Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 126 Little Bird

Under the tarpaulin shed
Song Huan yelled in the direction of Adi picking Siyue bubbles, "Come back for dinner!"

The sound drifted over with the wind, accompanied by the sound of drizzle.

Adi poured all the April bubbles from the banana leaves into the basket, and then replied in a distant voice, "Okay~"

Several people ate fish soup and steamed buns sprinkled with wild onions.

Yan Liu's eyes are bright, delicious!

The fish soup is delicious!

Fish soup sprinkled with wild onions is even better!

All delicious!
Brother is also immersed in the delicious food. In the past, he did not eat less of the snakehead soup made by sister. He has seen the world and is stable.

Adi likes to tear the browned steamed buns into small pieces and soak them in the fish soup. The steamed buns are full of soup, and the burnt aroma of the steamed buns mixed with the delicious fish soup is his favorite.

Of course, so is the soup with steamed buns dipped in spicy diced rabbit meat!

He rejoiced again and again that after leaving Fuxue, his Five Viscera Temple finally stopped suffering!

After the four of them ate and drank enough, Ah Di urged Song Huan to make sweet sauce.

Crock pots and April bubbles are cleaned.

Put half a pot of water in the earthenware pot, then pour the raspberries and sugar into the pot together. After the pot boils, stir continuously on low heat. After it thickens, let it cool and pour it into an empty earthenware pot for storage.

In fact, it is best not to add water to raspberry sauce, but due to limited conditions, sugar is not frosting, and the amount is not much.

If you want to be serious, you have to put lemon juice and honey.

Keep it simple.

You can eat it.

When Ah Di brought back the second basket, his left hand seemed to be holding something in his arms?

Before Song Huan could ask, brother took the initiative to speak.

"Sister, I found a wounded bird!" Brother entered the camp and quickly took out the bird from his arms.

This is what he just found in the gap between a fallen dead tree and dead leaves and weeds.

It flashed by, and almost scared him to death, thinking it was a snake.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a drenched bird.

The plumage is white-gray.

The size, he can hold it in the palm of his hand.

Song Huan looked at the little bird in Ah Di's hand. Judging from the feathers on the bird's body, it should not be an adult yet.

Most of the body is just fluff.

It may be that it came out of the nest earlier.

The injury on the right wing may have been caused when it fell from a tree, or it may have been attacked by other animals.

Most likely snakes.

Some swimming snakes also go to the trees to forage, stealing some bird eggs.

Of course it also eats birds.

This is the case in nature, where the weak prey on the strong and the strong respect.

Among them, a bird can grow from an egg to an adult, and it will naturally face many dangers from the outside world.

Of course, being an adult is no exception.

It can only be said that when you are relatively young, you will be more able to resist or have a greater chance of escaping from birth.

Adi brought the bird close to the fire.

The little bird was trembling in his palm all the time, and his eyes were closed.

If brother hadn't found it just now, it might not survive an hour.

The most urgent task now is to warm it up and dry its drenched fluff.

Allowing its body to warm up may still have a glimmer of life.

The bustling scene under the oilcloth can be seen by two pairs of eyes behind the bushes in the distance.

The two looked at each other, the meaning in their eyes was obvious.

This fat sheep, they are going to decide.

Yesterday's fat sheep, they didn't say they ate meat, and they didn't get any fishy smell.

The most depressing thing is that I have to be arranged to patrol!
At this moment of depression, the heaven took pity on them and sent them a fat sheep.

The dangerous atmosphere gradually spread over.

The mule brothers hummed and stomped on the ground with their front hooves.

Although brother has a weak and pitiful baby bird in his hand, it doesn't prevent him from being the first to notice the strangeness of brother mule.

Adi frowned and worried, "What happened to Baojun? Did he eat the wrong grass?"

Brother Mule was named Baojun by Song Huan.

Yes, the implication is that it can bear hardships and endure hardships, and is stable and reliable.

Brother doesn't know the logic behind it, it's just a name anyway, as long as sister likes it.

