Chapter 74

Sin domain, Japan Chiba.

Hikigaya Hachiman was lying on his sofa.He hadn't been to school for almost a month since the world had changed and schools had shut down.

And the younger sister Komachi walked by, Hachiman opened his mouth: "Komachi, brother needs my sister's feeding, otherwise he will probably starve to death."

"I really can't do anything with my brother, ah~"

Neither siblings noticed, a green light flashed.

Crime domain, Dongying Tokyo.

In the white room, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka was reading a book about magic, which his father had acquired from a family of magic through hard work.

"Huh?" Looking at the green light that hit him, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji dodged abruptly, but the green light seemed to have the ability to track, and directly followed into his body.

"what is this."

Crime domain, Japan Yokohama.

Azusagawa Sakuta was doing the daily routine of a young man, fiddled with his right arm steadily and quickly.

coming soon!
It took a long time for Saki Azusagawa to see the blackness in front of her eyes.

His keen senses made him aware of something wrong with his body.

"Don't, it's just a simple reward for yourself, can there be problems?"

The domain of crime, Gifu, Japan.

Oreki Houtaro was in a daze, as if a green brilliance shone through the window.

The green information turns into a butterfly and flies to its final destination.

"Seven seals!"

"Seven rings!"

"Seven brides for the Scarlet King!"

In countless worlds, such chants sounded.

Suddenly, there was a whistling wind.

The hunting sounded louder and louder.

The sound of horseshoes became more and more dense.

Through space, through time
The calls of countless people overlapped.

They are already waiting for the arrival of the Scarlet King.

Where reason is absent, civilization is lost.

outside the timeline.

The Red Sea caught the green message.

"Is this your choice?"


The Crimson King sighs:

"Seven seals! Seven rings! The sixth of the return of the supreme divinity! The day when the seven principles return, when they return to the wild!"

ding ding ding-

The civilization of Ten Thousand Worlds began to decline irreversibly, terror began to spread, and many technologies and cultures that the world was proud of became like primitive stone tools.

Thunder flashed across the sky, and the creatures trembled.

There is a wildfire burning on the earth, and all things flee.

But the intelligent race did not die, they began to degenerate.

Language, body, when all of these degenerated, these intelligent races returned to wildness and became prisoners of animal nature.

Civilizations are gradually dissipating at an unimaginable speed.

However, in the endless heavens, this speed is still not enough. Before reaching the seven crowns, it is impossible for the Scarlet King to destroy and ravage all civilizations!

Lu Mingfei, who was far away in the Kingdom of God, didn't notice anything. Everything happened silently. Perhaps, only when the destruction came, could the Holy King notice it.

But at that time, it was too late.

Lu Mingfei was clapping with a beautiful woman, and the content of the file in the palace of the Holy King thousands of miles away ran into Lu Mingfei's mind.

These are the messages from the messengers who were exploring the way outside. Lu Mingfei will give them the power to cross the world, and they will use this to find a suitable world for Lu Mingfei.

Without stopping, Lu Mingfei quickly digested these contents in his mind.

According to the messenger, the newly discovered world is an extremely dangerous one.There are quite a few ancients who have left projections inside, ordinary people will fall into madness as long as they see it, and their sanity will not exist.

And even the messengers who have the protection of the Holy King will be affected, and their minds will be in a trance.

Even the high-ranking dependents of the ancients have the power to destroy the world. For some reason, that world has survived to this day.

Hey, I found the origin world of those ancients. Could it be that 'love' can really bring good luck?Lu Mingfei thought to himself, the speed of the sensation was accelerating, and it was almost turning into a phantom.

This is an act of love, Lu Mingfei is absolutely convinced.

And the woman under him obviously does not have the terrifying physical fitness of the Holy King, even for Lu Mingfei, the slow motion is an unbearable bliss for her.


The woman fell into a coma.

Lu Mingfei pulled it out expressionlessly, and with a thought, he wiped away the water stains on his body. Ordinary people are so fragile that it is impossible for them to bear his nectar.

Even the women around him who have practiced the way of magnetic field are no different from ordinary people to him.

If he is allowed to explode, the power of life is enough to explode any woman.Even if the explosive power is controlled, there is still no warm nest that can afford the seeds to move in.

This is also the reason why Lu Mingfei has been unable to give birth to an heir.

Calling a royal maidservant, Lu Mingfei asked her to take care of the unconscious woman, and at the same time asked her to notify justice to allow the woman's family to move out of the domain of sin and enter the Kingdom of God.

"By the way, tell her when she wakes up."

The maid was divided into two, one body was guarding the bedside, and the other body went to the justice office.

Lu Mingfei was naked, and when he breathed, thousands of brilliance turned into golden clothes.This man who was still performing primitive behaviors has now turned back into the holy king of the universe with countless titles.

Without even looking at the woman, Lu Mingfei disappeared.He has already given his 'love', why should this mortal have the right to be dissatisfied.

You know, his Lu Mingfei's love is countless times more valuable than her family members!

When night fell, Sayuri Sawamura opened her eyes in a daze.Although she was already awake, she was still unable to move due to weakness and weakness.

After resting for a long time, she turned her head with difficulty, wanting to see the existence of the one who spent the spring evening together.

But all that can be seen is empty.Only a maid stood at the head of the bed.

"Where's him? Where's the Holy King?" Sayuri Sawamura inadvertently clenched the bed sheet tightly.

"The Holy King has something to do, so he left first. Don't worry, Ms. Sawamura, all your requests have been resolved, and your family has already moved into the Kingdom of God. The address is." The maid said calmly.

Sayuri Sawamura just bit the tip of her tongue lightly as she couldn't listen to the words that followed, the pain kept her from shedding tears.

Yes, it's just a deal, and I'm not emotional, how could I want him to stay by my side.Husband and daughter are already waiting for me, I must hurry back, yes, I am not sad, this is just a deal.
Why can't I see what's in front of me?
These are women who are emotional, they urgently need a sense of security, and Lu Mingfei is the most secure existence in the world.

Every woman who has been picked is so yearning for Lu Mingfei, they hope to be enveloped by the breath of the Holy King, that is absolutely the supreme paradise.

But Lu Mingfei is so unfeeling and ruthless, he never pays more attention to them, he is just doing what he thinks of as 'love'.

What the maid said next made her dumbfounded.

"The holy king has ordered that your body has been owned by him. From now on, you are not allowed to have any intimate contact with any man except him."

"Huh?" (Third tone)
 The Crimson King in the book, you can Baidu "Crimson King"

  The multi-level demon god plays the role of Satan in this book.

(End of this chapter)

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