The way she thought was to make Song Huan disappointed in Fu Yuanzhi, and before Fu Yuanzhi came back, she asked Sun to destroy Song Huan's psychological defense. When the time came to persuade her to marry a woman, it would be too late for Fu Yuanzhi to come back.

But she never thought that Song Huan was a person who was invulnerable to fire and water, and the fact that Fu Yuanzhi had a marriage contract did not make her feel the emotions that a normal person (a woman in the current era) should have.

No jealousy, no sadness, no misunderstanding.

And the things in Fang's family had to be covered up because of Fu Tai's reasons, otherwise Fang Xianyu would have to marry a bad old man, which is not what Fang Lao Tongsheng would like to see.

And Fang Xianyu's adultery, how Song Huan knew about it in advance was what she couldn't figure out the most.

There are only five people who know about this matter, how did she know about such a thing?

No, there is one more person!

That seller!

Could it be that Song Huan knew the store owner?
But no, how did Song Huan know each other?

There is also the adultery between Fang Xianyu and Wu Guangfu.

Under Song Huan's deterrence, Wu Guangyi went to Darongshu Village to find her in advance, and that's how things happened later.

Year of Gengxu

Adi felt resentful towards Yu Ying, and told him about his study tour in a very flat tone.

If Fu Yuanzhi really married Fang Xianyu obediently, then he would be caught by Fang Xianyu's puppet, not to mention the imperial examination, even all the property he accumulated in the future would be transferred to Fu by Fang Xianyu.

It just so happens that the school is on vacation.

As for Fang Xianwen's various brilliant deeds afterwards, the Fang family not only could not maintain the status quo, but went downhill more and more.

Song Huan could only chuckle, those extra decades were not in vain.

Liang Fukang smiled, he will.

No wonder Fu Yuanzhi didn't agree to marry Fang Xianyu as an equal wife. As long as he was a man, who would want to have such a thing?
But Fang Xianyu is his daughter after all, so if he covers up these things, he can still find a good man to marry him with. Since he can't go any further, he should try his best to keep it as it is.

When seeing the spring rain coming, I can blurt out, sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently.

When you see the glow of the sunrise, you can sing out, the river flowers are red at sunrise, and the river is as green as blue in spring.

In the past, maybe he was with Adi every day, and his feelings were not so deep, but after seeing Adi again after a few years, he felt that studying was really different.

Kong has looks but no brains.

In the end, he seemed to persuade him, "To read thousands of books, you have to travel thousands of miles. Reading the Six Classics without reading the world is like buying a basket of pearls and returning them empty-handed. Even if you work hard, it will only waste your energy and body. What a benefit!"

As long as Fu Yuanzhi's marriage partner is not Song Huan, she doesn't care about anyone else.

Fu Xueshu felt that he had failed, and he was too impatient if he suffered a loss.

Liang Fucai looked at his depressed brother and asked, "Do you want to go to school?"

The Fang family reaped the consequences, so they can only say that they deserve it.

After a long time, a wry smile appeared.

When everything is recovering, a mule cart gradually leaves Darongshu Village.

Of course, this is something for later.

Liang Fucai, Liang Fukang, and Liang Dayong stood shoulder to shoulder and watched the mule cart drive away. Liang Fucai and Liang Dayong were not immersed in reluctance, and there was still a lot of work to do in the field.

It's really an empty bamboo basket.

Jimao month Renxu day
Should travel

Yu Ying was stunned on the spot.

At this time, not to mention Deng Fang's house, even Wu Guangfu was kicked out, and one leg was also discounted.

This game may be a good idea for a foolish and weak person, but Fu Yuanzhi is not one of them.

However, people have selfishness, not to mention that love is the most difficult thing to grasp.

That's right, take revenge on Song Huan.

She has already jumped out of the circle drawn by this era for women.

Seeing that Liang Fukang didn't follow, Liang Fucai sighed and patted his younger brother on the shoulder.

He had already learned about Song Yi's suspension of school years ago.

Fu Xueshu never thought that stealing a chicken would not cost him a fortune. Not only did he not get revenge on Song Huan, but he also made his family's situation worse.

Instead of just exclaiming, ouch, it's raining a lot today.

