Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 81 We Are All Sad and Hateful People

() "Yo, Zhan Lan, are you still here so late, are you waiting for me?" Yu Zihan smiled and said to Zhan Lan with a playful smile. Unfortunately, at this time, Zhan Lan was full of anger, He ignored Yu Zihan's teasing at all.Seeing Zhan Lan like this, Yu Zihan couldn't help laughing, "I said, always frowning like this, watch out for wrinkles!"

"Don't change the subject! Yu Zihan, your performance today is too disappointing!" Even though beauty is the most important treasure of all female creatures, it is clear that Zhan Lan's anger made her temporarily ignore the care of her own beauty, It seems that Zhan Lan can't extricate himself from Zheng Zha.

Thinking that this beautiful girl with a huge figure in front of him actually had her own heart, Yu Zihan suddenly lost interest, and the result of Yu Zihan's loss of interest was that he completely ignored Zhan Lan. Yu Zihan put away his smiling face and walked towards the room impatiently.

Seeing Yu Zihan's expression of indifference and impatience, Zhan Lan finally broke out, and stood in front of Yu Zihan with a stride, blocking Yu Zihan's way, and then stared at Yu Zihan with those big eyes.

Yu Zihan sighed helplessly, then asked slowly, "Chu Xuan is dead?"


"Isn't that the end? He didn't die, which means that Zheng Zha is still able to control himself and is not lost. This is a good thing. Why do you look so angry? Do you still want Zheng Zha to kill Chu Xuan with his own hands? Don't you?" How vicious will you be, beauty?" When Yu Zihan heard that Chu Xuan was not dead, he felt even more certain that the world he was in now was a world derived from "Infinite Horror", and there was an invisible hand pushing the development of the plot. After fanning the flames, Zheng Zha still did not kill Chu Xuan. It seems that the small situation can change, but the general situation cannot be changed.

"You have the nerve to say it! As the second in command in the team, it's fine if you don't stop Zheng Zha from messing around, but you still fan the flames. Do you want Zheng Zha to become a murderer so you can feel at ease!" Hearing Yu Zihan's nonchalant Zhan Lan yelled loudly at the words of guilt.

Such a close-range roar made Yu Zihan's eardrums buzz. Yu Zihan frowned and covered his ears with his hands. After taking a step back, he said to Zhan Lan, "Why are you, you think I'm deaf! I thought it was something , isn’t it killing someone, Zheng Zha didn’t kill him before?”

"Don't slander Zheng Zha, he has never killed anyone, neither in the real world nor here!" Zhan Lan shouted at Yu Zihan once again, as if his beloved treasure had been tarnished.

"Wow, the dolphin sound is coming out. If you sing the chorus, it must be a soprano!" Seeing that Zhan Lan wanted to speak again, Yu Zihan raised his hands and pressed down, making a stop motion, and then said slowly: "Did you forget? Who killed Mou Gang? It was Zheng Zha! Who was responsible for the deaths of Li Xiaoyi and Li Shuaixi? It was Zheng Zha! Whether it was direct or indirect, three lives have already been lost because of Zheng Zha !"

"It's not Zheng Zha's fault, it's..."

"Oh, don't deny it, these people all died because of Zheng Zha's childishness!" Yu Zihan saw that Zhan Lan wanted to explain something, although his tone calmed down, Yu Zihan waved his hand impatiently, "I It’s not that there’s nothing wrong with killing people? But that childish thinking doesn’t work! Just like today, knowing that Chu Xuan framed him, he didn’t kill Chu Xuan. Do you think he’s stupid? It’s her luck that Luo Li survived Good! Zheng Zha’s parents were released, who knows? Chu Xuan’s wisdom is indeed beneficial to the team beyond imagination, but don’t deny that Zheng Zha already has the idea of ​​​​developing with Chu Xuan separately, so what are you worried about? "

"That's because killing people is wrong, we have no right to obliterate other people's lives! Zheng Zha is right to do so!" Zhan Lan glared at Yu Zihan angrily, as if he was a heinous sinner.

But Yu Zihan ignored it, and he slowly asked Zhan Lan: "Then, who has the right to arrest us here? Wake up, beauty! Not only do we have no laws here, but we also have no rights and obligations. There is only one goal, and that is to survive! I don't understand why I can't do anything to someone who has murdered me and doesn't want to cooperate with him anymore?"

"Can we sacrifice the lives of other people in order to survive?"

"Then tell me, in order to survive, what can't be sacrificed?"


As soon as Zhan Lan finished speaking, Yu Zihan immediately asked back. Zhan Lan was also stunned this time, and was about to falter and find an answer to prevaricate, but seeing Yu Zihan's eyes that he had thought of how he would answer, Zhan Lan Lan finally responded with silence.

"Alas," Yu Zihan sighed after seeing that Zhan Lan was still so naive after two horror movies, "Actually, we are all pathetic and hateful people!"

Regarding Yu Zihan's words, Zhan Lan didn't say anything, but gave him a puzzled look. Yu Zihan shook his head lightly, as if sighing something, and then sat directly on the ground of the square, saying: " Do you know? If there is no despair and disappointment in life, the option of 'yes' or 'no' will not appear. No matter who it is, there will be darkness in the heart, but this darkness accumulates over time To a certain extent, this option will appear, and the results are nothing more than two. The lucky ones escaped the fate of coming here, and the unlucky ones were caught here and risked their lives. Since you have also come here, it means that you also There is darkness, there is despair."