Song Huan and the three followed Ah Di's voice and looked over.

Song Huan also had a worried expression on his face. Looking at it, it looked more serious than yesterday's quarrel. Could it be that it really hurt its stomach as brother said?

People take medicine, can it take it?
Not only Song Huan was worried, but also Fu Yuanzhi and Yan Liu, this was the main labor force among them, once it fell, it would be troublesome.

However, Song Huan and the others were soon distracted.

The people in the forest have come close.

The two were tall and strong, with sloppy appearance and dark and rough skin. One of them had a round face covered with stubble, and the other had a deep scar from his temple to the corner of his mouth, making his face look hideous.

The stubble-faced man spoke in a loud, penetrating voice, "Leave the things and the woman, and others can let you go, leave now!"

As he spoke, he strode around his chest.

Fu Yuanzhi turned sideways to block Song Huan silently, and looked at the person opposite him warily. Although Miss Song possessed martial arts, he still couldn't help but subconsciously behave like this.

Song Huan noticed Fu Yuanzhi's actions, and his heart felt sweet.

She likes this feeling.

The mule brother on the side, "!!!!"

How hard is this human being?

Brother Mule flicked his tail and hid behind a big rock, away from the battlefield.

Hu Channan looked at the four people who were dumbfounded and said nothing, "???"

what? !Shocked?
Still can't understand what he said?
Is it from a foreign country?

Can't understand the dialect here?

Tsk, this is difficult.

With a sound of brushing, the bearded man pulled out the big knife from his waist, and chopped off a bush next to him that was as thick as his index finger.

The bearded man stared at the four people on the opposite side, pointed to the bisected tree trunk, and made a click gesture on the neck with his palm like a knife.

I was still dubbing, "Crack!"

There was a ferocious killing intent in the click.

This can always be understood, right?
The four people who were on guard, "...?!"

The man with the scar, "..."

He suppressed his urge to touch his forehead.

The man with the scar took a step forward to block the bearded man from the side. He folded his hands on his chest, and his bulging and well-developed chest muscles squeezed out a deep ravine following his movements.

The man with the scar doesn't need to make any more expressions, that scar can make people shudder, "Whether you can understand what we say or not, if you don't leave, then you will all stay!"

The ruthless and murderous intent in his eyes is something that can only be seen after having had human life on his hands.

The bearded man flashed his big knife in the side and rear, making fierce movements.

Song Huan and Fu Yuanzhi frowned at the same time, this time the two were different from the gang of courageous gangsters last time.

Song Huan looked at the two people opposite him and they were not putting on airs, and secretly analyzed the countermeasures in his heart.

Bandits can be divided into social bandits and political bandits.

Social bandits make ends meet by looting entire societies, without any political agenda.

The political bandits have their specific targets and political goals.

Peasant uprisings and peasant uprisings are roughly equivalent to acts of political banditry.

The social bandits are further divided into temporary bandits and professional bandits.

Temporary bandits are mostly people who are desperate when famine or other difficulties come, and they take being bandits as a temporary job.

Professional bandits regard banditry as their lifelong livelihood.

These two looked like professional bandits.

Among them, a small number are righteous bandits, but the vast majority are hooligans and villains.

The latter has no principles, only seeks profit, burns, kills, prostitutes and loots, and does everything, which often makes people fearful.

The aura emanating from these two people belonged to the latter.

Song Huan used to think that everyone was human, and it should look the same when someone has a life in their hands or if they don't.

But after coming here, she can tell the difference after going through these few times.

Although Qingqing's father is a bandit, he is a righteous bandit.

The stalagmite village poses a certain threat to the lives and property of the surrounding civilians, but they did not enter and rob them indiscriminately.

Although the so-called travel expenses and water fees will also be charged, some people will stop the queue if they jump in line.

That's the kind, I rob you openly, but I don't threaten your personal safety, and I guarantee fairness on a certain basis.

It is between the common people and those villains.

It is in the range where bad is not completely bad, and good is not good.

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