Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 76 The Shadow of Madness

Chapter 76 The Shadow of Madness
Rainy night.

The courier wrote the last dossier under great pressure. His mental state had reached a critical point and he was unable to continue the observation mission.

He must withdraw from this world as soon as possible. The unstable mental state of ordinary magnetic field fighters is infinitely magnified in this world. His soul is like a paper boat in the waves, and it is only a matter of time before it is completely destroyed.

"The origin of the god system in this world must report this matter to the Holy King." At this moment, the messenger is at the top of a towering ancient tower facing the sea, and Lu Mingfei's power is pulling him back to the kingdom of God. He wraps up, and his body gradually floats up.


A hoarse, high-pitched guttural sound sounded from below the tower.

Green monsters with gray skin are climbing up the outer edge of the ancient tower. They have vague features of human form, but their heads are fish.The eyes are protruding, there are constantly trembling gills on both sides of the neck, long hands and feet, and webbed palms.

It is a monster that can kill human aesthetics as soon as it appears.

"Mouth! Damn deep diver, fuck me!"

The messenger turned his palm into a knife and cut the deep diver who had climbed to the top of the tower into pieces of flesh, green blood burst out like pulp.

"Haha! What kind of bullshit family members, they are not vulnerable under the power of the magnetic field!" The messenger laughed loudly, he could escape from this world in a few seconds, and it would be good to take advantage of this time to kill these bastards.

Where his eyes couldn't see, green blood kept pouring into an altar, and the altar gave off flickering lights.

The messenger was still laughing wildly, and the bombardment of 50 horsepower kept destroying the ancient pagoda under his feet. Under the moonlight, his figure had gradually become transparent.

He is going to leave.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt struck!
The sky is illuminated by thunder!
At the end of the coast, there is a huge phantom standing, running through the sky and the earth.

I can't see the specific shape clearly, but the figure of the towering mountain looks extremely frantic in the rainstorm.

The majestic airflow turned the dark clouds into vortexes and entangled above his head, as if the entire sky was involved in it.

The waves began to roar, and the wind howled.

The coast is a scene of doomsday torrential downpours.

The deep diver fell to his knees, whispering strangely.

dagon, dagon——

Under the light of the thunder, the messenger's face was extremely pale, his pupils unconsciously shrunk into needles, and a lot of sweat dripped down.

Maybe it was the protection of the Holy King that gave him confidence, or maybe it was the imminent departure that gave him confidence.

He yelled at Xu Ying: "Come on! You have the fucking ability to stop me!"

The majestic phantom is in the center of the storm, His body trembles slightly, rolling up boundless waves, and violent hurricanes.

Stretching out his hand into the void, the dark cloud turned into a long black chain in his hand.

Without words, without movement, He swung down the long chain!
The storm was torn apart, the clouds were torn apart, and the sea was split!

The messenger's thinking will be shattered by this blow!
Before being hit, he had already stopped thinking, and death seemed to be fixed.

The force of traction branched out to face the long chain.

Like a biscuit crushed by a tens of millions of tons of hydraulic press, the terrifying force shattered, disintegrated, and destroyed this coastal city together with the ancient pagoda. The ground sank as a whole, and finally became flat.

The sea water poured in, and this seaside city just disappeared, together with the coastline.

The pull on the Messenger was gone, it was consumed in the collision with the Supreme Ruler.

The slight churning of the waves announced that Dagon had once again fulfilled his master's command.

The corpse of the messenger was sucked into his hand, a large amount of sea water was pushed away, and the huge and stalwart figure disappeared into the dark water.

Lu Mingfei quietly felt everything that happened in the origin world. Just now, the last messenger there was also completely out of breath.

"Heh, it's indeed the world of the ancients. You can't just throw away the things you pull out casually."

He was chewing on the information of that world, but he didn't feel anything about the death of the messenger. He only needed one thought to create tens of thousands of things of this intensity.

"Looks like I'm going to go there in person." Today's Lu Mingfei already has the capital to be supercilious.

The spirit turned into tentacles and stretched towards that world, and the power of darkness permeated silently.

As an interface, the subspace energy arm directly connects to that world, and Lu Mingfei's spirit is completely placed in the origin world.

He didn't know that because of this behavior, it would bring him and his world terrible consequences
Crime domain, Japan.

A special virus appeared.

Infected with the presence of a virus, everything turns into something like the walking dead.

Self-awareness is destroyed, and it is impossible to recover it.

The mode of transmission is unknown, and the pathogenic mechanism is unknown.

Infected people are covered with human skin, but inside they are already something else.

The girl sang unconsciously, the big hole pierced through her chest was repaired in the blink of an eye, and the armed personnel who attacked her fell instantly.When he stood up, his eyes went blank and a singing voice came out of his mouth.They turned their heads together and looked at the man who was filming, and the next moment the camera fell to the ground.

When seeing this scene on the screen, a doctor in the protection center in District 18 began to twiddle his fingers.

"It's memetic contamination. Anti-meme isolation layers must be quickly prepared to wrap the crime domain. This form of infection will only make the speed faster and faster!"

"Not to mention how to prepare such a large-scale isolation layer, even if you take out the isolation layer, will the Kingdom of God allow you to install it?"

"This is related to the survival of everyone! No matter how stupid the Kingdom of God is, it is impossible to hope for a world without life! The names are all polluting. If they are not quickly curbed, this world will only be ruined!"

"Let's do this first. I'll report this to the Kingdom of God. If they don't prepare, we will do it ourselves. Those reality benders have something to do."


Hikigaya Hachiman just woke up, walked into the bathroom sleepily, squeezed the toothpaste absentmindedly, but his thoughts had already gone far away.

Why didn't Komachi wake me up today? Did she oversleep?

Gritting his toothbrush, he walked to Komachi's door with his slippers on, and knocked lightly.

"Jiaoting, is Li Hamu starting the boat?"

no answer.

Hikigu Hachiman knocked on the door harder, but there was still no response from inside.

are you out?Hikigu Hachiman thought so.

Turn the handle by hand, and the door is locked.

Since you are inside, why don't you open the door?
For some reason, there was an ominous feeling in his heart, as if someone had soaked his heart in cold water.

What happened, nothing will happen.

Hikigu Hachiman ignored brushing his teeth, spat out the toothbrush in his mouth, and directly chose to hit the door with his shoulder.


Did not break open.

Thanks to the recent improvement in physical fitness for no reason, Hikigu Hachiman continued to hit the door.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by the sound of the door being knocked open, Hikigaya Hachiman staggered into Hikigaya Komachi's room.

He got up quickly and looked around with his eyes. This was not the time to consider the privacy of girls.

Then, he saw the figure who was getting along with each other day by day.


Sitting back on the ground again, Hikigu Hachiman covered his mouth, and a lot of tears came out of his eyes like a spring.

Why is it happening like that.

 Dagon is a phantom, and Lu Mingfei is just a power released casually, so don't say why his expressiveness is so poor.

  In addition, the world of Cthulhu has become extremely durable under the ravages of the old days, so I understand everything.

  Courier corpses are useful.

(End of this chapter)

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