The center of the conversation between the two is a man named Zhang Cheng, who is good at wind horns, and he pushes the imperial court to pardon the world and imprison them.

The art of wind horns: the winds in the four corners of Hou Sifang are used to predict good and bad luck.

But talking about this for two days, of course I don't believe it.

When the emperor will never amnesty the world easily.

Amnesty for the world will have a very clear purpose and intention.

For example, when the emperor ascended the throne, passed away, changed the year name, gave birth to a son, established a queen, established a prince, or won a big victory, an amnesty decree was often issued to amnesty the world.

When the world is in chaos or natural disasters, the world will be amnesty.

Because during natural disasters, the people are struggling to survive and crimes will increase, so the emperor will amnesty the world to ease social conflicts.

Sometimes there is a good harvest and the overall situation of the country is very good. When the emperor is happy, he will announce amnesty.

But the amnesty of the world is also limited, and it is not generalized, such as political prisoners who rebelled, deceived the emperor, and resisted the imperial power.

In short, the country's imperial prisoners are not included in the pardon.

Generally speaking, when the emperor feels that his rule is not stable, he will pardon the world.

Therefore, even if Zhang Cheng's divination technique comes true, according to the current situation, either Liaodong will win the battle, or the emperor will die.

Song Huan deduced according to his own logic that no matter what the result is, it can verify that his divination technique is accurate. Song Huan just listened to this little trick and passed it by, and didn't take it to heart.

Divination techniques are common, but the content is different.

Song Huan turned his attention to the Liaodong War.

Liaodong went to war, and King Jing went out with the army.

Someone sighed: King Jing is really dedicated to the people and the world!
Song Huan was surprised when he heard this, isn't Marquis Wu An holding a heavy soldier?

Marquis Wu'an was conferred the title of Marquis because of his numerous achievements.

Moreover, when King Jing leaves the capital at this time, he is not afraid of being kicked out by the other two parties, thus losing the qualification for the position?
Song Huan couldn't figure it out.

Since the brain capacity is not enough, then don't want to.

After Song Huan finished the fried beans and wine in a leisurely manner, he paid the bill and got up to leave.

At this time, there was an exclamation in the street.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! Get out of the way!" A man's voice was anxious and roaring.

What Song Huan saw was a carriage, and the driver on it was driving the carriage anxiously, and they were driving quickly on the street.

At this time, the wind carried the cries for help from the carriage.

The cries for help were not very obvious amidst the noise.

If it wasn't for Song Huan's better hearing ability, he would be like everyone else, unable to hear at all.

Song Huan pressed his neck, then stretched out his feet, and fell behind the carriage without thinking.

The carriage was moving very fast, and there were all stalls and passers-by nearby. Song Huan was afraid of hurting others, so he only chased behind and didn't dare to make any moves.

The closer you are to the carriage, the more you can hear the voice calling for help inside.

Song Huan was distracted for a while, thinking, there are still people kidnapping in broad daylight?

The status of a person who can afford a carriage is certainly not low.

Why didn't anyone come after him?

At this time, the carriage also drove to a slightly empty street.

Only then did Song Huan speed up, overtaking from the side of the carriage, and jumping onto the carriage with the help of the nearby buildings. She was just about to attack the driver of the carriage, but the driver shouted at Song Huan with tears in his eyes. , "Big, hero, help, help!"

Song Huan stopped making a move, "???"

"This horse is frightened! It can't stop!" The coachman immediately explained the reason.

Song Huan withdrew his hand silently, pulled it on the door frame, stabilized his body, and asked, "...what do I need to do?"

It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

The coachman said, "Hero, what can you do? This horse can't die! The lady can't be bothered!"

Song Huan, "..."

So you've been driving like this?

Song Huan, "Let me think about it, you drive the car to an open place first."

The coachman didn't have time to think too much, he only thought about the emptiness in his mind, and finally said, "Is it okay to go out of the city?!"

Song Huan asked in surprise, "...with your speed, are you not afraid of being stopped by the city guards?"

Nima, you have to go through the ETC to get out of the city on the highway in the previous life!
The coachman said firmly, "No way!"

Song Huan, "...that's fine, you find a place to go."

Great privilege!
The moment he left the city, Song Huan experienced a sense of privilege.

The carriage drove out quickly, and the guards not only did not stop them, but also quickly vacated the passage, watching the carriage leave respectfully.

Song Huan felt that they were leaving the city in the blink of an eye.

This is the first time she has left the city so quickly in so many years.

Unbelievable and enjoyable at the same time.

This feeling is very cool!

There is an open space on the right side outside the city. The coachman drove the carriage to the right side, and after leaving the city gate, he kept shouting at Song Huan, "Hero, what should we do, hero!"

Song Huan looked at the surrounding environment, quickly came up with a solution, and said, "You can drive the carriage around to the tree in front of you later."

The coachman was dumbfounded, and before he could ask what he wanted to do, he saw Song Huan get out of the car in the blink of an eye, and his figure ran towards the tree very quickly.

The coachman gritted his teeth, the matter has come to an end, we can only listen to him!

Song Huan quickly climbed up the tree, took out the super powerful drug from his bosom, stared at the carriage not far away with all his attention, and sprinkled it along the direction of the wind when the carriage was approaching.

Song Huan was still thinking about a question while throwing it out.

I don't know if it's expired or not.

If the coachman knew that Song Huan was so unreliable, he would cry.

The coachman only felt that after passing the tree, the speed of the horse began to slow down, and he yawned unconsciously while being happy.

Hey, why did he suddenly want to sleep?
The coachman shook his head, trying to wake himself up, holding on to the leash tightly, but he couldn't resist the effect of the medicine at all.

While he couldn't bear the drowsiness and let go of the rope, one hand quickly grabbed the rope.

Song Huan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she made it in time.

Song Huan held the leash with his right hand, and the back collar of the driver who was about to fall off the car with his left hand, and pulled back hard, the driver's head fell into the car.

The sudden scene caused the girl inside to scream, and the cry for help became louder.

"What to do, Miss, what to do, the coachman fainted, will we die!"

"What are you afraid of! Isn't the speed of the car slowing down?!"

At this time, the curtain of the car was lifted, revealing a head full of thorn hairpins.

Song Huan and her looked at each other, and it felt like a long time, but in fact the whole process took only one breath.

Looking at the beaded emerald hair, one knew that this person was Miss.

The other party's first reaction was not to be surprised that there was a stranger in the car, but to retreat immediately and say to another girl, "It's okay, it's okay, someone is still driving!"

The other girl also breathed a sigh of relief, relieved, and after a while she lifted the curtain and came out, looking at Song Huan and screaming, "You, who are you! Are you trying to kidnap my lady?! Let me tell you! We can It's not someone you can afford to offend! Be quicker and wiser"

Before the words were finished, the horse couldn't support the drug and fell down, and the two girls in the car suddenly lost weight, and there was another cry of help.



Song Huan, "..."

This harshness is not inferior to the sound of fingernails scratching the blackboard.

Song Huan reacted quickly and directly embraced the two of them, even though his ears were tortured, he did not throw them out of his arms.

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