From the 33rd year to the 35th year of Tianyou, the government of the Tianyou Dynasty was corrupted, and the destruction of various systems made the people of the world suffer in dire straits.

Among them, the salt class is especially important.

In the 33rd year of Tianyou, Li Ying, governor of Jiangning Prefecture, was imprisoned. All the more than one hundred literati who had contacts with Li Ying were all taken into prison and defiled as party members.

In the 34th year of Tianyou, Du Wu and other courtiers petitioned for Li Ying. Although Li Ying and the "partisans" were released, they were named in the government and imprisoned for life.

This time the dispute between the party and the party was triggered by prison repair and the accusation of adultery, and the dispute between the two princes and one prince was completely brought to the fore.

——Record of "Tianyou History Book" Yanhe Guimao Year Bingchen Month

Xinhai year

Renchen month (May)

The imperial court successively brought two bad news to the people.

The first is the addition.

The name of the tax increase is that the war in Liaodong is urgent and the military salary is insufficient.

Add three cents and five cents per mu.

One text = ten cents
Although this is temporary, it will stop when the matter is over.

But how long this war will last, how can the people know, they only know that everyone has to tighten their belts again to live.

The second is the rise in food prices.

When there is a war, the price of goods will rise, which of course includes the price of food and salt.

The price of rice in the grain shop rose to fifteen cents a catty overnight.

Salt rose from thirty Wen a catty to fifty Wen a catty.

There is still an upward trend.

This news is very bad for the four people who study abroad.

They can no longer stay in Changliu Village.

May 23

Song Huan and the others packed up their belongings, and bid farewell to Uncle Gao's family and Li Zheng.

Adi said to Gao Sanlang, "Take care of the field of wild wheat I planted. If they can mature in the first ten days of July, you can plant the second season of wild wheat."

Gao Saburo nodded seriously, "I will! Don't worry!"

It's a stomach issue, he won't be careless!

Gao Sanlang said worriedly, "It's very chaotic outside now, you should go home quickly and don't stay outside anymore."

Brother nodded, "We will!"

Although Adi said so, in fact, after they left Changliu Village, they did not go in the direction of Yangjiang Mansion, but continued to Danyang County.

The issue of adding Fu will not affect Song Huan and his party.

As for the rise in food prices, they can still bear it now. After all, it is not a disaster, and the rise in food prices will not be too crazy. Of course, this situation is not impossible, but it depends on the war. For now, the direct impact on the south will be smaller than the North.

Besides, there is a salt field in Danyang County. I don't know if it will be less affected there.

Moreover, they have all arrived in Kuaiji County, and they will reach Danyang County in a few days.It would be a great regret to both Fu Yuanzhi and Adi if they returned to Yangjiang Mansion.

Adi has already decided to go to Beijing with Fu Yuanzhi to take the exam, so he has to go back to Yangjiang Mansion for the rural exam before January next year, and they have to go back to Yangjiang Mansion in October this year.

There are still about five months to go. Instead of returning to Yangjiang Mansion now, it is better to go to Danyang County to take a look and experience the indirect impact of this war on the people everywhere.

Rather than listening to what others say, it is better to experience it yourself, which is profound and true.

Salt tax is a business tax.

When Taizu proclaimed himself emperor, he established the Salt Law and implemented a taxation system to allow merchants to sell the salt at a rate of one-twentieth, and the salt tax was used to pay for the army.

After the Tianyou Dynasty was established, the monopoly system was implemented.

For the production of salt in Tianyou Dynasty, the salt-making households were called Zaohu, and the households were counted as Ding, and they were called Yan Ding.

The salt production quota is stipulated by Ding, also known as normal salt.

The remaining salt other than normal salt is called excess salt.

In the early years of the Tianyou Dynasty, in order to encourage the production of salt, the imperial court paid attention to the preferential treatment of stove households and allocated grassland to them for woodcutter harvesting.

The arable land is allowed to be reclaimed by the kitchen households, and the kitchen households are exempted from chores.