Adi put all the gifts from his friends in a small box and put them away.

Liang Fukang intuitively feels that the difference between reading and not reading is:

It seems that no matter how complicated things are, they will be solved easily when it comes to Song Huan.

Well-planned, it seemed that from the very beginning, Song Huan indicated that everything would not develop as they planned.

When he saw a familiar figure through the window lattice, he ran down.

Liang Fucai laughed, "Okay, you have ambition! Then we have to work harder so that the next generation can go to school."

A good move was completely ruined by this brainless daughter.

As for the Fang family, Fang Xianyu was threatened to reveal the abortion.

When she found out, the two of them had already cooked rice.

In fact, if the object of their game had been replaced by another person, they would have succeeded long ago, but Fu Yuanzhi had Song Huan by his side.

It's no wonder why my concubine hasn't been righted for so many years.

Fang Laotong was furious.

The two turned around and prepared to go back to the village.

He really wanted to ask why he gave up such a good opportunity, and now he finally had the chance to ask.

At this time, Yu Yan was in much better condition than when he was in Lu County, and his originally thin cheeks also had some flesh.

But she didn't expect that this matter would become the key to life, because of it, Fu Yuanzhi had a reason to abandon this marriage.

Starlight rose in Liang Fukang's eyes. He still felt the difference in brother's, and he was very envious of this change.

She participated in it not only for revenge on Song Huan, but also because Fang Xianyu was easy to handle, so it would be better if she could benefit from it.

Song Huan and the others met Yu Yi while shopping.

Adi has undergone a radical change. Although he tried his best to return to the way he was before he left, he and other friends can feel the difference.

Starting with Song Huan failed.

He didn't go back to Lu County during the vacation, but copied books in the book shop to make money.

One by one.

In order to make sure everything was safe, she specially lit the incense in her room while Fang Xianyu was away.

I almost didn't say to this daughter, "Are you so short of men?"

Although it is not worth much money, Brother cherishes it very much.

These things are really a big game when they are connected in series.

Fu Xueshu held a grudge, and later learned that Fu Yuanzhi had been with Song Huan all these years.

It was her husband-in-law Wu Guangyi who told her the whole story later, and she realized that everything was not accidental.

But again and again, nothing succeeded.

Grasshoppers made of grass, slingshots made by themselves, and cricket cages made of bamboo strips, etc.

But Fu Yuanzhi is different now, he has actually become Juren, if Song Huan becomes Juren's wife, she would definitely not want to see it.

Wanting to suppress Fu Yuanzhi with filial piety, who would have thought that he would not accept the move.

Liang Fukang was silent for a moment, and then said, "No, I will let him go to school when I have a child."

Pan asked her to break up Fang Xianyu's relationship with Wu Guangfu after Fang Xianyu and Fu Yuanzhi got married.

This matter was originally intended to be held in the hand, but it became a thread on the puppet. As long as Fang Xianyu didn't want to ruin his reputation, he had to obey the arrangement.

If the Fang family is stalking and Fu Yuanzhi exposes this matter regardless of friendship, Fang Xianyu doesn't say that he will marry Fu Yuanzhi, and he doesn't know if his life is still alive.


Who knew that it wasn't Fu Yuanzhi who got the trick!

When she was discovered by everyone, it was Song Huan who did it.

Liang Fukang was stunned for a long time, until the mule cart disappeared on the winding mountain road, and then he caught up with Liang Fucai.

The Wu family, which has no income, is now even worse.

When Song Huan and his party arrived at Yangjiang Mansion, it was already March.

Instead of, wow, the sun is so nice this morning.

They are all worthless things, but they are full of memories.

In the eyes of others, the opportunity he has worked so hard to win is just the first step.

Yu Yan walked back to the bookstore lonely, and forced himself to lift his spirits. Everyone's path is different, and he will try his best to walk his own path.

After Yu Yan collected his mood, he said silently in his heart, the mountains are high and the rivers are long, I only hope to cherish them, and the years will be smooth.

I hope that when we meet again, you and I will be able to calm down, let go of our attachments, drink a glass of dirty wine like old friends, laugh at the red dust of the fleeting years, sip a half cup of tea, and talk about the past.

Dear friends, enter V tomorrow, and it will be more explosive~

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