Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 122 Gan Yunyuan

The county magistrate ordered the yamen servants to find neighbors from Lu San's family and Gan Yunyuan's family.

Ask, "Did you hear anything on that day?"

The neighbors are all honest farmers, and they also hate the bastard Lu San. Naturally speaking, "Whoever tells them about their orphans and widows has always been honest and responsible, and nothing out of the ordinary has happened."

"It's some villains deliberately fabricating facts to frame Zhongliang." The neighbor is also straightforward, and after speaking, he glanced at Lu San with disgust in his eyes.

After hearing this, Lu San immediately pushed back aggressively, "Money can turn ghosts around!

His Gan Shu family is rich. I think they were paid to be witnesses. They are turning black and white here!

My lord, you are aware of the details, don't be fooled by Gan Shu and these people's quick words! "

The neighbors were furious when they heard these insulting words.

The straight-tempered neighbor asked back, "Our house is next to yours, but we haven't seen any signs of it. He lived a street away from his sixth son, but he came to testify. Who was bought to be a witness? Isn't it too clear?"

Then Lu San quarreled with the neighbors, turning the dignified yamen court into a vegetable market in an instant.

The county magistrate listened to the noise, patted the gavel, and reprimanded loudly, "Quiet me!"

There was an instant silence in the lobby.

The county magistrate said again, "Lu San's family is impoverished, what money does he have to buy witnesses? What nonsense!"

The county magistrate was so angry that he directly ordered the left and right yamen servants to bring down Gan Yunyuan and the neighbors who came to testify one by one, and then beat each of them [-] times.

This is the first time Brother saw such a scene, the county magistrate couldn't help but step on the board, shrinking back in surprise.

Song Huanxin said, isn't this too hasty?

How can it be easy to judge who is telling the truth and who is telling the truth just by the few words of a few people?

Moreover, although Gan Yunyuan is not very handsome, he does have good features, coupled with a clean temperament around him, rich, talented and figure, it is easy to find a beautiful girl, okay?
Mrs. Hu wants to have a cheeky face, a figure without a figure, her skin is rough under closer inspection, and she is a married woman, how could Gan Yunyuan be able to talk to her?

Isn't this an obvious fact?
Lu San doesn't want to find a prettier woman either. Doesn't he know what his wife looks like?

Are you embarrassed to use this to set a trap?
Song Huan came back to his senses, seeing that those yamen servants were so cruel, they showed no mercy at all.

Sure enough, it's really like hitting people with a board here?
It's no wonder that people are not willing to come to court.

It's a pity that Gan Yunyuan didn't get fame, otherwise he wouldn't have to suffer.

Compared with the situation of the younger brothers, Fu Yuanzhi and Yan Liu seemed to be accustomed to it, without much emotion.

Such is the age.


Facing the sudden disaster, Gan Yunyuan, who had never experienced setbacks before, was a little confused. He was angry, annoyed and afraid, his mind went blank, and he didn't know what to do...

He completely forgot his own advantages.

The Gan family is very different from the Lu San family.

And how could he go to a woman to solve that kind of thing under his conditions?
Or a married woman?
All he could think about was that he had lost face for his family and his ancestors!
Is your image ruined?

Although it seems that the county magistrate is leaning towards the Lu Sanjia in this matter, and has hit Gan Yunyuan and others, but it will take more time to settle the case.

This county magistrate is a person who cherishes his feathers very much. In order not to affect his political achievements, he uses drag words in everything.

Once a trial begins, a decision is made immediately, and it's okay if the judgment is correct.

If the judgment is wrong, wouldn't his official reputation be affected?

Give someone a handle?

So he wasn't in a hurry, even if the final result was the same, the case would have to be closed two or three times before the case was closed, and the people in the city were used to his operation.

There are those who are idle, squatting in the county office specially, just watching these as a show.

Storytellers are even worse, this can provide them with good material for storytelling!
Gan Yunyuan and others were taken into the county jail.

The people who were watching in the lobby also dispersed one by one.

On the way back to Xiangyang Village.

Adi said indignantly, "That Lu San is an asshole, how could Big Brother Gan be such a person? He is slandering him!"

Fu Yuanzhi said, "Everyone knows who is responsible for this matter. Now that there are witnesses and witnesses, both sides insist on their own opinions. It depends on what the county magistrate thinks and judges."

This is the power of the county magistrate.

Here, under the general environment of "imperial power does not come down to the county", when an official reaches the county magistrate level, even a small seventh-rank county magistrate can easily ruin the families of ordinary people.

At the prefect level, it will be even more serious. With one order, ordinary people under their jurisdiction can be wiped out.

Otherwise, how could there be the saying "the county magistrate who breaks the family, the magistrate who destroys the family".

Song Huan sighed, but couldn't help thinking.

This place is not like modern times. There are surveillance and video recordings. You can get a general idea of ​​the situation just by checking the surveillance.

Whether Gan Yunyuan went to Lu Sanjia to carry out the "rape, rape, and crime" is not a problem at all. This is a small case in modern times.

And here it is different.

The only witnesses who could testify were rejected by the other party as bribes.

This kind of behavior has no so-called physical evidence here.

This may be the reason why Lu San told this lie.

This is simply a problem!
He couldn't tell clearly, physical evidence couldn't be produced, and witness testimony said he was bribed.

No matter how you look at it now, it seems that you can only hope that the county magistrate will be able to see clearly and discover the violations.

It is lucky to meet a good official. He is willing to overturn his previous judgment and change his words again.On the contrary, the family will be broken up.

Could it be that they can only wait and see what happens here, waiting for the result?
If Lu San, Mao Liu and others were not imprisoned, she could still use her fists to make him tell the truth.

But now that everyone is locked up in the county jail, it's impossible for her to go into the county jail and beat people up, right?
Adi had a flash of inspiration and said, "Since the neighbors can't do the certificate, but we can. Besides, the elder brother is a juren, we are also qualified to meet the county magistrate, so we can go and explain to the county magistrate."

Song Huan was reminded by Brother's words, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said again, "When he said, we hadn't reached Mancheng yet, so what evidence do we have?
It is impossible for him to do such a thing with his noble character?

This is too illusory, after all, people will change. "

Lu San obviously also took Song Huan and others into consideration. After all, Fu Yuanzhi met Gan Yunyuan every day after his arrival, and this period of time must not be used as the time when the incident happened.

Song Huan and Ah Di looked at each other and sighed at each other.

At this time, Fu Yuanzhi said, "Yan Liu has already gone to inquire. After he finds out the character of the county magistrate, we can make a decision on the next step."

Even if he couldn't testify, if he came forward to say something appropriately, maybe the county magistrate would no longer be subjectively biased towards Lu San's family.

But it is also necessary to understand the character of the county magistrate in advance.

He is actually selfish.

There were four of them, and the main purpose of coming out was to study abroad, broaden their horizons, and gain knowledge. If they were to trap the four of them for a person who didn't know each other well, he wouldn't do it.

He would only reach out to help the four of them on the premise that nothing would happen to them.

Of course, it is impossible for him to show it in front of Miss Song and brother.

After all, in their hearts, he is also a gentle and gentle gentleman with a cool breeze.

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