Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 46 Tachibana Masamune's Death

Chapter 46 Tachibana Masamune's Death

On the helicopter, Yuan Zhisheng's exclusive satellite phone was dialed.

Putting down the little puppet that Erika Uesugi gave before parting, Yuan Zhisheng connected the phone.

"what's up?"

"Master, the head of the Juju family has been killed!"

"how is this possible?!"

A part of Yuan Zhisheng's power leaked out uncontrollably, messing up the surrounding sea of ​​clouds.

He couldn't figure out why the eldest father was killed. These years, after being defeated by Yuanzhinv, the Bajia of Sheqi had hardly made any enemies. He had already met Yuanzhinv this time, so it couldn't be him.

"Go and investigate! Investigate the surveillance video in Tachibana's house and find the murderer who killed Tachibana's head!" Yuan Zhisheng ordered, holding back his grief and indignation.

"Yes, we are already checking. Wait, master! The video shows that Patriarch Tachibana was not attacked by anyone!"

"His chest was pierced by an invisible force in an instant. We don't know what it is, but it is definitely not something that suicide can do."

Yuan Zhisheng's eye circles were red. Such a description should be the hand of someone with a strong magnetic field.The eldest father is just an ordinary mixed race, so naturally he can't withstand the sneak attack of the strong magnetic field.

"When I go back, I will handle this matter by myself."

When Yuan Zhisheng answered the phone, he thought that a magnetic field expert killed Tachibana Masamune, but when he saw the surveillance video with his own eyes, he denied this view.

With only his eyes, he could clearly see a black shadow flashing by in that one-thousandth of a second.

"Slow down the video, yes, move forward."

At the same time, Yuan Zhisheng slowed down the dynamic vision infinitely, and finally, he saw a little bit of the fuzzy shadow.

He has some guesses in his mind, but holding a funeral for Tachibana Masamune is the most important thing now.

In the past three days, Yuan Zhisheng closed all the properties of the Eight Snake Family outside the home, and devoted himself to the funeral of Tachibana Masamune.

When the last worshiper leaves the mourning hall, Yuan Zhisheng will take off the white cloth, his eyes are extremely firm.

Don't worry, Father, I will definitely find out the murderer and give him the death penalty!To comfort your soul in heaven.

At this moment, Yuan Zhisheng, the founding patriarch of the Bajia of Sheqi, finally released the will of the emperor.

As an exception, the once-a-month Snake Eight Families Conference was held twice in one month.

"As for the murder of Patriarch Tachibana, I believe that everyone is also extremely sad. I must bear all the responsibilities. Because of my departure, the villains have an opportunity to take advantage of it."

Yuan Zhisheng stuck his fingertips into his palms, and bright red blood dripped from the cracks in his fists.

"I don't blame you, patriarch, Tachibana Patriarch himself also proposed to ask you to go back to Uesugi Patriarch."

Although they were sad in their hearts, the Patriarchs of the Ba Family of Sheqi still knew the whole story, and naturally they would not blame Yuan Zhisheng for leaving.

"The enemy is not an ordinary strong magnetic field, but a strong magnetic field with accelerated speech-like spirits. This type of person is more difficult to deal with than ordinary strong magnetic fields. We must lay traps to kill him!" Yuan Zhisheng is categorical.

"Is it an instant or time zero?" Ryoma Genichiro said in a deep voice.

"It's all possible."

"I feel like Setsuna, there are too few owners of time zero after all."

"Is it possible that it is a dragon of the king of sky and wind?"

"It's time zero." Yuan Zhisheng said the answer directly, ending their wild guesses.

Sakurai Nanami was puzzled and said: "Why are you so sure that it is time zero? You must know that apart from Angers, the only one who has time zero is Kuanglong among the four generals of [Huanyu]. You mean, among the two of them Is one of the murderers?"

Yuanzhi said coldly: "It's not them, but the person who came must have used Time Zero. Setsuna can only speed up himself, but the murderer... he is actually riding a horse!"

Naked ridicule, opponents expected that they would not be able to catch him, and even killed people on a horse in the modern environment, it was intentional written on his face.

Everyone present was furious, it was like rubbing their faces on the ground!

"Master, you must catch that guy. My Sheqi Bajia will use all means to make his life worse than death!"

"The head of the previous generation has never provoked any enemies. This time, the opposite party is obviously coming towards our entire Sheqi Bajia." Yuan Zhisheng stood up and bowed: "Everyone, now the Sheqi Bajia is facing such a situation again. In this situation, I hope that all the parents will help me to avenge my father!"

The other parents looked at each other, and Fumo Kotaro said: "Master, if you need to ask for this, then how can our Sheqi Bajia be called the Sheqi Bajia? We all prosper, and we all lose. This is our snake family. The creed of the Kihachi family!"

"Thank you all!" Yuan Zhisheng bowed again, showing the spirit of bowing at a glance.

In a red well on the outskirts of Tokyo.

The tributary of the Tama River underground made the sound of rushing water, and the faint mercury atomized in the air, eliminating the vitality of the dragon subspecies embryos in the well.

This is the mythical well of bones into which Izanami's remains are said to have been thrown.

Even if thousands of years pass, its remains will not rot.

Of course, the actual wreckage was not transferred to Japan until nearly 20 years ago, by none other than Herzog.

Without a tool to filter the blood of the White King, even if the holy skeleton is used directly, it can only eventually become the mythical Yamata no Orochi, not the White King.

However, at this moment, Herzog looks like he has the chance to win. Is he really sure of success?


Looking at the two unawakened human-shaped third-generation dragons in front of him, Herzog laughed and sprayed out his nose.

The three generations of the two white kings are enough to absorb the impurities in the holy remains, and Yuan Zhisheng and others have been attracted by the death of 'Tachibana Masamune', so it is impossible for anyone in Japan to interfere with him.

He has been preparing for this moment for more than ten years, and it is impossible for him to make the slightest mistake. Even the two first and third generations have been checked repeatedly, and there is absolutely no problem.

The road to becoming a god is right in front of you!
Even if Bondarev really had some small thoughts, after he became the new White King, his tricks would not be able to work.

Laughter echoed in the dark well.

After cutting off the wrist of a third-generation species, a large amount of blood gushed out and dripped into the huge stone cup on the platform.

The holy remains in the cup wantonly plundered the fresh vitality, and a gleam of luster began to appear on the dry shape.

After absorbing all the essence of life, Herzog took out the holy skeleton and implanted it into another third-generation species.

Its body immediately grew white scales, and its body began to show the tendency of becoming a dragon, but soon, this body began to wither, and finally turned into a mummified corpse.

The white silk thread turned into a big cocoon, and Herzog rushed in without taking off his clothes.

The white cocoon was completely formed, and the ancient mystery began to operate.

A silent evolution is going on in the water storage well that no one cares about.

(End of this chapter)

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