Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 151 Mei Qing

There is a vicissitudes of life hidden in the cracks of the stone road after the rain, which is green and green.

Song Huan walked on the road with a food box, bypassing the phoenix-tailed bamboo bushes.

I saw a lot of people blocking the way.

Song Huan stopped and looked at the person blocking the way.

It turned out to be those rat droppings.

As soon as he stood still, there was the sound of hurried footsteps behind him, and Song Huan looked back.

Seeing the person who came in a hurry, who was still an acquaintance, Song Huan asked, "Yuan Li, what's wrong with you?"

Mei Qing, courtesy name Yuanli, is one of Adi's friends.

Mei Qing is petite, with creamy skin, clear eyebrows and eyes, almond eyes seem to be always filled with tears, always covered with a layer of mist, Song Huan once suspected that he is the "Yingtai" of this era.

However, they are not close enough to talk about this, this is just her personal guess.

Mei Qing didn't catch her breath and said directly, "Song Huan, I'm here to tell you, be careful of Zou Xiaochu and the others."

The sound is like a mountain stream, refreshing.

Song Huan's eyes unconsciously fell on Mei Qing's Adam's apple and chest.

To be honest, Mei Qing not only looks like a girl, but also has such a nice voice, which makes her really suspicious.

Zou Xiaochu is the main player.

Zou Jian, courtesy name Xiaochu.

It can be seen from the surname that this is a member of the Zou family, one of the four major tea merchants in Jian'an County.

Mei Qing is naturally one of them.

Zou Xiaochu stood up with a sneer, "Mei Qing, you are late."

Zou Xiaochu directly called her by his first name, and did not call Mei Qing by his name, obviously he didn't take Mei Qing seriously.

Mei Qing's complexion turned pale after sprinting and has not yet recovered, adding a touch of paleness, "You, Zou Xiaochu, I'll tell the dean! You bully people!"

Zou Xiaochu looked Mei Qing up and down, hugged his chest and sneered, "Just your short legs, by the time you get there, we'll beat him up! We've already slipped away, and we can still let you Hurry to catch the current one!?"

Mei Qing, "!!!!"

No personal attacks!

Mei Qing's almond eyes were filled with physiological mist, Song Huan stepped between Mei Qing and Zou Xiaochu, and said to Zou Xiaochu, "Didn't you come after me?"

Zou Xiaochu took a step back and sneered, "Last time you missed my good deed, this time I will deal with you first!"

Song Huan laughed, and Mei Qing's snowy muscles seemed to glow, her bright eyes narrowed slightly, and her voice was brisk, "Okay, let the horse come over!"

Song Huan turned around and handed the food box to Mei Qing, "Help me look after it."

Mei Qing took the food box in a daze, and when he realized it, Song Huan was already surrounded by the people brought by Zou Xiaochu.

Mei Qing shouted anxiously, "Song Huan, don't try to be brave!"

The voice fell.

A man was kicked away in an instant and fell to the ground in front of him. He subconsciously took two steps back.

Looking at the man with a bruised nose and a swollen face who lost consciousness.

Mei Qing, "..."

Ah, this...

Zou Xiaochu guessed that Song Huan had a lot of kung fu, so all the people he brought with him were burly, agile, and somewhat kung fu people.

Song Huan was cornered by the crowd, she could only kick one person over, step on another person's shoulders and jump to the top of the wall to escape the encirclement.

When Song Huan settled down, his eyes suddenly turned to the tree trunk outside the wall.

She took a closer look and found nothing unusual.

Could it be that she was dazzled?

"Stay here if you can! What kind of skill is hiding on top?!" Wang Chang pointed at Song Huan and shouted.

Wang Chang, courtesy name Shumao.

Zou Xiaochu's follower, main force B.

Song Huan glanced around and said, "I think you should go. Half of the people you brought have been killed. If you fight again, it will be the same end. You will have to pay more for medical expenses."

Zou Xiaochu said angrily, "Can you manage my money? Come down!!"

Song Huan inhaled with a hiss.

Hey, my mother hates your stupid son who doesn't treat money like money the most!
When Song Huanyue got off the wall, he still didn't forget to take a look at the place just now. After finding nothing, he concentrated on joining the battle.

