Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 168 Blind cat hits dead mouse

Chapter 168 Blind cat hits dead mouse
After Zao Jun's birthday, Song Huan often found that the Kang family would often visit the village, and then return home after a while. This has been going on for two or three days.

December 26

Song Huan came down from the mountain, just happened to bump into Mrs. Kang who was about to go back, and called out, "Auntie."

Kang was absent-minded, she didn't see Song Huan at all just now, she just turned around when she heard Song Huan's cry, "Xiao Song just came down from the mountain?"

Song Huan nodded, "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Mrs. Kang sighed, her face full of worry, "Da Lang has been away to the city for a long time, and he said before that he would come back on Zao Jun's birthday, but now he is 26, and he hasn't come back yet. I'm not afraid of him Is something wrong?"

Song Huan said, "Maybe there is some delay?"

Mrs. Kang shook her head, "What can I do? Li Dalang from the same village has already returned. When I asked him, he said that Dalang said he had something to do and asked him to come back first. Your Uncle Gao went to the city to find someone, but he couldn't find him." , This dead child doesn't know what's going on, go home early and tell the family to worry!"

Song Huan and Fu Yuanzhi originally planned to go to the city to buy new year's goods tomorrow, so they said, "Where did Da Lang find a part-time job? Tomorrow we will go to the county to help you take another look and find it."

After thinking about it for a while, Kang thought it was okay, and then told Song Huan an address.

The next day, Song Huan and Fu Yuanzhi came to the place where Gao Dalang worked part-time. The steward there said that it would be over on the 24th.

Song Huan said, "Aunt Kang said that they don't have any relatives in the county, so he probably has nowhere to go."

Fu Yuanzhi looked at the pedestrians coming and going, and said, "But something got stuck."

After Fu Yuanzhi finished speaking, he grabbed a person who was running in a hurry and asked, "Little brother, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

The little brother who was caught looked at Fu Yuanzhi and Song Huan, and then said, "The county magistrate has started the trial, and all of us are going to watch the excitement!"

The little brother wanted to leave after saying that, but Fu Yuanzhi couldn't stand it and continued to ask, "Does the little brother know what the case is?"

The little brother shook his head, "I don't know about that. When the drum beats, isn't there a case?"

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, there is a case at this time, the big guys go to watch the fun, and everyone will have something to talk about during the Chinese New Year.

The little brother didn't want to delay, and if he went later, he wouldn't be able to get a good seat.

Fu Yuanzhi and Song Huan looked at each other, and Song Huan asked tentatively, "Why don't we go and see?"

According to the routine, there may be unexpected gains in the busiest places.

Fu Yuanzhi nodded.

When the two arrived, the interrogation had already begun, and Song Huan tried hard to see the people inside, feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

There was no Gao Dalang they were looking for.

Song Huan put down the basket, looked at the crowd of people huddled in front of the yamen, "What should I do?"

Fu Yuanzhi said, "Just wait."

There are many people here, if you look carefully, you can see people from half the county.

A teenager will not stay in place, and they may not be able to find it if they search aimlessly on the street.

If something happened to him, he would wait outside the county government office, the chance of encountering it would be the greatest.

So the two waited outside the county government office, because the courtroom needed to be quiet, so the voices of the county magistrate and the people under the hall could be heard clearly.

After the gavel cracked loudly, the county magistrate's voice came out, "Are you Li San?"

"The villain is Li San."

"Do you know why the officer is looking for you?!"

Li San thought that he hadn't committed anything, so he wasn't very scared, and said, "The villain doesn't know."

The county magistrate said, "A few days ago, the official received a document saying that Tangcheng recently caught a robber who robbed the Tangjiang River, and confessed that there was a criminal who lived in Yuecheng, and his name, address, and appearance pointed to you. What to say!"

When Li San heard this, his face was startled, he quickly kowtowed, and couldn't help yelling, "The villain is wronged! The villain doesn't know how to drive a boat at all, and he never went to the river to rob!"

The county magistrate slapped the gavel and said sharply, "Brave thief, dare to quibble, you didn't rob, why do people say you participated? You still have all kinds of robbed property hidden in your house! Hurry up and confess one by one!"

Only then did that Li San realize what was going on, and he was so frightened that he cried. In order to clear himself up, he hastily listed his family's property one by one.

A few feet of cloth were woven by my mother-in-law, some of the rice was harvested in the fields, and some of the money was redeemed by my neighbor Zhang Si.

The county magistrate listened, took notes one by one, and then said, "Is everything you said true?"

Li San nodded quickly, "Yes! What the villain said is the truth, absolutely true!"

The county magistrate hummed and said, "Bring Zhang Si!"

At this time, Li San hadn't realized the real reason behind this incident.

When he saw Zhang Si, his eyes were filled with hope.

The county magistrate looked at Zhang Si and said, "Is the 80 taels that Li San said was the ransom money you returned to him?"

Zhang Si said, "Yes!"

Li San was very moved, thinking that this matter could be exposed, but who knows, the county magistrate suddenly said, "Then why didn't you admit that it was the 80 taels of silver returned by Zhang Si?"

"Did Zhang Si give you a false certificate?!" The county magistrate suddenly said harshly.

As soon as Zhang Si heard it, he quickly fell to the ground and said loudly, "No villain! No villain, my lord!"

Li Sanyi was also anxious when he heard that, this is because he has not cleared himself of the crime of being an accomplice, so he quickly explained the matter of relying on Zhang Si's money, "At the beginning of this year, Erlang from Zhang Si's family fell down a slope while playing. He fell down and was seriously injured. In order to seek medical treatment for Erlang, Zhang Si gave me his house contract for 90 taels, and agreed to redeem it at the end of this year."

"No, on the 22nd, when the agreed date came, Zhang Si came to pay back the money, but he only had 80 taels in his hand. He said that after a few days his wife borrowed the money back, he would return the remaining ten taels of silver to me."

The county magistrate asked Zhang Si, "Have you returned the ten taels of silver?"

Zhang Si immediately replied, "I went to pay it back on the 24th, but..."

Zhang Si looked at Li San, who was drooping and blushing, and said, "It's just that Li San refused to return the house deed to the villain, and said that he never received the 80 taels of silver that the villain paid back before."

Li San also confessed in order to clear the charges of his accomplice, "Yes, yes. A villain, a villain, I was fascinated by ghosts for a while, so..."

The county magistrate saw that the matter had been clarified, so he directly asked Li San to return the house contract documents to Zhang Si.

It turned out that after Li San repudiated the account, Zhang Si sued the officials angrily and told the county magistrate the reason.

The county magistrate did receive the official document, but the other party was not Li San.

The county magistrate's move cleared up the matter, and Li San also saw at this time that there was no accomplice, but he was just defrauding him, and the purpose was to return the contract to Zhang Si.

Just as the magistrate was about to leave the court, someone rushed into the courtroom before the yamen servant could react, shouting that Master Qingtian was the judge for him.

Song Huan and Fu Yuanzhi also saw clearly at this time, the person who came here was Gao Dalang!
Song Huan thought, she was about to leave to buy new year's goods, so this person came out like this?

Is it really a blind cat meeting a dead mouse?

(End of this chapter)

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