Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 6 Before the performance, Su Xiaoqiang's Zhang He

Chapter 6 Before the performance, Su Xiaoqiang's round

Inviting Chu Zihang was not a whim, but planned in advance.

Before returning home, Lu Mingze’s words echoed in his ears, “Brother, Odin, you’re back home. Although you can forcibly tear apart the Nibelungen with that powerful force, it will undoubtedly give Odin a chance to escape. , I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed like before. So, we need a key, a key that allows Odin to face you.”

Chu Zihang.This ordinary male high school student in Lu Mingfei's eyes is the key that can make Odin nowhere to escape.

At first, Lu Mingfei still had some doubts in his heart, but after reading his memory, he already understood the whole story.

Ha, Odin, you planted the cause that day, but today you will swallow the evil fruit!

Put the last piece of tiger shark meat on the plate into the mouth, feel the rough fiber.The masseter muscle exerts force to chew the tiger shark meat that removes the sour taste

The meat of the tiger shark is not very delicious, but eating it will always give Lu Mingfei an illusion, that is——

General Haihu was severely defeated!

Woo, it's so frightening, I didn't know that I thought he was a cannibal.Su Xiaoqiang shivered.

Chu Zihang also swallowed.

When eating, Lu Mingfei's face was as dark as water, so dark that he couldn't tell which was the eyes and which was the mouth.

Ruoyouruowu's killing intent swept through his body, making Su Xiaoqiang and Chu Zihang sink into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"Gulu." He swallowed.

Lu Mingfei picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, shifted his gaze, and looked at the only corner of the store that didn't order food.

"He wants to avenge his father, what are you doing for?"

Su Xiaoqiang couldn't answer, did he want to say something so stupid as to explode, 'I was afraid that you would kill Chu Zihang, so I followed, and I also turned on the phone camera in advance to leave evidence'?
"That's right, you plan to get back the money you lent me before!" Lu Mingfei suddenly realized.

" could it be?"

Su Xiaoqiang forced a smile timidly.I'm afraid that he will roar angrily: "The money is in my hand, how can I want it back!"I will return you a brand new coffin. ' and punched her in the head.

It's so fucking embarrassing, and I can't help but cry again.

Lu Mingfei shook his head, and stopped teasing Su Xiaoqiang who was in tears.

"At nine o'clock in the evening, wait for me at this restaurant." This sentence was said to Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang nodded in agreement, but had no intention of getting up and leaving.

It seemed that he planned to sit here until nine o'clock in the evening!

A flash of approval flashed in Lu Mingfei's eyes.

If this is a great victory, you can consider taking this son under his command.

Seeing that Lu Mingfei was going to leave, Su Xiaoqiang ignored the fear in his heart, stepped forward and grabbed Lu Mingfei's sleeve.

"Boom!" There was a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and black spots gradually appeared on the ground.

Chu Zihang's eyes widened slightly, but he didn't move.

He wanted to witness with his eyes, what kind of attitude this man, Lu Mingfei, had towards ordinary people!

It's about the choices you will make in your heart.

Su Xiaoqiang suppressed his fear, lowered his head and stammered: "Lu Lu Mingfei, your family... miss you very much, they hope you can go home early. The teachers and classmates in the school also hope you come to school early. "Unknowingly caught the cry.

Su Xiaoqiang, Su Xiaoqiang, you're so useless, you're fucking crying again.Where are you from, Lin Daiyu?
did not speak.

She raised her head and looked directly at Lu Mingfei, "I'm not afraid of you!"

Still silent.

Su Xiaoqiang was desperate, probably about to give up.Even with all the courage, can't you persuade the lost classmates?
Will he still disappear?
Really, so unwilling!

If all the bones in his body were removed, Su Xiaoqiang's legs couldn't support them and softened.Only the hand still clings to the cuff tightly.

"Don't fall."

He didn't reach out to help the delicate Qiangwei.

But his voice was like an imperial edict, ordering this world.

Su Xiaoqiang's body regained his footing, did the world really respond to his order?
No, it's not some bullshit world, but the power of the magnetic field!

When Su Xiaoqiang collapsed, it was Lu Mingfei who used the power of the magnetic field to lift her up!
A beautiful smile like a white rose bloomed on Pear Blossom's rainy face.

The next moment, Lu Mingfei broke free from her hand and walked out of the restaurant.

The rose has not yet fully bloomed, and it has to face withering.She bit her lower lip tightly to prevent tears from falling.

"Nine o'clock in the evening, you come too." The wind conveyed the words and quietly got into the girl's ears.

"it is good."

The beautiful 'Lin Daiyu' laughed through tears.


After reading the reactions of the two, Chu Zihang, who had been silent all this time, lit up his eyes and couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.

He seemed to have made a certain determination, his temperament was no longer stiff, and his whole person was relaxed and freehand.

Looking up at the sky, dark clouds covered the ground, and the drizzle turned to showers.

The silver snake flickered among the black clouds, giving a bad warning.

Does this imply their fiasco tonight?Is there a successful ending that cannot be reached no matter how hard you try?
Absolutely not, absolutely not!

This black cloud is the solemn curtain, the rainstorm is like the drumbeat, and the thunder is like the applause of the crowd.It represents the end of one performance and the beginning of another performance.

As for Chu Zihang, he will witness this god-slaying epic from the perspective of the audience.

 This 1500 is longer than the 4000 I wrote two days ago. Damn, the more changes, the less, I don’t plan to forcefully add words to make up 2000 (sad)
  Su Xiaoqiang's changes in this year have deviated from the growth line of the original book, and she is lonely and no longer has much social interaction on weekdays.

  Apart from her parents, it was "The Man Who Made Lu Mingfei Missing" and "The Missing Lu Mingfei" who accompanied her the longest.

  Because these two people replaced her original social circle, they held a special place in her heart, not about family affection or love, but more of a distorted friendship.

  Now the two are one, but she is afraid of this strange friend from the bottom of her heart, which is the reason for Su Xiaoqiang's emotional breakdown.

  As for the "fuck" in Su Xiaoqiang's monologue, it is entirely the result of reading the original work. Su Xiaoqiang's character is such a boy's boldness.

  if you still feel awkward
  Magnetic field swearing, boy, don’t play when you’re upset (laughs)
(End of this chapter)

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