Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 113 Changing the Future

Chapter 113 Changing the Future
Facing the surging almighty power, Lu Mingfei fought back.

The stormy fists and kicks counterattacked, even if it was all-powerful, there was only one word for the end.

That is - retreat!


Immediately, the almighty power was blown away, and Lu Mingfei's eight-foot giant body shrouded Michael in the shadow.

Sha Bo's big fist pierced Michael's heavenly spirit, directly smashing him and the worlds behind him.

"hold head high!!!"

The body roared, and he followed up, trying to kill Michael completely!
The power is chaotic and manic, and the pouring ultimate move will be Michael.Today's Lu Mingfei, martial art has long been integrated into instinct, and pure strength is often more effective than the so-called so-called moves.

But Almighty Power is so unreasonable, Lu Mingfei's attacks were nullified one after another, making it difficult to achieve anything.

Smiling mockingly, Michael and Lu Mingfei were entangled together, and neither could do anything to the other.

What's more, Lu Mingfei seems to be at a disadvantage? !

Just relying on instinct, even a holy king, it would be difficult to knock down Michael who is half a step up to the gods!

But fighting is like this, never pay attention to the so-called fairness!
Like a stalking Dior.

Although he still hasn't put his full strength into it, Dior is obviously using his real skills at this moment.

"Canteen ~ Spicy Sauce!!!"

Not just [World·Beyond Paradise], a purple giant appeared behind, side by side with the golden giant.

It's [Platinum Heart·Beyond Paradise]!Dio kills his destined natural enemy, Jotaro Kujo, and then sucks his soul and blood to obtain a double.

The ability to double override, in terms of priority, is even comparable to the almighty power of God.

The golden and purple fists collided, covering them with invisible fluctuations.

At the same time, the figures of Dio and Michael also disappeared into the void.

This is—escape?

The next moment, a large amount of plasma shot out from Lu Mingfei's body, and a big hole instantly appeared in his heart.


With a roar, Lu Mingfei retreated violently, smashing into a large space.

That powerful instinct hadn't noticed anything either, leaving him wondering who had attacked him.

It's not over yet!
Numerous terrible wounds appeared on Lu Mingfei's body, and a sea of ​​blood burst out from the wounds.


There is almost no ability to resist, and the body can only consume strength to heal, otherwise there will be fear of life.

However, because of the attack on the Son of Destiny, he couldn't absorb the power of the world to replenish himself, and he couldn't escape from this big world, so he could only be gradually tortured to death.

Could it be that the holy king of the universe will be buried here?

No, no!

That terrifying fighting talent would not allow him to be consumed like this!

First avoid the vital points, then gradually be able to dodge the attack, and finally even counterattack at the place where the attack was launched.
With such a terrifying fighting talent, it won't take long to find out the two guys who are hiding, blast them away, and kill them!
And in the deep sky, the big scarlet eyes are seeing all this.

"I don't seem to have much time." Lu Mingfei patted him on the shoulder.

He was silent, and finally said with difficulty: "Holy King, you can still go back." Back to the world he wrote.

"If I can't break through to the highest level, I'll be just a drifter for the rest of my life, and it's hard to become a true god who goes against the waves." Lu Mingfei shook his head, "That's not the future I'm looking forward to."

Lu Mingfei shifted his gaze to the laptop on the table.

"Can I take a look." Although it was a question, the tone was declarative.

After hearing such a domineering tone, how could he refuse?


Taking the laptop, Lu Mingfei flipped through the text on the computer.

Watching carefully, Lu Mingfei spent 1 minute flipping through his life.

His heart seemed to be in his throat, and he felt a little difficult to breathe.Is it nervousness, or out of fear of what the victim will say next?

He could only wait quietly for the judgment from the Holy King.

Lu Mingfei's calm narrative shattered the frozen air.

"It's badly written."

It seemed to sink him, making him say "uh—" which meant that he didn't know how to respond.

"It didn't end well either."

Another thump.

"The characters have created something, no wonder most of the people I meet can't describe it."

Bang, it was the sound of falling.

"The update is also very slow, and the wording is also very rough."

do not talk.

"It needs to be changed." Lu Mingfei stated calmly.

"Okay." His head dropped almost to his pants.

Just like that, he quickly changed the ending, as if being stabbed across the neck with a knife.

Lu Mingfei just watched silently from the sidelines, pointing out his dissatisfaction from time to time.

About an hour passed.

The finished product came out.

As the author, he frowned, but Lu Mingfei showed a satisfied expression.

"Is it really good? For you." He hesitated.

Lu Mingfei waved his hand indifferently, "Maybe the original future will be more fulfilling and more joyful, but that won't help you or me much, will it?"

"Besides, even if I write it, it may not necessarily change the status quo. I may still return to the heavens in the end, and it is difficult to break the limit."

"Sorry." He bowed his head.

Lu Mingfei patted him on the shoulder and said with a hearty smile: "I should thank you for not letting me live like a dog, thank you."

"Holy King."

Lu Mingfei shook his hand, "Let's go."

Although there was no way to complete the transformation, before leaving, Lu Mingfei had to kill the "Dragon God" who was not a dog.

"Goodbye." He waved his hand, his eyes fluctuating slightly.

Lu Mingfei's body was on the verge of collapse, and he would be wiped out as soon as he stepped out of the room.

——It should be so.

The body miraculously recovered, the cracks like broken porcelain were repaired, and even the 1.7-meter height began to grow violently, and the hair grew accordingly.

When Lu Mingfei stepped out of the door, the Saint King of the Universe was already standing outside the door.

Swallowing the world and overlooking the universe—the Holy King of the Universe!
Sensing the changes in his body, Lu Mingfei wanted to look back at his reaction, but he could only see the closed door.

Mouth opened and closed, silently thanked.

Afterwards, he stopped turning around and left. Next, it was time for Lu Mingfei to do his own thing.

His eyes looked through the door, as if he was looking at the character in his pen, but at the same time he seemed to be looking at a completely different future.

Farewell, Holy King.

In a bungalow, three people were sitting at a tea table having a tea party.

'Dragon God' poured bitter water on his friend: "You don't know, brother Tang. If the black king I described is half as good as your sea god, no, one tenth is obedient."

Brother Tang took a sip of his black tea and said triumphantly, "The Sea God is my favorite. I sacrifice him when I ask him to sacrifice, and resurrect him when I resurrect him. What did your black king do to make you so dissatisfied?"

Following his words, the blue-haired man sitting beside him poured tea for him again.

'Dragon God' was full of envy, "Hey, I just let him lick my senior sister like me and enjoy the orgasm-like feeling, but he didn't want to, and even fabricated a false body to deceive me. The one who encouraged him I have already destroyed Lu Mingze and replaced it with a more obedient Lu Mingze."

It's a pity that the protagonist can't be changed casually, otherwise he will have to be changed.

The blue-haired man comforted: "My lord, your reputation in this world is no less than that of my master. One hundred thousand Yin soldiers are always at your disadvantage. Other creators will give up three points when they see you. Don't take this matter to heart."

They were still enjoying the thrill of bragging at the tea party, but they didn't know that a peerless evil spirit was approaching them.

(End of this chapter)

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