Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 65 The whole army strikes!

Chapter 65 The whole army strikes!

Thought of the day:
There is only the Emperor, and he is our shield and protector.
——Only rely on the emperor, the common people rely on shelter.

Twenty legions gathered at Terra's largest parade ground for a war that lasted 3000 years and finally started.

Every Astartes warrior is clad in MK2 power armor, the bolter in his hand is polished, and the power sword on the waist is shining in the sun.

These armed cans are neatly arranged, as if they are in a fully mechanical production line.

Nearly a million Astartes warriors gathered together, no matter how disciplined and neat they were, the parade ground was still very crowded.


The breathing of these soldiers was synchronized, and there was only one breathing sound in the entire parade ground.

They were waiting, waiting for that figure to appear.

Who has the right to keep these super fighters waiting?
The answer is obvious.

Emperor!Supreme Leader of Mankind, Loving Father of Mankind, Great Guardian and Supreme God!

When the golden power armor appeared, the only sound of breathing also disappeared.

The warriors held their breaths for fear of missing any words from the Emperor.

Without any extra words, the Emperor just raised his Lightning Claw, and the deep voice spread throughout the parade ground.

"The time has come, the preparations are sufficient, soldiers, it's time to go."

The emperor's lightning claws pointed directly at Mars, which was the battlefield they were going to go to next.

No shouts, no applause.

The soldiers just straightened their guns silently and walked out of the parade ground with uniform steps.Outside, the huge space battleship has opened its hatch, waiting for a long time.

As in a thousand crusades before, this time the Emperor will march with his warriors.

When the 'Imperial Dream' flew into space, thousands of warships accompanied it, escorting it.

There are far more than just space warriors here.

Terra guards composed of mortals, legions of Titans, and even the solemn figures of those golden armored demigods can be seen on the "Emperor's Dream".

This is a war between the two strongest forces of mankind. Whether it is defeated or won, the unification war will end here.

Before that, for the Emperor!For humanity!For Tyra!

As the only independent planet in the solar system that has not submitted to the Emperor, it is inferior to the Empire in terms of land and population.

Naturally, the number of soldiers on Mars is far less than that of the Empire.

But this does not affect the war between the two sides, because Mars has inherited the most property from the golden age of mankind-as many as 2.3 sets of STC standard templates.

A set of standardized mechanical printing templates, a set of standardized energy flow templates, and nearly a third set of standardized subspace transition templates.

Relying on the tens of thousands of Titans built by STC and the Truth Cannon with an output energy exceeding the stars are the cornerstones for them to continue fighting.

At this moment, the dictator of Mars is broadcasting live from the tallest building.

"The war between Mars and Terra is inevitable. The claws of the false emperor have reached out to us. This is the time for us to defend our homeland."

"Whether you are soldiers of Mars or ordinary people, there is only one thing for you to do now. Hold your guns and shoot every enemy you meet in the head!"

"If someone has to die, I hope it's not you."

"Just like the past thousand years, I still seized the opportunity to win the battle before it even started."

"Take the weapons in your hands, we want to end this last battle between humans!"

Ethan's black warhammer swung down hard, hitting the Iron Crown, and the ear-piercing scream spread to thousands of households.

If he loses, there is no need to keep the crown. If he wins, even without the crown, he is the only human king.

The soldiers were ignited by his actions, and the frantic battle roar seemed to break through the sky.

This battle must be won!This battle must be won!
Excitement, fear, joy, and madness flashed across Ethan's face, and finally all turned into tranquility.

He can die in battle, but he can't not fight.

Looking back at the planet that has accompanied him for thousands of years, he no longer continued his impassioned pre-war lectures.

He knew that the morale had been raised, and the soldiers of Mars no longer needed these vain things. Next, they only needed to carry out their respective tasks and know the location of the enemy.

A large number of warships rose from the sea, and a huge amount of sea water was discharged from the hull. These steel behemoths can no longer be described as armed to the teeth, and they have been completely transformed beyond recognition.

Except for the propeller at the rear, the barrel is all in sight.There is no aesthetic feeling at all, the only requirement is great firepower.

It took thousands of years to rebuild Mars to achieve such an effect, which is far from advanced for Ethan who lived in the golden age, but this is the best that the Mechanicus can do now.

Before setting off, Ethan took one last look at his hometown where he had lived for 7000 years, with sadness in his eyes.

"Nitrug, if I die, you go away. I beg you, don't stay on Mars."

Having been together for 7000 years, he naturally understood how terrifying this restored star god was.

This fear is not reflected in force, but comes from the spiritual level.

It is like a snake that lives on malice, staring coldly at the creatures in the material world, just surrounding these poor things with an unspeakable sneer on its face.

Ethan never believed in the contract he signed with it. He was always on guard against this terrifying star god, but he didn't know why it didn't attack him. Perhaps it had already subtly affected him.

He never wanted this 'old friend' to stay on Mars, not even the Golden King, the Emperor.He didn't think he could handle this 'old friend' either.

[We are friends for 7000 years, don't worry!If you die, I, Nitrug, will never live alone! 】

"Ha ha."

【Ethan, you may not believe it, but the 7000 years I spent with you are indeed the happiest time in my long life!I absolutely don't want you to die like this, even if you will be killed by that human god in the end, I will definitely avenge you! 】

"hope so."

[Before the war, I will give you a present, you will definitely like it. 】The snake whispered in the ear.


Ethan knew that Nitruge would never be at peace, and wanted to stop him, but found that he couldn't move his body at all.

When the Kuroshio receded, Ethan's face was calm, silently appreciating the gift from Nitrug.

Powerful (killing the emperor) power flows in (killing the emperor) within the body, and the power of the magnetic field turning (killing the emperor) has already broken through the million mark.He had never felt (killed the Emperor) so powerful, sober.

【Hee hee, it's done. 】

Ethan seemed to hear the snake's low laugh, but he quickly forgot about it.

Winning (killing the Emperor) is guaranteed!he thought so.Totally forget the danger of the snake (killing the Emperor).

With a big wave of his hand, the horn of this war was officially sounded.

 There is something wrong with Lu Mingfei, but he will solve the problem in Warhammer.

  Fuck, a respected reader said that the main character didn’t appear in the sixth chapter of the paid chapter, and he felt that I was cheating money.

  But his chapter said it was missing, and I didn't delete it. It's numb.

(End of this chapter)

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