Although Ziyang Academy is very attractive to Fu Yuanzhi, but now is not the time for Ziyang Academy to recruit students.

But it's not all without opportunities. Jian'an County holds a tea party on the seventh day of May every year.

Just to see if there is a chance.

The next day, Song Huan and the others went to visit Jian'an County.

Being idle is also idle, why not go out for a stroll and see the difference between this place and the towns you have been to before, such as prices, eating habits, etc.

By the way, there is one more crucial thing, food.

She didn't remember which book she read that corn didn't develop very quickly after it was introduced to China, and it was only grown in some coastal areas and mountainous areas such as Zhejiang and Fujian for a long time.

It took two centuries for corn to become popular in Anhui, Hebei and other places in the interior.

More than a century later, it quickly became popular in the Northeast wilderness.

Compared with corn, the development of sweet potatoes is very fast.

Maybe the difference between corn and sweet potatoes lies in the difference in the incoming?
The sweet potato was brought to Luzon (Philippines) by businessman Chen Zhenlong. He found that its yield was very high, and it was delicious no matter it was steamed or roasted, so he wanted to transplant it back to China.

It was reported that in June of that year when he returned to China, Chen Zhenlong asked his son Chen Jinlun to present potato vines to the governor of Fujian, explaining their uses and planting methods, and asking for promotion.

The former is spread because the common people take their lives for survival, and the latter is planted by the imperial court.

Although she doesn't know which era in history the development of the era she is in now corresponds to, but she has seen sweet potatoes, but she has not seen corn.

Maybe something is different.

Jian'an County is really a big city, with a prosperous economy, a large population, bustling with traffic, very busy.

Even the streets are twice as wide as Yangjiang Mansion.

The flags fluttered in the sun, and the hawkers and peddlers shouted uninterruptedly.

The high-rise buildings are magnificent and luxurious.

The price of food here is not much different from that of Yangjiang Prefecture, and there are many local specialties.

Such as fish balls, sea oyster cakes, nine-layer cakes, scallion meat pies, thread noodles, fried meat cakes, spring pancakes, etc.

There are many varieties, which are much more than other places they pass through when they come.

The local people pay attention to fresh and elegant food, with suitable sweet and sour.

The processing of food is also better than other places.

Sure enough, where there is competition, more different foods or derivatives will emerge.

the third day of may
Song Huan and the others accompanied Wang Dayu to a hidden building. Wang Dayu went to discuss business. Song Huan and the others couldn't be around, so they sat in a private room on the second floor to rest.

At this time, my younger brother came over and said, "Sister, look at the other side."

Ah Di pointed to the gap in the window and motioned Song Huan to look.

Opposite is a bank.

At this time, there was a man in patched cloth, carrying a sack, looking around, timidly like a thief.

At this time, the store manager was chatting with the waiter.

Seeing the man walking to the cabinet with the sack on his back, he didn't know what he said to the shopkeeper.

Song Huan asked, "What did you see?"

Adi rubbed his chin and said, "I guess, that uncle must have acquired some extra money. The sack might contain gold, silver and jewelry."

Song Huan went back to his seat and took a sip of tea, tasted it, but couldn't taste the so-called charm, "I guess not."

Brother asked, "What would that be?"

Song Huan smiled and said nothing, "If you really want to know, you will have the result in two days. Anyway, we won't leave Jian'an County for a while."

My brother snorted, and my sister is getting more and more secretive.

That is purely an honest farmer, could he have other goals?

At this time in the bank

The man asked the shopkeeper, "How much does the silver sell for a catty?"

Ordinary people can have hundreds of thousands of copper coins in their hands, but silver is simply beyond their reach.

Therefore, they will not know at all, nor will they understand the exchange of silver and copper coins.

The shopkeeper was taken aback, the exchange of silver has always been based on how much one tael is, and how much money is exchanged for one penny, never heard of silver being exchanged for money by catty?
The shopkeeper looked at the man again, he was timid, like an old man.

The shopkeeper did not return his silver price, and said, "How much silver do you have?"

The man looked around subconsciously, then leaned into the shopkeeper's ear and whispered, "I have a pit of money!"

The shopkeeper was surprised, but didn't show it on his face, and then smiled, "Since you have a pit of silver that you don't keep for yourself, what are you doing with my bank? Don't come to trick me!"

The man scratched the ground with his toes, his face flushed, and he said coyly, "I'm just an ordinary person. When I suddenly have silver in my hand, I feel that it will suddenly grow wings and fly. I think copper coins are more at ease."

Seeing that the man did not seem to be lying, the shopkeeper inadvertently glanced at the sack on the man's shoulder, and said, "The silver is 120 hanging coins per catty."

The shopkeeper didn't tell the truth, and directly said that the 160 hanging was 120 hanging.

One tael = one hanging money = consistent money = 1000 copper plates

The man was overjoyed, and the shopkeeper interrupted his joy before he could cry out, and said, "But..."

The man froze with joy, and asked anxiously, "But what? Tell me, shopkeeper! I'm listening!"

The shopkeeper said, "The source of your money is unknown, so I dare not take the risk to change it for you."

The man had a bitter face, but after a while he said, "Then how can the shopkeeper help you change it?"

The shopkeeper said, "How about eighty hanging one catty?"

The man thought about it, and he came for nothing anyway, and he could still get [-] hangs, which is also a lot of money.

The man nodded and said, "Then I'll sell you this catty of silver!"

"I asked several companies, but they couldn't tell you that it was less than [-] yuan. You are still fair, and you didn't fool me, so I sold it to you."

The clerk overdid the amount of silver he took out from the sack, which was 16 taels, and then nodded to the shopkeeper, who then paid him [-] taels.

Eighty pennies take up more space than silver, so the man put it into a sack, tied and tied the mouth of the sack, and felt relieved when he felt it was safe.

Then he saw him carrying a sack on his back. He looked outside first and saw that no one was coming, so he turned back to the shopkeeper and said, "I will come tomorrow night. I will arrive before you close the door and I will sell you another five catties. But I am afraid." If others know about it, you must remember to close the door when I come, and open the door to let me out after I have exchanged the silver."

The man left happily.

The guys waited for the man to leave and started chatting again. When they had something to talk about, everyone talked with each other.

The summary of the content is that a man is considered to be a poor man who has money and suffers, and sooner or later he will be tortured to death by Yinzi.

Adi looked at the sack on his back which was obviously much bigger than before, and looked at Ajie with a calm demeanor, and hummed in his heart, he didn't believe it.

fourth day of may
Lighting time
It's time for the shop to close, and the man did not break his promise, and came here with a sack on his shoulders.

As soon as they entered the door, the waiter and shopkeeper could smell the smell of alcohol, and the store was instantly filled with the smell of alcohol.

The shopkeeper frowned, and didn't think too much about it for a while, thinking that the poor are getting rich and "don't walk away".

I saw the man sitting on the chair, but no one paid attention.

The attitude is completely opposite to yesterday's.

The clerk glanced at the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper signaled to him that there was nothing wrong before he closed the door and fastened the bar. He went up to the man again and asked, "How many catties of silver are you selling today?"

The man straightened up and stared at him. His drunken eyes were bloodshot and red, and he said fiercely, "How do you do this business? You bully me in the countryside!"

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