Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 51 The Dark Crow

() Poor people must have hateful things, and hateful people must have pitiful things.In this world, no one is born a good person, and no one is born a bad person.Even Yu Zihan who has Su Hui, if it wasn't for the cold family environment and the bullying of his peers around him all his life, how could Yu Zihan become so neurotic now? If the acquired education is proper, maybe the current Yu Zihan He is working as a doctor in the hospital, or he is advocating justice as a lawyer in the court, or he is inheriting his father's career and becoming an army commander...

It is precisely because there are many ifs and possibilities in the world that people are dissatisfied with the status quo. Some people choose to struggle, while others choose to destroy.

Now, those death row prisoners in prison are just poor and pathetic guys. The death row prisoners who don't know what kind of torture they are going to face are all yelling there, venting that they have nowhere to release However, Yu Zihan understood that they were all just putting on airs, using arrogance to cover up the emptiness in their hearts, and using violence to escape the fear of the death penalty.

In order to welcome Yu Zihan, the prison guards cleaned up the entire prison on purpose. The clean corridors were in stark contrast to the messy environment in the cell. Yu Zihan walked around the prison with a smile, as if admiring a famous painting. Carefully observing the prisoners in the cell, the ugliness of human nature is always so vivid and eye-catching.

From Yu Zihan's point of view, he is no different from the prisoners in the prison. He also uses violence to soothe the irritability in his blood, and also uses killing to increase the joy of life. If the death row in the cell is a devil, then Yu Zihan He is the leader of the demons in hell.But now, the death row prisoners are inside the cell, while Yu Zihan is outside the cell. The difference between them lies in their strength.

"Hey, little boy, what are you doing smiling, believe it or not, I'll beat you..."

"Hey, handsome boy, are you so cute..."

"Hey, where is the fucking note? I'm hungry, what are you looking at..."

"Hey, kid, do you know Brother Shen? Help me..."

"Hey, who's going to take a gamble and see if the kid can get out alive, hahaha..."


Yu Zihan didn't respond to these vicious words, but just walked forward step by step according to the fixed pace. Murderers, rapists, gangsters, drug dealers, loan sharks... These cancers in society are being isolated from the world. , releasing their poisonous gas without any scruples.

Ah, poor souls let me harvest you.Yu Zihan thought to himself, at this time, a crow appeared at some point, only the size of a palm, with pitch-black feathers, but when placed in the sun, there was some golden light on the edges of the feathers, what was even more strange was that this crow actually had three foot.

"Ming Crow, are you hungry?" Yu Zihan smiled and teased the little crow on his shoulder. This crow was not a real crow with flesh and blood, but a beast.The sacrificial beast, the Dark Crow, is based on the three-legged Golden Crow, which is the most profound impression in Yu Zihan's mind about the sun god beast. Its main function is to harvest life and soul.

The knowledge in Yu Zihan's mind shows that before the Tang Dynasty, crows were auspicious and prophetic divine birds in Chinese folk culture.However, after the Tang Dynasty, there appeared the theory that the crow was a bad omen. Tang Duan Chengshi's "Youyang Miscellaneous Cu": "There is no good sound on the ground with the crow's cry. When a person is leaving, the crow sings and walks forward. I am very happy. This old account is not good. load.

In other places, because of the crow's call and its predation habits, there are legends that the crow is the messenger of death.It is precisely because of the image of the three-legged golden crow in ancient myths and the modern crows that report sorrows but not good fortunes that lead to the appearance of ghost crows.

The pattern of the sun on Yu Zihan's back is still blank. In order to fill the soul, he must have the means to capture the soul, and the crow was born for this.According to the supplementary terms of "Capture and Sacrifice Souls" signed by Yu Zihan and Taiyang Mental Body, the souls that Yu Zihan can sacrifice must be killed by himself, and the corpses must be cremated and turned into ashes, and the dead remain in the body. The spirit spirit on the ashes, that is, the soul will be devoured by the crow. Through the crow, Yu Zihan can store the soul of the deceased in the pattern of the sun and sacrifice it.

Moreover, because the capacity of the sun pattern is limited, in order to prevent the contractor from storing the corpse in order to replenish the soul immediately, and cremate it only when needed, the conditions for the crow to devour the soul have also been supplemented, that is, it must be within ten days after the death of the deceased. It is only useful to burn it to ashes within two hours.

But it is precisely because of so many unreasonable rules and regulations that the power obtained through the pattern of the sun will be more extreme and stronger.

"Ba Ba Ba" stood at the end of the corridor, and Yu Zihan clapped his hands facing all the prisoners, signaling for everyone to be quiet and pay attention. With Yu Zihan's loud applause, slowly, the entire prison became quiet After getting down, seeing everyone quiet down, Yu Zihan said with a smile: "Everyone, do you like barbecue?"

All the condemned prisoners present whispered in low voices. From the applause that echoed in every ear just now, the condemned prisoners knew that the young man in front of them was not a good man and a faithful woman, but they were constantly surprised by his question that was far-fetched. There are bold people.

"I like it, I like barbecue the most, especially burning a little boy like you..."

