Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 75 Return and Reorganization

() It took more than two hours for everyone's body to recover. Although in the early stage of the adventure in the alien world, because of Yu Zihan's existence, everyone suffered much less than the original plot, but also because of Yu Zihan's Existence, the "Lord God" has increased the difficulty. In the later stage of the adventure in the alien world, facing a stronger opponent, even if the state is better, it cannot change the fact that the team is weak. Even in the end, if it is not for Yu Zihan's intervention, Zheng Zha Can you kill the Alien Queen?

Just as everyone was enduring physical pain and receiving the treatment from the 'Lord God', Yu Zihan slowly picked up the sound of the 'Lord God'. I didn't bother to bother, at the end of the plot, when the 'Lord God' had compiled all the information, Yu Zihan slowly checked it.

"Complete the "Alien [-]" plot adventure, and reward [-] bonus points."

"Complete the main task, reward [-] reward points, and one D-level side storyline."

"Kill a total of 14 aliens and reward [-] bonus points."

This time, Yu Zihan's harvest is not much, the reward points are only [-] points in total, and the side plot is only a D-level. Compared with Hunter World, this kind of harvest is really much less, and after finishing the next horror drama After the world, Yu Zihan will go to Hunter World again. The ticket is a C-level branch plot. He thought the ticket was not a problem, but now Yu Zihan realizes that if the next horror drama World is like this time, it will be so inefficient If so, I believe that the next time he comes back, it will be Yu Zihan's death, and the reason is because he can't afford the tickets?

After sighing, Yu Zihan who landed on the ground couldn't help looking around, and finally found Sophia standing quietly in the distance. The two of them exchanged glances. From Sophia's eyes, Yu Zihan felt tenderness and care. Perhaps, Sophia is not the girl who can make Yu Zihan's heart beat faster, but Sophia is the one who can make Yu Zihan let go of everything and return to the most primitive and relaxed state.

Yu Zihan didn't hug Sophia like Zheng Zha hugged Luoli, but just watched her quietly. This time, although the battle with the alien guard was not too fierce, it detonated Yu Zihan's heart. The murderous thoughts in his heart made him comprehend the artistic conception of the way of war, and at the same time, the killing breath blessed his body, like a stimulant. After the momentary excitement, the rest is fatigue.

Yu Zihan walked up to Sophia slowly, hugged her gently, felt the softness of Sophia's body, and the soothing fragrance, if we say that the mood in the 'Strong' state is turbulent, and the mood in the 'Wisdom' state is In the case of an extremely frozen ocean, then Yu Zihan's state of mind is that of a calm sea.

"I'm back," Yu Zihan said slowly after releasing Sophia, "I have obtained all the space technology in the alien world, as well as the genes of aliens, whether it is ordinary aliens, alien guards, or even aliens. It's the Alien Queen, and I have obtained samples of them. But some of you are busy!"

Sophia pressed both hands on Yu Zihan's chest, then slowly moved to his shoulders, rubbed it gently, and said slowly: "It is my honor to be able to serve the master, but I am afraid of being busy with research , less time to accompany you."

When setting up the personality of the human being, Yu Zihan set Sophia's personality as gentle, gentle, gentle and virtuous... Anyway, Yu Zihan used all the good words he could think of, although at the beginning because of The flame queen program made Sophia in a natural state from the beginning, and did not show these personality traits at all, but with learning and upgrading, Sophia's personality gradually took shape.

After a big battle, everyone felt very tired, not physically tired, but mentally tired.When Yu Zihan and Sophia got together, other people embraced with their lovers, enjoying this peaceful moment.

At this time, after Zheng Zha said goodbye to Chu Xuan and the others, he picked up Luo Li and went into the house like this.And Yu Zihan also had nothing to say to Chu Xuan, and nodded with a smile. After saying hello, Yu Zihan also took Sophia's small hand and walked to his room.

After returning to the room, Yu Zihan will take off all the equipment on his body one by one, Gauss Desert Eagle, Kodachi Reverse Stab, Scout Bee Box, Explosive Spider Box, and the backpack containing the alien samples.After getting everything in order, Yu Zihan lay down on the sofa without a posture, turned on the stereo in the room, picked up the Coke and pizza on the table, and after eating and drinking, he released Satisfied hiccups, although Yu Zihan spent a lot of time in the plot world, it was only a moment in the "Lord God" space, so the pizza left on the table was still hot when he left, and the cola was still cold .

