Fu Yuanzhi and Adi got a letter of recommendation from Guo Linzong to study in Nanxuan Academy.

Even if Guo Linzong is an academy student, the process still has to go through.

This time Song Huan did not follow into Nanxuan Academy.

The last time I went to Ziyang Academy was just to protect everyone's safety.

Not anymore.

For Song Huan, the life in the academy was very boring, and the time passed very long.

She would rather go hunting outside the city than stay there.

And when Song Huan was planning to leave the city, an unexpected guest arrived.

Qi Yuansang, as the daughter of the one with the highest status in this city, is it not easy to investigate a person's whereabouts and address? !
Therefore, even if Song Huan didn't tell Qi Yuansang, it was useless.

When Song Huan opened the door and saw the master and servant, he froze in place, his thoughts were in a daze.

"How do you know that I live here?" Song Huan asked what was on his mind.

Qi Yuansang smiled shyly.

It was the first time for her to do this kind of unauthorized visit, and she was not used to it.

The servant girl beside her, Xiao Yao, said with a proud expression, "In this Danyang County, there are only things our lady doesn't want to know, and there is nothing our lady doesn't know!"

Song Huan, "..."

Then you guys are really amazing!
Qi Yuansang wanted to jump over this topic quickly, but seeing Song Huan motionless, he asked, "Mr. Song is going out?"

Song Huan nodded.

She is going to make money.

Qi Yuansang smiled, "It's just right, we can go together."

Song Huan was not very happy, and only excused, "??? You and I are different, or..."

Song Huan glanced at the servant girl Xiaoyao, hoping that the servant girl would give her some strength.

She could see why there was a little medicine beside this young lady.

Song Huan hoped that Xiaoyao could stop his young lady.

But Xiaoyao has more than enough heart but not enough energy.

Xiao Yao glanced at Qi Yuansang, she didn't know what she was thinking, but she said proudly, "Here, who dares to say that my lady is not!"

Song Huan, "!!!"

Jaws dropped.

The position has changed too quickly.

However, Song Huan still insisted on refusing, "...it's better, I really have something to do!"

Qi Yuansang said, "Young Master Song, just do your own business, don't worry, we won't disturb you."

Song Huan, "..."

her money...

Song Huan sighed and was defeated, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Qi Yuansang's eyes lit up, and then he immediately returned to normal, "It's okay, if Mr. Song is busy, you can go and do it, I'm fine, I just want to show Mr. Song a taste of the customs of Danyang County as a landlord. "

Five days later.

Song Huan looked at the horses in the racecourse and let out a breath of foul air slowly.

Really, take a step back, "trouble" continues!

Dog skin plaster is not so sticky.

She should have firmly rejected those two people that day.

What's going on now?

It would be fine if it was purely a training partner.

But why did she feel that there was something wrong with the way Qi Yuansang looked at her?

Is she thinking too much?

Song Huan looked at Qi Yuansang, who was trembling on the horseback, and the other party seemed to be looking in his direction. The eyes of the two met. Qi Yuansang changed his frightened appearance, straightened his shoulders, with big eyes shining, Then he immediately looked away, looking "shy".

Song Huan, "..."

I hope she thinks too much.

Song Huan put aside his messy thoughts, and took the leash from the servant at the side.

In fact, the past few days with Qi Yuansang were not without benefits. She quickly got a taste of the various customs of Danyang County. Now she can get in touch with horses at the racecourse, and she believes that she will be able to learn a new skill soon.

Skills do not overwhelm.

She can't drive a mule cart, and she can ride a horse.

Song Huan's posture on the horse is very handsome, but when the horse walks forward, she will tense her body by conditioned reflex, and she doesn't look much better than Qi Yuansang.

After getting used to it for a while, Song Huan was distracted by the figure of Qi Yuansang in front of him.

At first she thought that the girls and young ladies in Danyang County were all like Qi Yuansang, but later she realized that it was just Qi Yuansang who was special.

Not far away, Xiao Yao puffed her cheeks and stared at Song Huan with her round eyes.

The eyes are full of "I know you have bad intentions" eyes!

She couldn't maintain her expression for a moment, and then she lost her breath, as if she hated iron for being weak.

Not far away, Qi Yuansang waved to Song Huan, who approached on horseback.

"Master Song, are you still used to it?" Qi Yuansang asked.

Song Huan felt the feeling of riding a horse. The high-altitude air is indeed very fresh, "Not bad."

Seeing that Song Huan misunderstood what he meant, Qi Yuansang didn't explain much, and said, "How long will Mr. Song plan to stay in Danyang County?"

Song Huan estimated the time and said, "About five months, I plan to leave in October."

Qi Yuansang asked in surprise, "So fast?"

Song Huan nodded, "You also know that I have two brothers. Next year, I have to go back to the place of household registration to take the exam."

Qi Yuansang was stunned, and then thought of what he had overheard before, and thought to himself, he wondered if it could still be held normally.

Qi Yuansang suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Will you go to Beijing next year?"

The next year will be a test.

Song Huan nodded, "Yes."

Qi Yuansang said happily, "Maybe we can meet again in the capital next year."

Just as Song Huan was about to answer the conversation, a few young men came in front of him. He was not an ordinary person just by his attire.

Boy A approached on a fine horse, fanning his folding fan with his right hand to show off his handsomeness, he first sized up Song Huan, and then said to Qi Yuansang, "Miss Qi, who is this person?"

The corners of Qi Yuansang's raised lips instantly returned to normal, and his voice was irritated, "Zhou Daocheng, what are you doing here?"

Zhou Daocheng seemed not to notice Qi Yuansang's face change, and said with a smile on his face, "If you can come, I can't? This racecourse doesn't belong to your family or mine."

Qi Yuansang snorted harmlessly, "Then go away! Don't bother us!"

Zhou Daocheng's smile did not change, "This racecourse is not divided into areas, I can go wherever I want."

Qi Yuansang pointed at Zhou Daocheng, "Are you annoying!"

Zhou Daocheng shrugged, glanced at Song Huan meaningfully, and said, "You don't bother others, why do you bother me?"

Qi Yuansang thought to himself, can you two be compared?

Zhou Daocheng looked at Song Huan and said, "Boy, Miss Qi is not something you can touch, get away, I can let you go!"

Song Huan, "...you may have misunderstood, Miss Qi and I are just friends."

Seeing Song Huan's explanation, Qi Yuansang took the conversation and said to Zhou Daocheng, "It's none of your business who I'm with! Leave me alone!"

Song Huan, "..."

Qi Yuansang!
Miss Qi!

Can you not be a disservice?

At this time, Xiaoyao also came running over, with her head on her hips, and said in agreement, "That's right! I can go with whomever my young lady likes to be with, and it's none of your business, Mr. Zhou!"

Song Huan, "..."

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick", one to two, I am really thankful!
Song Huan smiled awkwardly.

Zhou Daocheng ignored Qi Yuansang and Xiaoyao's words at all, and said to Song Huan, "Leave immediately if you are sensible!"

Zhou Daocheng's voice was a lot colder than before.

What kind of friends can a man and a woman be? !

Stop fooling him!

Song Huan, "..."

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