Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 25 The Heart of the Strong and the Wrath of God

Chapter 25 The Heart of the Strong and the Wrath of God

After the storm, McAllen put on his belt, and Li Wuyue's voice sounded in his body.

"You are so crazy and disgusting, Badr." His voice was weak and hoarse, and he had been cursing for two hours.Although he tried his best to shield his perception, McAllen directly canceled his suppression and forcibly shared his senses with him.

Caesar thought it was a one-on-one, but he never thought it was a threesome.

McAllen showed a refreshing smile, "Don't say that, brother. After planting the seeds, the throne is one step closer to us. You should be happy."

Li Wuyue stopped talking, his killing intent was higher than ever, but his spirit was uncontrollably sluggish.He needs to sleep for a while to forget the mental damage.

"The old guys in Gattuso's family should thank me. The treasure they carefully cultivated will successfully climb to the top. They will shout loudly at the 'Emperor Caesar', and then weep with joy." Thinking of that scene, McAllen fainted again. reaction.

'They don't want an emperor with a pout. ' Li Wuyue secretly slandered in her heart.

McAllen cast his eyes on the unconscious Caesar, pondered for a while, and decided to seal his memory first and send him back to Kassel.

In the morning, Caesar woke up wrapped in the comfort of a Serta mattress.

As always, he put on his clothes, tidied up his appearance, and pushed open the door of the student union.

All the members of the student union were shocked when they saw his appearance, and the loyal follower rushed forward and said excitedly: "Boss Caesar, you are finally back, we have been looking for you all day but have not found you, and we all began to wonder if the Dragon King sneaked in." The Academy has taken you away."

The president of the student council stretched out his hand for a handshake, "Caesar, welcome back, we didn't realize that the student union didn't have you until we lost you."

Caesar subconsciously slapped away the offered hand. For some reason, he extremely rejected physical contact from the same sex.

The president of the student council had an ugly face, and he couldn't keep his face from being slapped in public.

Caesar realized what he had done, and hurriedly admitted his mistake: "Sorry, Senior Demian, I just reacted subconsciously, not intentionally."

Hearing this, Demian felt even more embarrassed, and opened his hand subconsciously. Caesar would not pay attention to me if it wasn't subconscious, and he didn't even need to think about opening my hand.Heh~ really deserves to be the pride of Gattuso.

Caesar also knows that he has done something wrong, but his character is destined not to give in. Since the student council president in front of him no longer regards himself as a successor, he can rely on his own wrist.

Without further explanation, Caesar sat in his seat.According to what the boy said just now, he knew that he had been missing for a day.However, the memory only stopped abruptly after taking a bath.

Was it attacked?Caesar asked himself.

The excellent recovery ability of the mixed race allowed him to recover quickly from the "partial tear caused by constipation", which made him unable to imagine what terrible things had happened to him.

For some reason, instinct urged him not to investigate what happened to the disappearance. It is rare that Caesar Gattuso did not think rationally but followed instinct directly.

At the same time, he also found that the pursuit of the president of the student union in his heart was greatly weakened, and an obsession to become a strong person thrived.

Maybe, I am the existence that yearns for power?
In the past, he believed in the power of the collective and unity, but now he pays more and more attention to personal force.

Somehow, he felt that this was an evolution!An evolution that follows the times!

Caesar's heart began to beat violently, and a thought that broke through the worldly restrictions surged in his mind!
Damn it, I want to use force to bring down the world, it's definitely not some bullshit leadership ability!

The leader Caesar is dying and the strong Caesar is being reborn.


Lu Mingfei on the rooftop felt something.Opening his closed eyes, his gaze shot into the distance like a sharp sword.

Has another strong man been born?

It's so damn interesting, a person with a strong heart can be born now before the power of the magnetic field is released.How strong can it be if it gets the power of the magnetic field?
Fenli Valley stimulated the strength in his body, and the high-strength 32 horsepower had not yet reached its peak for him.But Ruoyouuowu's suppression prevented his strength from advancing an inch.

Without a strong enemy, I just want to smash the rules of the world!
His blood was boiling, and he felt that he was born of a strong man, and he could no longer be content with the status quo of being invincible.Every battle is like a child's play, and every shot is crushing.

Lu Mingfei started martial arts, and his unsophisticated boxing techniques carried a majestic and domineering intent.The fist without any power blessing stirred up changes in the world at this moment.

The invisible heavy pressure rolled away in all directions, whether it was Chu Tianjiao, Fenlier, or Chen Motong, they all felt it.The god on the rooftop is pouring out his wrath on this world!

In Shilan High School in the distance, Su Xiaoqiang also felt something, and looked out the window.

is it you.

The whole of Fuzhou centered on Huanyu Building was soon swept by dark clouds, and strong winds began to blow.

Pedestrians without umbrellas denounced the weather forecast, but they didn't know that it was the power of the gods, and no matter how accurate the weather station was, it was impossible to analyze it.

The torrential rain began to sweep towards the earth, filling people's hearts with endless hesitation.It seems that the next moment will be dead on the spot, and a catastrophe is imminent!
The two magical weapons in the Hyogo also began to tremble at high speed, responding to the master's overbearing desire to ravage the world.


Lu Mingfei's roar was like a tsunami, hitting the whole world.

No matter where they are, there is a violent roar in the ears of all intelligent creatures.

The employees of Huanyu praised the greatness of the leader;

The half-bloods thought this was a harbinger of the Black King's recovery;
The awakened Dragon King was extremely astonished, because this was not the will of the Black King at all;

Herzog in the far east felt the deep uneasiness of the holy remains;

Lu Mingze, who was restrained in layers, laughed loudly;

McCarran on the yacht has cold hands and feet;
Caesar, who was in the meeting, was directly shattered by the angry shout.

Ordinary people can only accept this anger, but they don't know that the supreme ruler will soon enslave them and the world.

Gaia's wailing echoed in his ears, but Lu Mingfei's martial arts did not end.His moves are not as mysterious as his elder brother Tiandao, but with that kind of 'meaning', even if Tiandao comes in person, he can only feel ashamed.

With the final move of 'Gui Yuan', his body began to float upwards.

Instead of relying on the force of the magnetic field to float, it is the anti-gravity at the regular level.

The magnetic field rotates. 50 horsepower!

Lu Mingfei felt the divine power flowing in his body, and there was only calm on his face.

At this moment, apart from himself, there is no so-called 'powerhouse' in this world in his eyes.

Because, the heart of God, which is 100 million times more frightening than the heart of the strong——

Already appeared!

 Caesar has the heart of a madman! — but frightened.

  This work can be renamed "Tiantai Martial God Lu Mingfei"

(End of this chapter)

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