Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 4 Actually, I'm Sick

() The main god space, no matter in the original work or in the world of fan fiction, claims to have infinite possibilities. No one knows who created this severe space and what it is for. Maybe there is a great existence behind it manipulating all this , but in fact, what is 100% certain is that new sacrifices come to this space every day. Maybe they indulge their desires and become depraved, maybe they live in fear all day long, maybe they abandon morality and become evil, maybe... Indeed, the Lord God There are infinite possibilities in space, just like the human heart.

After coming to this main god's space, Yu Zihan didn't have any major psychological changes. Perhaps whether it is in the real world or the main god's space, there is not much difference for Yu Zihan, a lunatic.

As if feeling the suspicious eyes around him, Yu Zihan recovered from his fugue, and said in a natural tone according to the plot, "What are you looking at me for? You ask me how I know, I lost my memory, maybe I am not a security guard, but He is a genius researcher!"

"Yeah, why did I lose my memory? Why can't I remember anything about the past now?" Ryan, who was attracted by the amnesia in Yu Zihan's words and automatically ignored what the genius researcher said, asked Captain Matthew.

"The hive has its own defense system, which is controlled by the flame queen of the central yang computer in the hive. When the hive is determined to be under attack, the central yang computer will release a kind of nerve gas, which will make people unconscious for about four hours. After waking up, they will There are a series of side effects, one of which is the body loses its memory."

"Loss of memory? How long will this state last?"

"Depending on the individual's constitution, it may be an hour, a day, or even a week."

Hearing Captain Matthew's answer, a young man next to him questioned, "You mean the hive has been attacked? There are terrorists inside?"

After looking around at everyone, Captain Matthew looked at the young man and said, "...Maybe it's worse than that."

<b ren间地狱了,由于瑞恩偷窃并且泄露t病毒的关系,里面的人都已经变成丧尸了。

"Sir, the gate has been opened and you can enter now." A long-haired female mercenary interrupted Matthew's battle and reported to him.

After Captain Matthew nodded to the others to indicate that he was ready to act, he looked at Zheng Zha and the others, sighed, and led the mercenaries to the gate without saying anything.

JD in the mercenary team had already put on night vision goggles under the signal of Captain Matthew, and began to explore in the dark gate, while Zhang Jie walked away together with the Desert Eagle under the signal of Captain Matthew. go in.

Yu Zihan, who is familiar with the plot, knows that as long as the computer is not turned off, the zombies and crawlers will not appear for at least three hours.Because the biochemical series is widely known as a game, although the technology inside is very advanced, but because it is a product of the game in the 90s, even if the movie is horrific, the fighting power of the zombies is obviously inferior to the monsters in the later works. The little witch is the big witch.

"Ah, I really want to see the zombies." Yu Zihan carried his backpack, held his head in his hands, and followed the crowd boredly. Although he fell behind, the reincarnated people around him still heard Yu Zihan's words.

"Are you sick? You want to fight zombies?" A teenager next to him who looked about the same age as Yu Zihan said to Yu Zihan in a low voice in horror. Perhaps because everyone was of the same age, the person in front of him The boy didn't guard against Yu Zihan like everyone else.

"Didn't you see that I was wearing a hospital gown?" Yu Zihan looked at the boy in front of him with contempt for an idiot.

The young man who was provoked by Yu Zihan was about to argue a few words when the words of the mercenaries came from ahead.

"Sir, it looks like we're going to take the stairs." The people who had already come to the elevator saw the broken steel wire in the elevator under the illumination of the flares, and the elevator was scrapped.

Captain Matthew said with a blue face: "Take the stairs, you must reach the bottom floor within 10 minutes, everyone follow!"

According to the plot of the movie, although the characters in the plot are different in terms of physical fitness, everyone still meets the requirements of Captain Matthew and follows the team closely.But for the novice reincarnators, their bodies that have not been strengthened are just ordinary people's bodies, perhaps even more unbearable than ordinary people.

The fat man covered in fat, that fat body kept shaking up and down as he ran, and he began to pant not long after he ran, and his speed became slower and slower.

There is also the middle-aged woman, whose speed is slower than the fat man's. As time goes by, she can only move step by step in the end.

"Two out..." Zhang Jie said, the fat man and the woman who were left behind had long since disappeared.

What two outs? Zheng Zha next to him questioned after hearing Zhang Jie's words.

"Didn't Zhang Jie say that? This is the real world, and we will die here. Although we are in the movie world, we are not just moviegoers. Didn't you say it in the mission? Leave 100 meters away from Matthew It will explode, the two of them are dead!" Yu Zihan, who was running behind Zheng Zha, heard Zheng Zha's question, and said disdainfully, is the one in front of him really the hero?Why do you feel that such a dull person can become the protagonist?

In the current novice reincarnation team, the protagonist Zheng Zha is the first person to wake up, and his physical fitness is affirmative; the girl wearing glasses, although her writing is weak, but she is smart and pulls Zhang Jie's clothes from the beginning , so as to keep up with the team; and one of the middle-aged men, although he does not have exaggerated muscles, can still see his well-defined muscles from the appearance of his clothes, and his physical fitness does not seem to be bad; the last one was The youth that Yu Zihan had stimulated had ordinary appearance, ordinary physical strength, and average running speed. He could only maintain a neither fast nor slow speed, and followed behind the team.


