Chapter 44
Before the battle, the hybrids on the moon and the employees of [Huanyu] have already suffered a lot of damage.

However, this is just the aftermath of the battle between Angers and the others.

Sadly, the weak are just animals waiting to be slaughtered in front of the strong.

Seeing the unexplained death of colleagues around me with my own eyes, both sides lost the idea of ​​fighting for a while.

But that voice broke the stalemate between the two sides, and the employees of [Huanyu] were forced to attack each other first under the psychological pressure brought by the commander.

Even judging from the remaining number of people, [Huanyu]'s personnel far surpassed the enemy's. This should have been a one-sided battle.

However, one man turned the tide and brought the battle back abruptly.

"It's Caesar! I knew it would be him!

"As expected of the light of Gattuso, the man who inherited the name of Caesar!"

"Too strong, he deserves the honor of being the next secret party leader!"

At this moment, the aura of the mixed races reached its peak again, and excited shouts and praises echoed in their mouths.

At this moment, Caesar Gattuso finally arrived on the battlefield!This man who claims to be able to secure victory even against gods is finally here!

The tyrannical fist pressure forced a large number of magnetic field miscellaneous fish to retreat, and Caesar with a strength of 35 horses was enough to disdain this battlefield.

The golden long hair as bright as the sun dances with the body movements, and the strong and well-proportioned body is like a gift from heaven.

Like the angel sent by God to save the world, the one who is close to God, the right hand of God.

Caesar Gattuso is so dazzling and blazing!

Looking at the dust rising in the distance, Caesar silently prayed in his heart: "Master, you must win!"

Extremely hating his own powerlessness, Caesar's heart was beating at a strange frequency at this moment.

But what can he do?

The force of 35 horses can only survive the aftermath of their battle at best, and cannot participate in their battles at all.

Caesar's gaze shifted to the employees of Huanyu.

Deal with you first!
His figure turned into a golden flash and rushed into the crowd. The double crush of speed and strength made him like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, knocking down a large number of people in a short while.

"Caesar hit [Huanyu] hard, Caesar is awesome!"


"Boss Caesar led us back to Earth and humiliated Lu Mingfei!"

These praises were thrown into a firewood in Caesar's heart, and he only felt that his whole being had been sublimated.

Only the strong can be valued by others, and only the powerful can be sought after!
These were Caesar's last thoughts before losing consciousness.

Chu Tianjiao withdrew his right hand. The feeling of deja vu made him feel a little strange, "Where did I see this young man knock him out like this?"

Unable to care so much, Chu Tianjiao threw the unconscious Caesar on the spaceship, and said in a cold tone, "Ange has already been defeated, and the commander is ordered. Those who are willing to surrender and return to Earth can avoid death."

Flamel was the first to raise his hands to surrender. This scene made many moon hybrids feel desperate. Their leader voted first, so they didn't have to struggle.

The hope of life defeated the dissatisfaction with [Huanyu], most of the hybrids on the moon gave up resistance, and honestly boarded the spaceship of [Huanyu].

To their surprise, the [Huanyu] people did not kill their leader Anger, and the whole person seemed to be unrestrained.

At this moment, he has put on an elegant suit and is drinking the most delicious red wine, like a gentleman with a young sword.

Somehow everyone felt...he was old.

The fierce man who overwhelmed the three powerhouses on the moon is now like a lion with its fangs and claws pulled out. No, it can only be regarded as a kitten now.

"Are you okay, Ange." Flamel stepped forward to check, but Ange stopped him with his hand.

"Stop, Flamel, I'm useless, even the power of being a hybrid has been lost. This era can no longer hold me." The strange thing is that Angers was not too depressed, and even his mentality was out of control. Surprisingly good.

"The power of the magnetic field has been sealed, and I have lost the blessing of dragon blood. I am going to die of old age. But my heart is so fucking relaxed!"

"Lu Mingfei just said a word casually, but I left behind my lifelong obsession. Haha! I'm really not reconciled, but he can definitely do it!"

"I'm a centenarian, let me take a rest. This time I go back, I want to go to Cambridge to retire."

Ange leaned lightly on the back of the chair, but there was a trace of ease and freehand brushwork on his tired face.

Flamel didn't expect Angers to lose not only his strength, but also his heart.He frowned tightly and stared into the eyes of this old friend, but he couldn't find any hatred in it, only the serenity and gentleness that a centenarian should have.

With a cold snort, Flamel gave up asking what Ange Lumingfei had said, which made him, the vengeful ghost, let go of his obsession, turned and left by himself.

It's not that he hates iron and steel, but that Flamel has reached a settlement with himself.

The old man has already let go, so there is no need for him to continue to be crazy, so he will continue to move forward and see what kind of prosperity the era of Huanyu will be.

[Huanyu] Headquarters.

Yuan Zhisheng's helicopter landed on the apron. Today, he represented the entire Snaki Eight Families and came to negotiate with [Huanyu].

But the staff who came to pick him up didn't seem to take him seriously, and there was a taste of contempt for the country bumpkin in his words.

Although Yuan Zhisheng himself doesn't care about this attitude, he is the patriarch of the Sheqi Bajia and the face of the entire Sheqi Bajia outside.But now he is underestimated by a junior employee of [Huanyu], how can he continue to endure it?
The raw energy.

This tortoise-like man's endurance is quite amazing, and now he shoulders the fate of his younger sister, so naturally he won't get into trouble because of such a trivial matter.

Yabuki Sakura, who was following as an assistant, couldn't bear it, and wanted to reprimand her, but was slapped by Yuan Zhisheng.I can only swallow this unwillingness.

The pick-up staff took them all the way to the reception hall on the first floor of [Huanyu], and they just left.

The two sat on the sofa and waited for several hours, but no one came to see them.

Yabuki Sakura was completely anxious, she got up and pulled a passing employee to ask, but got an idiot-looking expression and a passage like this: "The commander is very busy, it is impossible to spend time with you outsiders, the interview you applied for probably has not been passed on at all. In front of the commander, it was just approved by one person."

Yabuki Sakura relayed the news to Yuan Zhisheng, Yuan Zhisheng couldn't sit still, and wanted to find Lu Mingfei directly and have a face-to-face interview with him.

At this time, a crisp and pleasant voice sounded from the elevator opposite the reception hall: "O'oni sauce?!"

 The code is confused, sleep for a while and come back to fix it

(End of this chapter)

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