Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 145 I am bored

After crying, Song Huan felt much better.

The "alarm" was set up that night.

Song Huan clapped his hands, stretched his waist, and lazily said to himself, "Go out for a midnight snack!"

Jian'an County is prosperous, and the bustle at night is no worse than that during the day, let alone Yangjiang Mansion.

In the tea shed under the big tree where Song Huan stayed during the day, the storyteller went to work again, returned to his exclusive place, and continued to tell all kinds of new and interesting stories heartily.

Unlike the mood during the day, Song Huan's mood is very calm at this time.

She leaned against the big tree, folded her hands on her chest, and by the light of the lantern in the tea shed, she could clearly see the excitement inside.

At this time, not only the seats were full, but even the aisles were full of people. There were shopkeepers who were busy walking around the streets during the day, workers who worked hard at the wharf, and there were mistresses and craftsmen who were working part-time during the day.

There are two words written on their faces, joy.

All worries are left behind at this moment.

Contentment is nothing more than that.

Song Huan hooked the corners of his lips, his petite figure disappeared into the lively crowd, and the voice of the storyteller gradually faded away.

At this time, the big tree above the tea shed presents a phantom, looming like water ripples, revealing her once modern home.

Everything in the past was also like this. The tea sheds of the time were left behind by Song Huan, and slowly distanced themselves from them.

Song Huan took a deep breath and regained his composure.

On the wide long street that caught your eye, with thousands of lights and bustling people, Song Huan picked the silk thread from his purse, and said to the street vendor opposite, "Here, here is a scallion meat pie."

Song Huan looked at the purse that had been picked into a mess in his palm, and he clenched it tightly in his palm with embarrassment.

I don't know how many purses Fu Yuanzhi made for her. Ever since Fu Yuanzhi discovered this small problem of hers, he specially embroidered a few more embroidery patterns on it, trying to keep them "survival" for a longer time.

"The meatloaf is ready, girl, take it!" The vendor said loudly, wrapped the scallion meatloaf in oil paper and handed it to Song Huan directly.

Song Huan took it, thanked him, took a mouthful, and began to chew.

Food heals a lot.

If not, eat more.

This is Song Huan's way of venting other than crying.

Of course, you can't be unrestrained, and everything should be in moderation.

next morning
Song Huan had already woken up, this was a biological clock formed over the years.

She will no longer be able to sleep until three shots in the sun like when she first came here.

Perhaps her soul needs to be nourished and adapted to the original body.

Song Huan punched two sets of punches full of energy.

She should enjoy the long-lost relaxation and freedom.

After Song Huan knew that someone entered the house to search for things, the money could not be left behind.

After confirming that all the money was brought, he left the yard again.

Song Huan wandered all the way.

Came to a ferry.

A row of men sat on one side of the pier.

Song Huan, dressed in men's attire, went over to ask why.

It turned out that they were all here waiting for someone to call to do work, such as carrying and so on.

Now it’s not busy farming season, and I have nothing to do when I’m at home. It’s better to sit here and occasionally earn a few or ten yuan a day. It’s better than staying at home and not seeing a penny.

This is an old rule.

As long as any housekeeper needs help temporarily, the young man will come here to call for help.

Seeing that Song Huan didn't want to leave yet, the men felt a little unhappy.

I'm afraid that this young man will take their job.

At this time, a servant came running to meet him, and ordered a few people. Seeing that Song Huan, a young man, was also waiting here, he kindly called her along.

Song Huan shook his head and said, "I'm not with them."

The little servant let out a hey, and thought to himself, why are you wasting your time here!

You have nothing to do when you have nothing to do!
What the boy said was true, Song Huan just had nothing to do!
Song Huan walked around aimlessly, and when he met someone who was curious, he would go up to ask a few questions, and then left after asking.

Such a stay is two days.

This day Song Huan decided to go to Zhongyan Temple for a stroll.

I heard that the incense is very strong and the wish is very spiritual.

Although Song Huan didn't believe it, she still had nothing to do to see the difference between the temples in this big city and the temples she had been to before.

The road to the temple is winding and rugged. There is a quiet path specially for the common people, and there is also a road for the carriages of wealthy people.

It's just that before Song Huan arrived at Zhongyan Temple, he was surrounded by four men who suddenly appeared.

Song Huan looked at the four people on the opposite side vigilantly, and said, "Brothers, what are you doing here? There is no wealth in robbery, and there is no color in robbery."

Several men looked at each other, and one of them said, "Where's the ledger?"

Song Huan was confused, "??? Account book? What account book?"

The man looked at Song Huan's "unrepentant" look, and said, "Don't pretend! Hand over the account book, and we can leave you with a dead body."

Song Huan said speechlessly, "I really don't know what ledger it is! Did you find the wrong person?"

She is just an ordinary citizen, and she only has more than 200 taels in her pocket. Where can she have any ledger? !

One of the men came out and said, "You have stayed in Qingfengzhai for so long, isn't it because of the account book?! Stop fooling us!"

Song Huan, "!!!"

woc, isn't Qingfeng Village an ordinary bandit village?

She wouldn't be so bloody and get involved in some messy trouble, would she? !

Song Huan explained with a bitter face, "Brothers, listen to me, I'm just going to save people! The two uncles in the escort agency are my relatives, can I not save them? Can I see death without saving them?" ? If your relatives were kidnapped, why don’t you rescue them?…”

Song Huan said a lot.

The men watched Song Huan drooling and talking non-stop, out of breath.

Several men, "..."

They seem to be able to just abduct people directly. As for the questioning, it seems that they are not responsible for it.

So, who started it?

The person who spoke first silently touched his nose, thinking, he didn't mean it, no, he was misled by the person opposite!
The men looked at each other, too lazy to listen to Song Huan's nonsense, and immediately drew their swords.

Seeing this, Song Huan knew that the other party would not let her go, so she took out her dagger and began to resist.

Song Huan is very fortunate that she has martial arts, otherwise she would not have the guts to take Brother and the others out for a study tour.

These men are not ordinary people. Knowing that Song Huan can wipe out the entire Qingfeng village, the value of force must not be low.

So the martial arts of the comer is also one of the best in a hundred.

Fortunately, Adi and Fu Yuanzhi were not around.

Song Huan struggled with one against four.

They came here completely prepared.

It is estimated that the previous yard was turned over is also a masterpiece of these people.

When Song Huan cut through the opponent's skin with the dagger, she was also stabbed, and the air was full of blood.

Song Huan couldn't take care of the wound, and the four of them didn't give her a chance to break through.

Song Huan frowned, this is not going to work, even if she is strong, the other party has suffered a lot of injuries, but she is in the weak position after all.

One against four, two fists against four hands.

She had to find a way, escape first.

Run if you can't beat it!
And even if it came to the point of killing people to protect themselves, this is not a good place to kill people and bury their bodies.

If someone finds out that she has killed someone and is reported to implicate her in prison, not only will no one be able to save her, but it will also drag Adi and Fu Yuanzhi into the water.

Not worth the candle.

Words of thanks:

Special thanks to Yuyuzhiwu and Hummingbird for their monthly support ヽ(*⌒⌒*)

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