As soon as Yu Zihan finished speaking, there were two violent explosions from above the stairs, and the novice reincarnators except Yu Zihan immediately looked up in a daze, but unfortunately they couldn't see anything.

"Two are out! Hee hee." At some point, Yu Zihan had accelerated past the crowd and whispered in their ears.

Zheng Zha and the others followed behind the team in panic. The cruel reality pulled them out of their dreams. They just came here from the real civilized world and they didn't know what to do. Facing all these incredible and dangerous situations The world is gone, and the fantasy at the beginning has gone to the distant sky with the explosion.

"Sir, the Flame Queen has locked us in, she knows we're here."

"Who is the Flame Queen?"

Matthew glanced at the heroine Alice and said: "It is the best artificial intelligence system in China. It controls the entire hive and is the main computer here."

At this time, everyone had already gone down the stairs. Zhang Jie turned his head, looked carefully at the group of people in front of him, and said with a sneer, "Persevere, you should thank God if you can survive. To be honest, you are lucky enough. This horror movie has a very low risk factor. In fact, it is one of the few horror movies that can solve problems with bullets. Keep at it. As long as you can survive this horror movie, you will be rewarded with a thousand points to improve your physique."

As the team deepened, some isolated research rooms gradually appeared on both sides of the aisle. The strange thing is that all of these research rooms have been filled with water. Apart from water and instruments, there are only many corpses of researchers inside. , corpses wearing white lab coats, white and dense, look very scary, Yu Zihan and others know that these are corpses that have been infected with the T-virus and become zombies, once the central computer is restarted, they will come out Open the meal.

"Too bad. To get to the Flame Queen, these laboratories are the passages that must be passed through. Now they are all flooded. I don't think we can go in." A mercenary in the team said.

"Ren, j-d, go and see if it is possible to discharge the water. Kaplan, Zhang Jie, find another way to the Flame Queen." Hearing the report from his subordinates, Matthew frowned, Make work arrangements.

"What happened here? Why do these research rooms look like..." After everyone in the action team set off, the hero Ryan asked a question.

"It seems to be filled with water from the inside?" Matthew looked at everyone, and then said: "About five hours ago, the Flame Queen manipulated and sealed the entire hive, and then used the internal defense system to start killing people, releasing poisonous gas, cutting off Elevator, close the research room, like these, it killed everyone in this experimental area. When the company realized that something happened here, our team was sent here to close it, that's why we came here Purpose."

"Why does it do this? Isn't it an intellectualized computer system?"

"We don't know about this. It may be affected by external factors, such as computer viruses... or it may be manipulated and destroyed by insiders. It's all..."

Listening to the dialogue between Matthew and Alice that was exactly like the movie, Yu Zihan slipped to the front of those research rooms, observing the floating zombies inside, as if appreciating a work of art, "Tell me, do they think of jellyfish when they look like this?"

Zheng Zha, who was also looking at the corpse next to him, was taken aback when he heard Yu Zihan's words, but he didn't know whether he didn't notice the person next to him or whether he was startled by Yu Zihan's words.

"Hey, let me say how about we introduce each other? After all, we will start living together soon." The girl wearing glasses patted Zheng Zha on the shoulder, startling him again.

Seeing that everyone seemed to have no objections, the girl wearing glasses said: "My name is Zhan Lan, Zhan from Zhan Tianyou, Lan from Lan with the mountain wind, hehe, sounds like a boy's name? What is my occupation? I’m a writer, and I’ve been complaining about not having any inspiration for writing before I came here, but I didn’t expect to come to this world of infinite inspiration, hehe, this can be regarded as retribution.”

Sure enough, this girl is Zhan Lan, a girl with spiritual talent, and the degree of fit between this world and the world of novels has increased again.

Zheng Zha smiled and said: "Zheng Zha, Zheng Chenggong's Zheng, Nezha's Zha, is a company executive. Uh, before I came here, I did complain that the real world is too boring, as if people are rotting day by day. So I want to find some stimulation... but the stimulation here is too strong."

The middle-aged man smiled honestly and said: "Mu Gang, Mou's Mou, Steel's Steel, ah, I can't compare to you cultural people, anyway, that's the name, and the occupation is a long-distance freight driver. I have complained that my wife is too stingy, my son is not up to date, in short, I am very disappointed with the reality, I clicked that confirmation when I was playing games online with my friends, and then I came here."

The ordinary young man behind said: "Li Xiaoyi, a senior high school student, complained about many things before coming here, but it's actually pretty good to come here, as long as he doesn't die, he can become a superman, and according to Zhang Jie, as long as he can go back, This enhanced ability seems to be maintained, I can't stand being bullied in school anymore, if I can go back, I will definitely kill those bastards!"

Following Li Xiaoyi's words, a ferocious look appeared on his face, his gaze wandered over Yu Zihan's body, it seemed that he was still worried about the stimulation just now, Yu Zihan gave Li Xiaoyi a nonchalant glance.

The other three looked at each other, why are young people so dangerous nowadays? The violence of the youth at the beginning, and Li Xiaoyi's hideousness, it seems that young people in modern society are under a lot of pressure. Thinking of this, they all looked at him in unison. What kind of story does that young man in hospital clothes who has always been in high spirits have?

"Actually, I'm sick!"

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