On the time axis of the "Lord God" space, Yu Zihan seemed to have never left, all this was a dream, but the pain in his body told Yu Zihan that all this was not a dream, or maybe, All this is a dream.

Perhaps it was a side effect of the fusion between the master and the sub-personality, Yu Zihan felt very tired now, Yu Zihan rested on the sofa with his pillow on Sophia's lap after eating and drinking.

And Sophia didn't bother Yu Zihan, just holding the Aegis support system and absorbing the data. The so-called Chaos is just a subroutine of Sophia, mainly for recording information and supporting the owner. , and after returning to the "Lord God" space, Sophia will fuse with Chaos. After the two are fused, although she is still called Sophia, she is also Chaos who has been by Yu Zihan's side all the time, and the next time she enters the world of horror movies Before now, Sophia will split another subroutine, and a new 'Chaos' will replace her to accompany Yu Zihan.

After packing up the materials and loot, Sophia also entered the state of thinking and calculation. In Yu Zihan's plan, the manufacture of box weapons, the alien dna is an important part of it. The combination of the earth's biological genes and the alien genes creates Special alien combat units or creatures with alien traits are all Yu Zihan's box weapon designs, and the most critical three boxes, the alien genes are even more essential.

Three hours passed, and Yu Zihan slowly opened his eyes. The next day, he had to entertain Zheng Zha and the others. Some work had to be done tonight, so Yu Zihan also set his biological clock for three hours. Get up command.

"Master, are you awake?" Sophia, who was manipulating the equipment in the house and preparing for work for a while, said with a smile when Yu Zihan woke up.

"Well," Yu Zihan, who just woke up, was still in a daze. While pressing his temple, he sat up and waved his hand. A cup of hot tea floated in the air and slowly flew into Yu Zihan's hand When setting up this room, Yu Zihan added his fantasy of the future world. Although not all the imaginary functions appeared, the ability to serve the master is still there.

"Master, everything is ready." Seeing Yu Zihan sitting up, Suo Yaya stood up automatically and consciously, then came to the door of the laboratory, and said to Yu Zihan.

"Prepare? Prepare for what?" After taking a sip of hot tea, Yu Zihan asked in a daze after groaning in enjoyment.

"It's the production of your special box weapon!" Sophia complained, "Did you forget?"

"Ah?" After being reminded by Sophia, Yu Zihan finally woke up. Thinking of his fuzzy Yang just now, he couldn't help laughing: "My, when I just woke up, my combat power might be zero?"

"However, master, you can sleep so soundly, not anywhere can be." Seeing Yu Zihan approaching, Sophia took his hand and said with a smile.

"Yes! Only when you are by my side can I relax completely and have a good night's sleep!" Although Sophia's mental age is relatively young, but because when setting the appearance, I added the settings of the royal sister and the young woman. Sure, so it seems that Sophia is much older than Yu Zihan, and now Sophia looks like 'you are a child, I am an adult', which makes Yu Zihan laughable.

After entering the laboratory, Yu Zihan saw a huge glass tank in the center, and this giant glass tank was surrounded by several smaller glass tanks. Yu Zihan recognized one of the glass tanks, which was exactly It was the arm he broke off in "Resident Evil", and there was a glass tank containing the original Chimera ants that Yu Zihan bought from Hunter World, and the rest were some blood samples.

"Master, starting from now, it will take about three days to set the basic form. I will finish it before the next horror movie. Also, if the master's prediction is correct, then in the next adventure, we can Transfer part of the equipment to the plot space to complete the manufacture of box weapons."

"Well, not bad," Yu Zihan nodded and said approvingly while flipping through the plan records and the information of this box of weapons: "You have helped me to fix the loopholes in my design? Very good, as expected of the most powerful superman in the superman world." State-of-the-art systems, computing and design capabilities are extraordinary."

"Master, now in the laboratory, three design plans have been prepared for you. The first one is an automatic production factory for box weapons designed based on the Alien Queen. The second one is your special combat box, and The last one is..."

Before Sophia finished speaking, Yu Zihan raised his right hand to signal Sophia that there was no need to say any more.

"According to my strength, plus the current box weapon, it is still enough, but the shape changes of my two sub-personalities when the sun's thoughts erupted are still immature. This is a secondary important task," Yu Zihan said. Thinking of the form transformation of 'Lie', and then thinking of the ability of 'Zhi', an unformed plan came into Yu Zihan's mind.

…………………………………………………… ...

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