"Little handsome guy, I'll help you barbecue, can you apply sunscreen for me, please apply it to every inch of your skin..."

"Why, you can still barbecue in the prison? You want to die, kid, you just teased me..."


People in the world have a herd mentality. When the person who eats the first crab appears, it is not the second person who eats the crab, but a large group of people vying to eat the crab.Following the speeches of a few people who were obviously the leaders, the entire prison became lively again, but the topic turned to Yu Zihan, and all kinds of vulgar and swear words came into Yu Zihan's ears, although Yu Zihan He still kept smiling, but if you looked closely, you would find that Yu Zihan's squinted eyes were not smiling at all, on the contrary, there was an inexplicable chill.

The death row inmates in the entire prison shivered because of the sudden chill, and everyone shut up in unison.

"Do you all like barbecue?" Yu Zihan slowly opened his smiling eyes, and slowly retracted his containment, "What a coincidence, my little crow also likes barbecue the most, but now I am short of ingredients , so I would like to ask everyone to help," Yu Zihan suddenly showed a bright smile at this point, "Everyone, please give my little crow a taste."

Just when everyone was startled by Yu Zihan's weird words and stood there in a daze, the dark crow croaked, and then flew to the nearest cell, where the death row prisoner who yelled the loudest just now Throat pierced, chest cut open, heart bitten, eyes swallowed, when the death row prisoner was dying, his body suddenly caught fire, and when he let out that hoarse scream, the ghost crow aimed at the next death row prisoner... …

Frightened by the tragedy in the first cell, the prisoners in other cells shouted for help and rioted, but how could they open it so easily as a prison cell for death row inmates.But there are still some smart people who work together with other people to lift the washbasin or the bed frame, and keep hitting the iron door of the cell. If they are lucky, they knocked open the joint and successfully walked out of the cell.

But the crow's movements are getting faster and faster, as if the energy was replenished by eating just now, the crow's chirping sound, the screams of the condemned prisoner echoed in the sky of the prison, the crows outside the prison They croaked in unison, making the prison guards and bodyguards who had been stationed outside terrified.

It's not that no one wanted to attack Yu Zihan, the instigator, but before they managed to get close to Yu Zihan, they were attacked by the dark crow who had noticed everything.Although the dark crow's main effect is to harvest souls, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have the power to attack. Although the dark crow's attack power in this state is relatively weak, it is more than enough to deal with these mortals.

And when the awakened prisoners ran to the other side of the corridor, they would find that at the end of the corridor, at some point, a thicker and stronger iron door blocked their way.

They yelled in despair, making the death row prisoners on other floors laugh endlessly. From the eyes of the death row prisoners on other floors, these screams were just innocuous farce. A gloating look.

When the dark crow preyed on its prey and harvested its soul, through the connection of the sun pattern, Yu Zihan could clearly feel the scorching heat of the sun pattern behind him, as well as the heart-wrenching pain. Of course, when the soul entered the sun pattern, Yu Zihan will also take a quick look at the life of the soul here. Sin and mourning try to distort Yu Zihan's mind. Unfortunately, Yu Zihan's mind has already been twisted to the extreme. These boring negative energies can't arouse Yu Zihan's interest at all, but As the soul and memory flowed through the body and the sea of ​​consciousness, the overflowing soul energy made Yu Zihan groan in satisfaction. < Personally, only Yu Zihan can stay sober and enjoy this drug-like enjoyment.

But when Yu Zihan left the prison, the blush on his face hadn't faded. With his fair and tender skin, he really lived up to the title of little boy. Everyone was very curious about what Yu Zihan did in prison. Seeing Yu Zihan's face There are many people with bad tastes, but Yu Zihan, who is in a good mood, does not pay attention to the strange eyes of others, but hums a little tune, takes small steps, and returns to the caravan, leaving this place where there is no death row prisoner anymore. in prison.

When the prison guards returned to the prison, they found that the death row inmates on each floor of the prison were gone, but there were obvious signs of struggle and riots in the cells on each floor, the ground was covered with wet blood, and there was a There were piles of unknown ashes, and even curious people tasted the ashes this time, but after watching the surveillance cameras, all of these curious people were vomiting, diarrhea and lingering nightmares.

At this time, the hour hand of the pattern of the sun on Yu Zihan's back has moved forward, and a line appeared between the center of the circle and the twelve o'clock grid, and a pattern appeared between the hour hand and this line. , it seems that only after the hour hand rotates a circle, the entire pattern will completely appear in front of everyone.

At this time, the hour hand on the sun pattern points to the seventh grid, and the minute hand points to the No.18 grid. In other words, Yu Zihan has collected a total of 430 eight soul units, which is 380 souls. In this short afternoon , Yu Zihan killed 380 people with the crow, and the strong smell of blood shocked the bodyguards in the same car.

Yu Zihan, who was in a happy mood, was lying on the car window, admiring the scenery while humming a little tune: "The sun is shining in the sky, I'm going to bomb the school. The little bird said, early morning, why are you carrying a pack of explosives on your back!  … ..."

…………………………………………………… ...

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