end of august

"Impermanence of Life" suddenly appeared in Jiangning Mansion.

There was a scene in the Jiangning mansion, from the backyard of the officials, down to the wealthy businessmen, men and women, old and young, all looking for the impermanence, and willingly giving him the money in their hands.

They asked for impermanence to exempt themselves from taking the life card.

But this incident made the Jiangning Mansion panic and delayed the time for the people to farm.

Li Ying frowned when he got the news, he didn't believe in the so-called cards of impermanence and fate.

The king of Hades in the underworld comes to want people's lives, so why use any cards?Even if there are playing cards, why burn them? Since they are burned, why deliberately leave the leftovers to publicize?

I'm afraid that someone wants to use this to cheat and fool the people.

Li Ying ordered the yamen servants to arrest the very hot Sheng Wuchang in the dead of night.

Li Ying is not a person who doesn't know how to adapt. Although he doesn't believe it, he is not stupid enough to catch people in broad daylight.

There were many people during the day, if he took advantage of the crowds to escape, if he didn't catch him, he would have nothing to do with them, and it would cause panic.

"Sheng Wuchang" was sleeping with silver in his arms when he was grabbed by someone.

"Life Impermanence" was covered, guessing that he had recently made a fortune and attracted attention.

Begging for mercy along the way, "Brother, brother, we are all people in the Jianghu, you can say as much as you want, my little life is worthless!"

"In this case, you don't need to say the number, I will give you all the money, if you let me go, I will leave immediately!"

"Life is impermanent" his throat was about to smoke, but still no one answered him.

"Life is impermanent" only regrets, he shouldn't be too greedy, if he stopped in time and left immediately, he would not end up like this now.

I don't know how long it took before he was kicked and knelt down on his knees, and the sack on his head was also ripped away. When the sack left his head, he closed his eyes tightly and didn't dare to open them. Fearing and nervous, he begged for mercy, "This brother, no, this uncle! Please let me go, I will give you as much silver as you want!"

Li Ying put down the teacup and looked at the rumored Impermanence. Judging from his appearance alone, he really didn't feel sorry for the title "Impermanence".

He said, "Open your dog eyes and see what this is!"

"Sheng Wuchang" hesitated again and again, opened his eyes a crack, and the first thing he saw was a pair of black soap boots.

These shoes...

"Sheng Wuchang" opened his eyes, and slowly moved his gaze upwards, and saw Li Ying in official uniform, "Sheng Wuchang" felt his heart skip a beat.

He was so nervous that his brow was sweating.

My heart complained endlessly.

Might as well let the thieves catch him!

Now not only the money can't be kept, but also his little life may be lost. Even if his little life is saved, his freedom will be gone.

"Be honest!" Li Ying snorted coldly as he looked at the kneeling below with a face full of impermanence.

Life is impermanent, that is, Wu Chang.

After he and Zhang Cheng parted ways that time, he entered the Jiangning mansion, and when he went to various families for alms, he would pretend to be sick and foolish, and he would always say that he was "impermanent", serving as a servant of the underworld, and working with the ghosts of the underworld. To capture someone here, etc., limited to this season this year.

And those people are also stupid. They spread this matter everywhere before they could distinguish clearly, making people who listened to these words half-believe.

Wu Changchang was almost done planning, and started to plan for the next step.

He secretly concocted a yellow card with yellow paper, with two big characters "Yin Si" written on the end of the card, the first half of the line said those who were destined to die this year given to him by Zhang Cheng, and the upper part of the back said what he asked the monks. Local rich men and women, as well as the names of the beloved sons of common people.

Taking advantage of no one at night, he secretly went to the company secretary, burned the yellow card from the lower part where no one was named, and put out the fire at the upper part where there was no one named.

In the early morning of the next day, someone went to the company secretary to pray, and saw half of the unburned yellow cards in the incense burner.

I took it out and saw that there were all the names of the neighbors on it, and there was the word "Yinsi" at the end of the card. Alley, in less than a month, Jiangning Mansion spread the word.

In more than a month, two people with the names on the yellow cards really died. Those people passed on to me, and I passed on to you, saying, "The skinny Taoist priest who came before really did not tell lies. He is really a ghost." The ghost official who came here is impermanent, and the yellow card is the life hook card of the underworld, who is on the card, the skinny Taoist must know!"

Everyone is afraid that they will be the next to die.

So, the person with the name on the yellow card came to ask Wu Chang, and the person without the name on the yellow card, afraid that his name would be found in the lower half that had been burned, also came to ask him.

Suddenly, Wu Chang's status changed drastically.

People from all walks of life rushed to find him.

Wu Chang is also a chicken thief.

To those who came to him, he deliberately pretended to be half-hearted, and hesitantly admitted that he and the ghosts of the underworld burned the card together.

The people who heard this were in an uproar.

A person who was afraid of death stepped forward and asked, "My lord, how can we not take the fate card of the underworld?"

Wu Changchang said, "The king of hell in the underworld is no different from the yamen in the underworld, as long as there is silver. When the silver arrives, the name will naturally not be listed. Taking a step back, even if it is absolutely necessary, there is no need to delay it for two or three years." It’s a pity that today’s people don’t want to spend money!”

When everyone heard this, they were overjoyed.

This kind of thing, knowing that there is a place to solve it, then there is hope.

As a result, men and women from wealthy families came to bribe Wu Chang, some gave him money to ask him to avoid the fate of being a ghost card, and some asked him to bring money to his relatives in the underworld.

This path has been clearly opened up for him, and he has made full use of it.

Li Ying asked again, "Your accent is not from Jiangning Mansion, when did you come to Jiangning Mansion?"

Wu Chang confessed honestly, "More than a month ago."

Li Ying calculated the time, "In more than a month, you can find out the details of so many people?! Say, how many accomplices do you have?"

Wu Chang shook his head, "The villain has no accomplices, and the information was exchanged between the villain and another person."

Li Ying frowned, "Who is it!"

"It's Zhang Cheng. The villain heard about him when he first arrived in Jiangning Mansion, and found out that he lived in the Jijue Temple, so the villain went there to find him and exchange these things." Wu Chang said.

"Why did he have such news?" Li Ying didn't know much about the fortune tellers in Jiangning Mansion.

Wu Changdao, "He is a golden point. These news are the most basic things in his hands, and they are his job."

When Li Ying heard this, he became even more surprised, "What did you exchange for it? How is he willing to exchange this news for you!"

Wu Chang explained, "The ancestor of the villain was a traveling doctor, and he had a few prescriptions that were not handed down from generation to generation, so he was able to exchange them."

Li Ying nodded, and ordered Zhang Cheng to be taken back to the yamen for questioning the next day.

Zhang Cheng's fortune-telling was good, but he was suddenly surrounded by yamen servants, and said that he was going to take him to the yamen, his heart pounding. Could it be that something happened to Wu Si?
Zhang Cheng was flustered, and only took out money from his pocket to honor the yamen servant, and said with a flattering smile, "Why did the lord suddenly summon the villain to go, can the official reveal something?"

The yamen servant held the money and looked at his brother, and said with a smile, "I just sent you to ask a question."

Zhang Cheng guessed the meaning of these words, and he was afraid that something else might involve him.

Zhang Cheng resisted the urge to run away, and followed the pace of the yamen servant restlessly.

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at the starting point

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