Zhan Lan had already sat beside Yu Zihan when he was giving a long speech. Hearing Yu Zihan's words, Zhan Lan nodded involuntarily, and was about to speak, but Zhan Lan, who was fascinated by listening, came back to her senses and found that there was someone sitting next to her. When it wasn't his best friend, but Yu Zihan, he just stood there speechless.

Seeing Zhan Lan's stupid look, Yu Zihan sighed, and said: "We are sad because we feel hopeless about life, and misfortune is the root of despair, so people who come here are miserable in life, you are like this , Zheng Zha is like this, Chu Xuan is like this, and I am like this too!"

Yu Zihan raised his legs, shook his feet without any manners, and said, "However, misfortune is not the reason for us to forgive and accept others, because we are equally hateful! Poor people must have something hateful, we A group of people, when faced with that multiple-choice question, clicked 'yes', doesn't it mean that we are actually confused about life?"

Having said this, Yu Zihan paused for a moment, and then continued: "Since encountering misfortune but feeling lost, either you are powerless in life, just like Li Xiaoyi and Li Shuaixi, or you have strength but are lost, so Like Overlord and Zero. Guess who is the worst person here?"

When Zhan Lan shook his head to indicate that he didn't know, Yu Zihan sneered, "You don't believe me, it's Chu Xuan! Don't look at him talking about the wisdom of us mortals, in fact, he is very envious of us."

"Why?" Speaking of this, Zhan Lan also became curious. Chu Xuan, who usually has no expression at all, is very cold. The mighty Chu Xuan is actually the worst and most unfortunate of them?Still envious of them mortals?

"Our misfortune is all acquired, and it is possible to change. Even if the hope is so slim, there is still hope, but Chu Xuan can't. He, it is a congenital problem!"

"Congenital heart disease? Congenital leukemia?" Zhan Lan asked curiously.

"No, he is a genetically modified person. He was the only one among his batch of test subjects who survived. He is an authentic dead species! However, this is not a good thing. This genetic modification has caused incomplete secretion of various hormones in the body. , no feeling, no emotion, no expression, can be described as the "three noes"! Do you think this is still a human being? It's okay to have a low IQ, but his high IQ just makes him feel uncomfortable. In the laboratory, It was the time when I was treated as a guinea pig, those experimenters respected and feared him, there may be people in the world who are worse off than him, but in our team, he is the worst!"

"Since he is so miserable, did you encourage Zheng Zha to kill him today?" Hearing about Chu Xuan's life experience, although Zhan Lan still could not understand Chu Xuan's actions, after hearing Yu Zihan's words, the grievances in his heart still eased a lot. few.

"Why should I give way to him just because he is miserable? Am I not miserable?" Yu Zihan sneered, and then stopped talking.

"Are you miserable? Where are you miserable?"

"Hehe," Yu Zihan smiled, and then said slowly with a bleak expression, "Do you believe in reincarnation? Do you believe in past lives? Sigh, don't rush to say that you don't believe it. Think about where we are now, answering my question. this problem."

"Since even gods exist, then, I think, reincarnation probably, possibly, perhaps, exists."

"I, I just don't know whether I should believe it or not," Yu Zihan sighed, and then looked up into the distance, "Ever since I was born, intermittent images kept appearing in my mind, maybe they were the memories of my previous life, but these For me, the picture is just like a movie. It has no effect on my personality. I am still me, but the strong resentment in my previous life made me mature and mature earlier than ordinary people of the same age. I like to think. Family, such a smart child will definitely be praised to the sky, but unfortunately, I am just a product of a political marriage, my father does not love my mother, and I am affected by the resentment of my previous life, and finally I became a lunatic."

Seeing that Zhan Lan was looking at him intently, Yu Zihan smiled and continued: "Maybe you think that there are lunatics who will call themselves lunatics, just like really cool people can't say that they are cool, please, lunatics Alas, if you guessed what I would do, then I am not a lunatic, but a fool! I know what I am doing, but I just can't stand it, the atmosphere at home, the fights of my classmates, oh, really I can't bear it, why can I bear it? I really can't bear it..."

As Yu Zihan was talking, he suddenly entered a state of frenzy, repeating 'I can't take it'.Zhan Lan could see that Yu Zihan's grievances were not limited to what he said, but now was not the time to pursue them, so she patted Yu Zihan's shoulder and asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

Yu Zihan groaned, came back to his senses, and then said to Zhan Lan: "Hehe, I see, I am congenitally mentally ill and have no family warmth the day after tomorrow, which made me neurotic. At first, I was very nervous. Desperate, but is there no way? I have many ways, but is this useful? Some problems have appeared, and even if they are solved, they will still leave irremovable traces, so I escaped, or maybe, I'm tired, I'm tired of that boring world, that's why I came here..."

While talking, Yu Zihan stood up slowly, walked towards the room, and murmured softly: "We are pathetic and hateful people!"

…………………………………………………… ...

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