The results speak for themselves.

Zou Xiaochu hated his teeth so much that he only spit out a few words from his back molars, "You wait for me! Let's go!"

Song Huan smiled and narrowed his eyes, raised his right hand, spread his five fingers, and waved left and right, watching everyone help his teammates to leave.

Song Huan's movements lasted only five breaths, and all the smiles on his face disappeared.

After turning around, looking at Mei Qing with a sluggish face, Song Huan subconsciously softened his voice, "How is it? Are you not scared?"

Mei Qing shook her head and said incoherently, "You, me, so you..."

Song Huan took the food box and asked, "Have you eaten?"

He raised the food box while talking, "How about together? I bought the pastries from Jufangzhai."

Yinqiu fasting

Mei Qing didn't know why, when he came back to his senses, he was already in hermitage.

Brother put down his pen and shouted in surprise, "Yuanli? Why are you here?"

Mei Qing came to her senses, feeling a little uncomfortable, she didn't know where to start.

Song Huan laid out the food in the food box one by one, and answered for Mei Qing, "He knew that Zou Xiaochu would come to trouble me, so he came here to report to me in advance."

Adi frowned, "Why doesn't he stop?"

Adi looked at Song Huan again and asked, "A (sister), have they stopped you already?"

Ah Di suddenly remembered that there was Mei Qing at the scene, and swallowed the word "姐姐".

Song Huan waved his hand, "As long as they are three-legged cats, don't worry."

Fu Yuanzhi came over at this time and said, "We will leave after the essay meeting."

The literary meeting that Fu Yuanzhi mentioned is actually an academic exchange meeting held on July 27 every year.

It is almost a debate meeting and a solution meeting.

There are questions and answers, and doubts and answers.

And at that time, other academies will also send representatives of students and teachers to come.

Each school, each college expresses its own views, and communicates with each other, intermittently long and intermittently.

Express respect and love, nourish the beauty of righteousness.

Everyone can express their own ideas at the meeting, which is a bit of a contention.

Don't underestimate this literary society, this literary society is actually a platform, as long as you "stand up" at this literary society, you will no longer be unknown in the academic world.

From the beginning to the end of the essay, there will be five days.

And these five days may be more fruitful than students who have studied for five, ten, or 15 years.

This literary society is very famous in Jian'an County, Linhai County, Danyang County and other counties along the eastern coast, and it attracts many students who study hard.

The Wenhui is not fixed in any one academy. Its prototype appeared in Nanxuan Academy in Danyang County. After it became popular, it was held in different academies in turn.

The holding of the college exchange not only balances the momentum of the colleges, but also passively broadens the horizons of students.

This era is not as good as modern times. Not only do you have to face the danger of illness during the journey, but you may also encounter dangerous factors such as bandits and natural disasters. If you are not careful, students who have studied hard for more than ten years or decades will die.

Everyone is reluctant to leave more, it can only be forced by the external environment.

So from this, we can see how precious Fu Yuanzhi and Adi Youxue are to Mr. An and Mr. Tong.

Before the account turmoil was over, another Zou family came who wanted to drive them out of the academy.

A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

Mei Qing took a bite of the three fresh lotus flower crisps, and her heart felt like a flower blossomed in an instant.

Although Mei Qing ate very reservedly, but careful observation could tell that his speed was accelerating.

Mei Qing heard Fu Yuanzhi say that they left after attending the literary meeting, stopped eating, and said, "It's so fast, it's not even two months."

Brother also took a three-fresh lotus cake and said, "It's not fast, we haven't stayed in any place for more than half a month, which is a long time."

Brother took a bite, his eyes lit up, and the taste was good.

Sanxian Lotus Cake is a famous pastry in Jian'an County.

White flour is the main ingredient, and the filling in the dim sum is made of three different fillings.

It has always been called "fairy fruit".

Mei Qing nodded, "Based on this calculation, it has indeed been a long time."

Song Huan didn't have any objections, anyway, it was the same for her wherever she was.

It mainly depends on whether these two scholars can gain something.

Words of thanks:

Special thanks to the three comrades who love to eat fruit and forget it, SKY0105, and Guoguo for their monthly support ヽ(*⌒⌒*)

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