Afterwards, the salt farm set up a general reminder officer, who was responsible for organizing salt classes and supervising production.

The chief urging official often stripped the kitchen households, resulting in a shortage of salt. God blessed ten years, and the kitchen households could not bear the exploitation of the chief urging official, and they fled one after another, and the salt production was greatly reduced.

The law of salt is getting worse, and the benefits of salt are decreasing day by day.

The salt monopoly of the Tianyou Dynasty mainly implemented the method of civil system→official collection→on-the-spot monopoly.

Opening Chinese law is one of the monopoly systems.

Open Chinese method - Yanyin tokens.

It is to recruit salt merchants to deliver grain to the border, and then exchange the salt in their hands from the hands of various frontier officials.

The purpose of implementing this law is to enrich the grain reserves in the frontier.

God bless five years, August.

The grain stored in Dai County in Youzhou was transported from Pingshou County, Qingzhou to Taiheling Mountain, Youzhou. Huai salt is a small quotation.

Yanyin means that salt merchants pay the imperial court in currency or in kind, and the government issues quotations, and then pays the salt merchants on the spot with the quotations.

Four hundred catties for big quotations, and two hundred catties for small quotations.

After this incident, the Tianyou Dynasty began to open China and France, and in the past 20 years, various border areas have followed suit.

After the implementation of the law of opening China, the country saved a lot of transshipment fees, and the food and wages in the frontier were also guaranteed. It is said in history that "the law of God blesses salt, and there is no one who is good at opening China."

Due to the remarkable effect of the opening of the Chinese law, not only food, but also all the urgently needed materials of the court, all the merchants are required to supply Zhongyan, and many new systems have been derived from this, such as Nama Zhongyan, Nabu Zhongyan, etc. .

In a word, whatever the imperial court needs, they can open it. Salt has become a medium for trading between the imperial court and merchants anytime and anywhere.

Everything has two sides.

There are advantages and disadvantages in opening up China and France.

The main reason lies in the corruption and bribery of officials that has been unable to be eradicated.

Unscrupulous merchants buy high-quality salt at a low price, occupying the salt class and breaking the salt law.

Not only that, but officials also searched for salt profits by using the leftover salt that was not exhausted in the opening process, and the remaining salt that was confiscated from the kitchen households for sale.

In addition, if government personnel do not open the middle on time, the price of rice will rise, the price of salt will increase, and the cost of cooking households will be less than one-tenth of the price of salt.

For the salt collection department of kitchen households, for every [-] catties of regular salt, they get a labor of rice, which is equivalent to silver and distributed as two taels and five hundred wen.In some areas, such as Jian'an County, the amount of money issued is two taels.

There is only Wu County between Kuaiji County and Danyang County.

This time, they are no longer as unhurried as before, nor are they in such a hurry as when they were betting on the bid. They are somewhere in the middle.

On May 27, a group of people entered Yicheng within the scope of Wu County to replenish some supplies.

The food price in Yicheng was five cents higher than the price in Yuecheng when they set off.

There was only four days between them.

Adi gave full play to his social cattle essence to inquire about the situation from others, and concluded that Yicheng got the news earlier than Yuecheng, and the price increase time was earlier than Yuecheng, but the difference was not too big, only two days.

Yicheng will raise prices on May 21, and Yuecheng will raise prices on May [-].

From this point of view, the time spent in eight days (Changliu Village, which was left two days after Yuecheng’s price increase) has increased by five cents, and the speed is not particularly fast.

Much better than disaster.

No hoarders have been found so far.

On the third day of June, the group finally arrived at their destination - Danyang County
The area occupied and the degree of prosperity are not comparable to Jian'an County.

The street is wide enough for six carriages to drive side by side. There are row upon row of restaurants and shops on both sides, and the wine flags are fluttering in the wind. The smell of food, wine and intermittent singing and dancing sounds spread to the four directions, which makes people feel a little enchanted.

Thanks to the treasures who voted for recommendation today~ (^^)
See you tomorrow at 13 o'clock~

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