Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 132 Counting

For two days in a row, Song Huan had figured out the general situation of Qingfeng Village, and gained a lot.

But the price she paid was also very high, the dry food she brought was no longer tasty, and it was a bit rancid.

She can't light a fire, if she does, she will give away her position.

If it hadn't been for her spiritual support these two days, she would have been unable to hold on.

She is very tired physically and mentally now, she needs to go back to the village to rest first, discuss with Fu Yuanzhi and the others before making the next step.

Fu Yuanzhi drew the plan of Qingfeng Village according to Song Huan's description.

Next to the drawing, there are also records of Qingfengzhai's rotation, eating, martial arts training, etc., as well as the approximate number of people.

As for roughly speaking, it was because Song Huan felt that there were still people in the cave, but he didn't know the number.

Just two days can't be counted.

There are so many people in Qingfeng Village, they can't do it by force, and they can't invite reinforcements.

Since external attacks cannot be carried out, the internal divisions will collapse.

An important factor for the disintegration of internal divisions, of course, lies in the word interest.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a bandit who doesn't want to be a bandit leader is not a good bandit.

Power and money are the most attractive to these bandits who have done a lot of burning, killing and looting.

Listening to Fu Yuanzhi's analysis, Song Huan asked silently, "Can't we just put the drug on?"

Brother also nodded, "Just put them all down, and then we can rescue them."

All power and money are too troublesome, so it's not as good as this.


Fu Yuanzhi, "..."

Fu Yuanzhi said, "Each person's meal time is different, and there are shifts. When the time comes, one group will fall first, won't the remaining group of people notice it? Can you guarantee that you can deal with all the remaining people?" ?”

Song Huan scratched his head and complained, "It's so troublesome."

The effect of the medicine is really hard to control.

But if there is something that allows everyone to eat and drink at the same time, it will be easy to handle.

For example, get married?

It's all done on TV.

When the bandit leader gets married, the bandits will celebrate the bandit leader's great joy together, and then the protagonist secretly pours drugs into the wine to knock them all down, and finally escapes successfully.

Fu Yuanzhi, "..."

Also, not bad?
Fu Yuanzhi asked, "Then how can we marry the bandit leader?"

Song Huan looked at everyone, she was the only woman here.

Song Huan pointed to himself.

Fu Yuanzhi, "...I don't agree."

Brother also nodded, "I don't agree either."

Yan Liu echoed in a low voice, "I don't agree."

Song Huan, "???? Why?"

"Too dangerous." Fu Yuan said.

Fu Yuanzhi looked at Song Huan with a look of martial arts on his face.

"Okay, even if you become the bride, who among us has the ability to drink drugs in the wine? That day the bride can't leave the room, how can you go to the most central kitchen to drink in full view?"

Song Huan thought, "Let's go ahead."

Fu Yuanzhi shook his head, "Men are all fond of wine, how do you know that there won't be those who can't help but want to taste it first? When he finds out what's wrong, it will be even more difficult to scare the snake away."

Song Huan thought about it, yes.

The medicine cannot be given in advance, and because of the location of their kitchen, it really needs a high force value.

Song Huan looked at everyone and silently came up with a bad idea, "Then who of a man disguised as a woman?"

Three men, "!!!"

My younger brother had such a terrifying look on his elder sister's face, he hid back and wrapped his arms around himself.

Song Huan, "..."

She felt that everyone had to open up the situation.

Fu Yuanzhi clenched his fists to his mouth, coughed, and said, "Miss Song, have you ever thought about what to do if the bandit leader is not lustful?"

The basis for implementing this plan is to ensure that the bandit leader is lustful, otherwise, the plan will be in vain.

Song Huan, "This..."

Judging from the previous behavior of robbing women and children in Qingfeng Village, they should also be lustful, right?
But this cannot be confirmed, the lecherous person is the bandit leader? !

Song Huan slumped on the stool in frustration, forget it, she is not suitable for thinking, let Fu Yuanzhi do it, she is not that kind of material.

Seeing this, Fu Yuanzhi comforted, "Miss Song's plan is also good, we can do both, just in case."

Song Huanxin said: Thank you, I have been comforted.

She felt like she wasn't so—stupid before, was she?
She even wondered if all the eyes she grew in the years she entered the society were thrown into the trash can?

Is it too late for her to pick it up now?

At this time, the old man who was with Sanwazi came to visit.

The old man's surname is Zeng.

Old man Zeng knew that Song Huan had gone to Qingfeng Village, so he couldn't learn to beat around the bush, so he asked the question he wanted to ask the most, "Miss Song, have you seen the peach blossom?"

The old man's granddaughter, named Taohua, Zeng Taohua.

There is a red mole on the tiger's mouth.

Song Huan shook his head.

In the entire Qingfeng Village, no women appeared anywhere she could see.

Either he died, or he was locked in a cave or not given out in the room.

There were also several waves of food delivery people, and she was too far away to hear the voices speaking below, nor could she judge the range of the hostages.

Therefore, she still had to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak into Qingfeng Village and inquire about the situation.

Simply, they have already got the time for their shift change. As long as they climb over the wall and enter at night while they are fast asleep, it shouldn't be a big problem.

It would be best to find a soft bone and find out the situation of the entire Qingfeng village, which would save a lot of time and trouble.

By the way, you can also find out that the bandit leader is lecherous!
What a great idea!

But this gang of bandits will not leave Qingfeng Village without authorization.

In the village, when they are free, they will have gambling, martial arts competitions and other activities to pass the time, and they may also have sex, but Song Huan didn't see or hear it.

The bandits are so "good" not because they can stay at home, nor because they can endure loneliness. The main reason is that they have just returned from "Cat Winter".

Bandits are not open all year round, there will be a holiday.

Every year when the autumn wind blows, when the geese fly south, they will divide another sum of money, and then they will each separate for the winter.

"Cat Winter" is the festival holiday of bandits.

Those who have families go home and reunite with their wives and children. They will all speak in unison and tell their families that they are coming back to celebrate the New Year after finishing the business.

For those who have no home, some go to find a good woman, some go to the flower house to find prostitutes, and some even go to gangsters.

What it means to be a gangster is to share a woman with another man who may have a disability.

In Maodong, some bandits will fall into the hands of the government because of being informed or slipping while drinking, so they must be very careful in their actions.

It's a pity that the time is wrong, if it is when the bandits are in the winter, it will be much easier to solve!
Time waited for no one, Song Huan took advantage of the night to secretly drive to Qingfeng Mountain.

It's not that Song Huan doesn't want to go up during the day, it's mainly because of the watchtower.

Wouldn't she just tell the bandits that someone was coming in their direction when she was driving during the day?

That's really a "thousand miles" gift!
It's not wrong to be Karma!

Song Huanyue went to Qingfengzhai (Zi Shichu), and it was already quiet inside.

Now only the guards on duty on the south gate watchtower are left.

According to Song Huan's experience, the most sleepy time for people is usually from the ugly time to the Yin time.

This is also the time when everyone sleeps the most.

If Song Huan wanted to go in, he could take advantage of this time to go in and inquire.

There is still an hour before Chou Shi, and she can still have a good night's sleep to recover her strength.

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