roast pig up, this time the roast pig was covered with wreaths.

"Next is my masterpiece!"

"It's no different from the one just now!"

In the end, Kurapika also handed his dishes to the table. Although it was also a roast pig, Kurapika sliced ​​the roast pig and put vegetables in the middle, so it didn't look like a roast pig at all.

"Next is me!" Kurapika rarely showed a confident look.

"Well, finally there is something I want to cook." Although Men Qi's anger subsided a little, his acrimonious tone remained the same. After taking a bite of Kurapika's food with a fork, "It's so unpalatable." Ah! Although the appearance is very important, you can't make the taste so bad! Your level is no different from the previous No. 403!"

Candidate No. 403 Leo Li gloated and said, "Haha, what a pity!"

Compared with Menqi saying that his cooking is unpalatable, saying that his level is the same as that of Leorio, it obviously hurt Kurapika even more.

"Hmph, you all look at me!" Not to be outdone, Yu Zihan also presented a dish.

"What's this?" Men Qi picked up a siu mai dripping with blood, but this time, Buhaji didn't rush to do it.

"This is a siu mai made from wild pork with a big nose and the brains of a human-faced monkey!" Yu Zihan said charmingly, pretending that you should try it quickly.

"Have you tried it?" Men Qi's forehead was full of veins.

"Sorry, my family won't let me eat raw food."

"You know it's not cooked yet and you still serve it up, you're kidding me!" Men Qi turned the table up again, "It's disgusting to use the brains of a human-faced monkey!"

"But these are the freshest ingredients in my hand," Yu Zihan said innocently, "And, they have all presented them, how can I be behind?"


Behind Yu Zihan, several candidates presented roast pigs.

"I'm already full!" Buhaci said. Except for Yu Zihan's food, Buhaci had eaten all the food by himself, and now I'm full, which is enough to show that Buhaci's belly is huge.

"I'm full too, I'm full!" Men Qi stood up and said loudly, "So today, no one passed!"

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